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Shah et al.                                                                                                                                            Breast metastasis mimicking as second primary cancer

           Figure 1: Colonoscopy reported circumferential ulcerative growth in   Figure 2: (A) Computed tomography scan of abdomen in axial
           distal rectum and anal canal as the arrows indicated  section showing semi-circumferential mass lesion in anorectal region
                                                              predominantly involving posterior wall; (B) computed tomography scan
                                                              of abdomen in coronal section showing 71.9 mm mass lesion in anorectal

                                                              Table 1: IHC markers results in our patient
                                                              IHC markers                    Results
                                                              CK7                            Negative
                                                              CK20                  Positive in majority of tumor cells
                                                              mCEA                  Positive in majority of tumor cells
                                                              ER                    Negative, normal breast is positive
                                                              GCDFP-15                       Negative
                                                              MUC-2                   Positive in many tumor cells
                                                              CDX-2                   Positive in many tumor cells
                                                              Ki-67                           30%
                                                              IHC: immunohistochemistry; CK: cytokeratin; mCEA: carcinoembryonic
                                                              antigen; ER: estrogen receptor; GCDFP-15: gross cystic disease fluid
                                                              protein; MUC-2: mucin-2; CDX-2: Caudal type homeobox-2

           Figure 3: Digital mammography of bilateral breast showing oval   scan of the whole abdomen was done which showed
           hyperdense mass lesion with lobulated margins in upper outer quadrant of   semi-circumferential  mass  lesion (length 71.9 mm;
           left breast
                                                              width 30.6 mm; thickness of mass 3.2 mm to 18.5 mm) in
           approximately 1.3% to 6.6% of all malignant tumors of   anorectal region predominantly involving posterior wall
           breast.  Metastasis from the colon to the breast were   [Figure 2A and 2B]. All other baseline  investigations
           first reported by McIntosh et al.  and from the rectum   including a complete hemogram, kidney function tests,
           by Lal et al.  in 1999. It is important to differentiate   liver function tests, and chest X-ray were within normal
           metastatic disease to the breast from primary breast   limits. Biopsy from anorectal mass revealed  signet
           carcinoma  because the management  differs in both   ring  adenocarcinoma.  She underwent  pre-operative
           the scenarios.                                     external beam radiotherapy  50.4 Gy  in 28 fractions
                                                              with concomitant 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin based
           CASE REPORT                                        chemotherapy followed by radical surgery (abdomino-
                                                              perineal  resection  with permanent  colostomy) and
           A 49-year-old female presented to oncology out patient   then  adjuvant  5-fluorouracil  and  leucovorin  based
           department with complaints of bleeding per rectum and   chemotherapy. Patient was disease free for 4 months
           alteration of bowel habit since 1 month. The patient was   after completion of treatment, and 4 months after
           will built and had Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group   completion of treatment, she noticed a lump in her left
           performance score of 1. General physical examination   breast. On clinical examination a lump was palpable
           was unremarkable.  Per-rectal examination  revealed   approximately 2 cm × 2 cm size in the upper outer
           ulcero-proliferative  growth involving  posterior wall of   quadrant of left breast with no axillary and supraclavicular
           anal canal was palpable at 4 cm from the anal verge.   lymphadenopathy.  Digital mammography of  bilateral
           Colonoscopy was done which reported circumferential   breast was done which revealed oval hyperdense
           ulcerative growth  in distal rectum  and anal canal   mass lesion with lobulated  margins  in upper  outer
           [Figure 1]. Contrast enhanced computed tomography   quadrant of left breast [Figure 3]. She then underwent
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