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It is accessible through lumbar puncture, a little invasive   performing  diagnostic  postoperative  CSF  cytologic
            procedure. Any cancer cells released by brain cancer bulk or   evaluation. [9,16,17]   Accurate  cytopreparatory  techniques
            molecules that are actively secreted or passively diffused by   are  essential  criteria  for  successful  CSF  microscopic
            cancer cells are likely to disperse into the CSF and therefore   evaluations.  7.5  mL  of  CSF  are  usually  withdrawn  and
            can be detected. Hence CSF analysis is considered to be an   immediately processed, as the cell counts can diminish by
            important tool in the evaluation of CNS malignancies. This   up to 50% within 2 h of collection. [4,18]  CSF samples are
            review discusses potential and limitations of CSF analyses   then processed by centrifugation (CytospinÒ) at 800 g for
            in brain cancer patients.                          3-5 min, air-dried for 10-15 min and stained  with May-
                                                               Grunwald Giemsa (MGG) stain solution for 10-15 min.
            DETECTION OF CANCER CELLS IN THE                   Thin-layer  preparation (ThinPrep) is a relatively  new
            CSF                                                liquid-based cytology method which has been suggested
                                                               to better detect malignant cells in CSF from solid tumors
            Primary CNS cancers and metastases are often located in   by performing good preservation of cell morphologic
            close proximity to ventricular surfaces or CSF cisterns. [9-11]    features. During the ThinPrep analysis, the CSF cells are
            Malignant  cells  derived  from brain  cancers  reach  the   collected through high-precision filtration driven by fluid
            leptomeninges  by  CSF  spread  or  by  direct  extension   mechanics and gently absorbed onto a glass slide by using
            from the primary tumor itself e.g. medulloblastoma,   electrochemical forces. The collected samples need to be
            primitive  neuroectodermal  tumors, germ cell  tumors,   added  to  10  mL  preservation  solution,  mixed  and  stood
            ependymoma, and glioma may be disseminated throughout   for 15 min. Slides are fixed in 95% ethanol for 15 min and
            the neuroaxis by the flow of the CSF. [12-14]  Table 1 shows   stained by standard Papanicolaou method. [19]
            the  particular  incidence  of malignant  leptomeningeal
            involvement in selected primary brain cancers. Currently   CSF  cytology,  although  indispensable,  has  many
            microscopic evaluation of CSF is routinely performed in   limitations Table 2. To start with it involves the pathological
            CNS malignancies  with frequent  leptomeningeal  spread,   identification  of  abnormal  cells  in  the  CSF  by  Giemsa
            such as medulloblastomas, PNET, pineoblastomas, germ-  stain and clinicians must make judgments on the presence
            cell  tumors and  CNS lymphoma.   Cancer  therapy  and   or  absence  of  malignant  cells.  Hence,  CSF  cytological
            prognosis  of these groups  of brain cancer are crucially   analysis is a pure qualitative test that bears no quantification
            determined by positive CSF cytology. [13,14]       and lacks validation. [3,20]  Another weakness is that because
                                                               the  shedding  of  malignant  cells  into  the  CSF  may  occur
            CSF cytoanalysis                                   intermittently and in low numbers, inconsistent presence of
            CSF  cytology,  in  which  CSF  is  prepared  and  examined   cancer cells in the CSF should be expected. CSF specimens
            under a microscope to look for cells, is currently considered   may, therefore, fail to capture malignant cells representing
            the gold standard for diagnosis of brain cancer  with   one of the major weaknesses of CSF cytology. It is therefore
            leptomeningeal spread and metastatic cancer to the brain.    recommended  that  CSF  analysis  should  be  repeated  if
            To achieve CSF cytology a sample can be obtained at the time   initially  negative.   One  of  the  drawbacks  is  while  CSF
            of tumor surgery or by lumbar or intracerebroventricular   cytology is highly specific in detection of cancer cells, it
            (ICV) reservoir puncture.  However, lumbar CSF remains   suffers from a lack of sensitivity.  A retrospective  meta-
            the specimen of choice to detect malignant cells of primary   analysis  reported that CSF cytology sensitivity could be
            CNS tumors. [12,16]   To avoid false positive results due to   as low as 45% depending on how many times the lumbar
            sloughing of tumor cells at the time of surgery, a recovering   puncture  was  repeated.  False  negative  cytopathology  is
            interval of one to two weeks is currently suggested before   common  (10-20% of patients)  because  of the paucity  of
            Table 1: Association between primary brain tumors localisation and LS incidence
             Disease             Localisation                                        Incidence LS    Source
                                 Fossa posterior possible extension to fourth ventricle, brainstem,
             Medulloblastoma     cisterna magna                                         30-40%       [17,85]
             Supratentorial PNETs  Frontal lobes, parietal, temporal and occipital lobes  25-40%     [17,86]
             CNS AT/RT           The exact incidence of CNS AT/RT is difficult to determine because   29%  [87-89]
                                 the tumor has been widely recognized for only the last decade
             Retinoblastoma      Retina, possible optic nerve invasion and choroidal involvement  3-23%  [90,91]
             Germ-cell tumors    Pineal-region, possible extension to third ventricle, suprasellar  22%  [92]
             Primary CNS lymphoma  Cerebral hemisphers, basal ganglia, corpus callosum, cerebellum  10-20%  [93]
             Brainstem glioma    Tectal plate to medullary cervical junction, possible extension to   3-13%  [94,95]
                                 prepontine cistern and fourth ventricle
             Pinealoblastoma     Pineal-region                                           10%           [96]
             LGG hypothalamic    LGG can occur anywhere in the CNS                        7%         [97-100]
             Ependymoma          Infratentorial intraventricular (fourth ventricle’s floor, lateral walls,   5%  [17]
                                 roof) or supratentorial within the brain parenchyma
            LS: leptomeningeal spread; PNETs: primitive neuroectodermal tumors; CNS: central nervous system; AT/RT: atypical teratoid/
            rhabdoid; LGG: low-grade glioma

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