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Figure 1: Squamous cell carcinoma positive for p40. (a) Lacking expression of thyroid transcription factor; (b) immunohistochemistry (magnifications, × 40)
                                                              mutations have been found to be more common in female
                                                              patients,  never-smokers, and patients  of Asian ethnicity
                                                              irrespective  of  histology. In  conclusion,  EGFR testing
                                                              should be tested in patients with squamous cell lung cancer,
                                                              especially in females, never smokers, Asian ethnicity and
                                                              squamous histology diagnosed on small biopsy.

                                                              Financial support and sponsorship

                                                              Conflicts of interest
                                                              There are no conflicts of interest.


            Figure 2: Immunohistochemistry (magnification, × 40) on biopsy for case 2   1.   Ferlay J, Soerjomataram I, Dikshit R, Eser S, Mathers C, Rebelo
            positive for p40
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                                                                                                                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ July 20, 2016 ¦
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