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of several enzymes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain   work by different mechanisms of action. In the present
            including complex I, complex II-III, and complex IV in   study, we have demonstrated that low concentrations of
            the cells. [41,45,46]  The inhibition of mitochondrial respiration   curcumin push the quiescent leukemic cells into the cell
            by NO may increase the electron leakage and cause the   cycle,  thereby  sensitizing  them  to  the  antimitotic  drug
            formation of endogenous ROS (mainly superoxide anion),   5-fluorouracil.  Although  the  molecular  mechanism(s)
            which can be observed in submitochondrial particles. [46-48]    behind the inhibitory effect of the combination therapy
            High levels of ROS  may cause the oxidative  damage   on leukemic cells have yet to be explained, this approach
            of various cellular components and finally result in cell   could be exploited to selectively target leukemic stem
            death. [45,46]  ROS is capable of causing oxidative damage   cells  that are  responsible  for  relapse associated with
            to biomacromolecules,  leading to lipid peroxidation,   leukemia, and to develop novel anticancer therapies for
            oxidation of amino acid residues (especially  cysteine   the treatment of leukemia. Simultaneously, this approach
            residues),  formation  of protein-protein  cross-links, and   could also be combined with other strategies employed
            DNA  oxidative  damage. [41,49]  Since we had seen a high   in the ex vivo expansion of normal hematopoietic stem/
            expression  of  NO  in  cells  treated  with  the  combination   progenitor cells.
            of curcumin and 5-FU, we were interested in finding out
            whether these cells  would also generate  high levels  of   Acknowledgments
            ROS. The QLCs treated with a combination of curcumin   The authors wish to thank Symbiosis Centre for Research
            and 5-FU were subjected to DCFDA assay. It was observed   and Innovation (SCRI) and Symbiosis School of Biomedical
            [Figure 8] that combination treatment [curcumin (10 µg/mL   Sciences (SSBS), Symbiosis International University
            and 20 µg/mL) + 5-FU (6 µg/mL)] led to an increase in the   (SIU), Lavale, Pune, India for supporting the research
            level of ROS generation (10 µg/mL = 80%, 20 µg/mL =   work. Authors express gratitude to Dr. Vaijayanti P. Kale,
            60%), as compared to that generated by only 5-FU treated   National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS), Savitribai Phule
            cells (40%).                                      Pune University Campus, Pune, India for providing the
                                                              KG1a cell line as a kind gift.
                                                              Financial support and sponsorship
            AML is a hematological  malignancy  that results from   Nil.
            transformation of multipotent  hematopoietic  progenitors
            and leads to accumulation of immature myeloid cells in   Conflicts of interest
            the bone marrow. Many studies have shown that curcumin   There are no conflicts of interest.
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