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al.  investigated the CSF proteome from 33 children with   number of other potential CSF protein biomarkers for CNS
            MB and compared it against the CSF proteome from 25 age-  cancers have been reported in the literature such as Insulin-
            matched controls using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.   like growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP2), Insulin-like
            In their study levels of prostaglandin D2 synthase (PGD2S)   growth  factor  binding  protein  3  (IGFBP3),  Polysialic-
            were found to be six-fold significantly decreased in the CSF   neural  cell  adhesion  molecule  (PSANCAM),   Total
            of tumor samples most likely representing a host response   Tau (t-Tau),  Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha  and
            to the  presence  of the  tumor.  Usually  biomarkers  are   CSF , S-100,  Neuron-specific (NSE),  neuron growth
            often thought to be elevated  in a disease state compared   factor, HCG.  Apolipoprotein A-II,   MIC-1/GDF15,
            to  normal  levels however  candidate  negative  diagnostic   Elevated expression of such markers in the CSF was found
            marker such as PGD2S could be useful for detecting MB   to  be  relatively  specific  for  brain  cancer [74,75]  however
            as well as recurrence of the disease. On the other hand it   sensitivities and specificities have widely varied. [26]
            has to be said that while negative biomarkers are potentially
            useful, their relationship to tumor biology is less direct and   MICRORNAS
            more  highly  complex  in  comparison  to  proteins  that  are
            over-expressed  in  tumor  associated  samples.  Desiderio   MicroRNAs (miRNA) are short, non translated fragments
            et al.  investigated CSF from 14 children with posterior   of RNA that bind to 3’ untranslated regions of messenger
            fossa tumors (6 Pilocytic astrocytoma, 5 Medulloblastoma,   RNA and repress protein translation in several molecular
            3 Ependymoma and 5 nontumoral control). In their study the   pathways.  The discovery of miRNAs role in controlling
            CSF proteomics demonstrated the potential biomarker role   essential  regulators  of key  pathways  implicated  in
            of the hemoglobin subunit beta fragments (peptides LVV-   development of CNS tumors make them a powerful tool for
            and VV-hemorphin-7)  in posterior cranial  fossa pediatric   detection of cancer, risk assessment and prognosis. During
            brain tumors. Both LVV- and  VV-h7 were detectable  in   the past decades, great efforts have been made in conducting
            control-CSFs  but  absent  in  the  patient  CSFs  collected   research evaluating the diagnostic value of miRNAs in
            before surgery (i.e. in presence of tumor). Interestingly   CNS cancer’s tissue.  However, a major  drawback of
            both LVV- and VV-h7 were also absent in the CSF collected   the tissue-based approach centers on the need for invasive
            6 days after the resection  tumor in patients  with tumor   surgical  procedures in sample  collection.  MiRNAs have
            relapse.  Their  data  suggest that  analysis  in  post-surgery   been found to stably coexist in several body fluids including
            CSF could be used to predict patient prognosis. However,   CSF which can be collected with minimal invasiveness and
            it will be interesting to evaluate the cancer specificity of   permit following the disease over time.  In this context
            LVV- and VV-h7 in relation to other forms of CNS pediatric   several reports have described that deregulated miRNAs in
            tumors.  Finally  levels  of  polysialic-neural  cell  adhesion   CSF are closely associated with the clinical course of CNS
            molecule (PSANCAM), considered a marker of developing   malignant tumors. [2,77-82]
            neuron, were found to be significantly higher in CSF from
            MB patients that are refractory to treatment or those who   For  example  Baraniskin  et  al.   found that  combined
            relapsed, than patients in remission. [63]         expression analyses of miR-21 and miR-15b were able to
                                                               distinguish patients with glioma from controls with various
            Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid (AT/RT) tumor is a rare, highly   neurologic disorders, including patients with carcinomatous
            malignant  tumor  of the  CNS most  commonly  found  in   brain metastases and primary CNS lymphoma  with
            children less than 5 years of age. Osteopontin (OPN) a bone   accuracy  of  90%  sensitivity  and  100%  specificity. While
            matrix glycoprotein levels were found to be significantly   Teplyuk  et al.  reported that combined analysis of a
            elevated in patients with AT/RT. Clinical studies identified   group of seven CSF miRNAs enabled the discrimination
            OPN as a potential  diagnostic  marker  in ovarian,  breast,   between GBM and metastatic brain cancers with more than
            colon, prostate, and lung cancers.  Using enzyme-linked   90% accuracy. miRNA-21 and miR-10b expression levels
            immunosorbent assay and immunohistochemical analysis,   were  significantly  increased  only  in  brain  tumor  lesions
            Kao  et al.   investigated  plasma,  CSF,  and  brain  tissue   (in patients with GBM or brain metastases) compared to
            specimens from 39 patients MB, 16; AT/RT, 8; epilepsy, 6;   nonneoplastic  conditions  while  members  of the  miR-200
            hydrocephalus, 9) and found that patients with AT/RT have   family  were  found  solely  in  CSF  of  patients  with  brain
            higher  plasma  and  CSF  OPN  levels  in  comparison  with   metastases, indicating that CSF miRNAs could be used to
            patients with MB, hydrocephalus, or epilepsy. Interestingly   discriminate  between glioblastoma  and metastatic  brain
            significant  correlation  between  OPN  levels  and  the  risk   tumors, an important consideration for cancer treatment.
            of  tumor  relapse  in  patients  with  AT/RT  was  identified   GBM  is the deadliest glioma with median survival of
            while OPN levels in the CSF were found to decrease with   only  14 months  despite  the  recent  advances  in  intensive
            treatment.                                         therapeutic  strategies.  Due to their anatomic  location
                                                               and  infiltrative  nature,  these  tumors  are  not  amenable  to
            Other biochemical markers                          surgical resection  or even to biopsy in some cases.  The
            Malignant brain tumors may show an increased fraction of   paucity of biomarkers represents a sizable gap in improving
            anaerobic LDH concentrations (LD4 and LD5) in CSF.  A   the clinical management of these patients. Analysis of CSF

                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ May 18, 2016 ¦            181
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