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cell muscarinic receptors can regulate cell proliferation:   and EGFR is important for regulating colon cancer cell
            (1) fecal bile acids are in contact with intestinal epithelial   proliferation. [31]
            cells for many years (average age for developing colon
            cancer is > 50 years);  (2) bile acids lack an ester linkage   Previously, we found that in H508 cells which over-
            and are not hydrolyzed by tissue cholinesterases that   express both M3R and EGFR, but not in SNU-C4
            rapidly inactivate ACh;  (3) lipophilic lithocholic acid   cells that express EGFR but not M3R, ACh stimulated
            derivatives  have  access  to  muscarinic  receptors  in  the   cell proliferation by approximately 200% compared
            lipid bilayer of cell membranes (i.e. the novel bile acid:   to  control.   In H508  cells,  both  ACh  and  EGF
            ACh hybrid molecule, lithocholylcholine, interacts with   stimulated calcium-dependent EGFR activation (tyrosine
            muscarinic receptors on rat aortic strips);  (4) neoplastic   phosphorylation) and activation of extracellular signal-
            cells commonly lose polarity, thereby expanding   regulated  kinase 1  and  2 (ERK1/2); MR antagonists
            expression of muscarinic receptors, usually restricted to   and inhibitors of the mitogen-activated protein kinase
            the basolateral membrane, to the entire plasma membrane;   (MAPK) phosphorylation blocked these effects. In
            and (5) increased tight junction permeability between   addition,  ACh- and EGF-induced phosphorylation of
            neoplastic cells allows access of luminal bile acids to   ERK1/2 MAPK and cell proliferation were abolished by
            basolateral membrane receptors.  We believe that this   EGFR inhibitors. However, in Cho cells transfected with
            collective evidence makes a compelling argument that   rat M3R, which lack EGFR, ACh-induced ERK1/2 MAPK
            muscarinic receptors and MR ligands play an important   phosphorylation was not altered by EGFR inhibitors. It
            role  in  intestinal  epithelial  cell  proliferation  and  CRC   was concluded that, in H508 cells, cholinergic ligand
            progression.                                      interaction with M3R results in transactivation of EGFR,
                                                              thereby stimulating cell proliferation.  These  results
            Although experimental studies in rodents suggest that   indicate that EGFR transactivation is a key mechanism
            bile acids are intestinal tumor promoters, [37]  the role of   underlying MR-mediated intestinal tumorigenesis and
            endogenous bile acids in colon carcinogenesis remains   cancer progression.
            poorly understood. Dawson  et al.  showed that in
            mice deficient in the ileal apical sodium-dependent bile   Cell proliferation and tumorigenesis
            acid  transporter  (ASBT,  encoded  by  SLC10A2),  fecal   Uncontrolled  cell  proliferation  is a  hallmark  of
            bile acid excretion increased more than 10-fold.  To   malignancies.  We showed that in human colon cancer
            examine the development of aberrant crypt foci (ACF),   cells ACh-induced activation of M3R stimulates robust
            the earliest histological marker of colon neoplasia,   but selective matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) gene
            we treated  WT and  Asbt-deficient  [Slc10a2  (-/-)]  male   expression.  In H508 human colon cancer cells, ACh
            mice with azoxymethane (AOM), an intestine-selective   caused a striking dose- and time- dependent increase
            carcinogen.  We also used a combination of AOM and   in mRNA and protein levels of MMP1, 7, and 10 by
            dextran sodium sulfate to induce colon tumorigenesis.   upregulating gene transcription.  As a consequence,
            Compared to littermate controls, we found that  Asbt-  ACh stimulated MMP7-dependent cell proliferation by
            deficient mice demonstrated significant increases in ACF,   transactivating EGFR.
            as well as colon tumor number and size.  Also,  Asbt-
            deficient  mice  had  a  two-fold  increase  in  the  number   Using  in vivo models, we showed that genetic ablation
            of  colon  adenocarcinomas.  Finally,  in  murine  colon   of M3R in  AOM-treated mice attenuates epithelial
            neoplasia, increased fecal bile acids were associated with   cell proliferation, and the number of adenomas and
            increased expression of M3R and EGFR, and activation   adenocarcinomas per mouse colon (65% reduction in
            of post-EGFR signaling.  These observations indicate   the number of adenocarcinomas/colon).  Whereas 50%
            that endogenous bile acids also promote intestinal   of  AOM-treated wild-type (WT) animals had multiple
            tumorigenesis.                                    adenocarcinomas/colon, this was not the case with any
                                                              M3R-deficient animal. Moreover, in M3R-deficient mice
            MR SIGNALING IN CRC AND DISEASE                   the overall colon tumor volume was reduced by 60%
            PROGRESSION                                       compared to that in  WT animals. Collectively, these
                                                              observations suggest that M3R may play a role in both
            Transactivation of EGFR                           tumor initiation and promotion; that is, both the number
            EGFR is commonly over-expressed in many epithelial   and size of tumors was reduced in M3R-deficient animals.
            malignancies and this feature often indicates a more
            aggressive phenotype.   Likewise,  as  observed  with   MR antagonists are potential therapeutics in CRC.  We
            M3R, EGFR is frequently over-expressed in colon   showed that M3R gene ablation and treatment with
            cancer (in 25-77% of tumors compared to adjacent   scopolamine butylbromide, a non-subtype-selective MR
            normal mucosa). [40,41]  Co-expression of M3R and EGFR   inhibitor, attenuated small intestinal neoplasia in Apc Min/+
            in many colon cancer cell lines, and over-expression of   mice with aberrant beta-catenin signaling.  Compared
            these receptors in the majority of colon cancers suggests   with Apc Min/+   mice, Apc Min/+ M3R  mice showed 70%
            that the functional interaction observed between M3R   and 81% reductions in tumor number and volume,
                         Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ June 15, 2016 ¦          197
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