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discovery of CSF-derived miRNA markers, with diagnostic   biomarkers discovery and implementation. Finally there are
            and prognostic significance.                       some other limitations to the interpretation of CSF cancer
                                                               related  molecules  studies as biomarker. Protein/miRNA
            HOW NEAR ARE WE TO USING CSF                       composition of CSF is dependent on patient attributes such
            MOLECULAR MARKERS FOR BRAIN                        as age, gender, the specific site of CSF access. [40]
            The promise of CSF biochemical markers Table 3, such as
            proteins and miRNA, to detect and monitor brain cancer has   CSF is an invaluable diagnostic window to the pathological
            swept through the oncology research area in recent years   state of CNS. It is easily accessible by minimally-invasive
            leading to ample publications. However, most putative   standard clinical methods and can provide the necessary
            markers  did  not  progress beyond their  initial  discovery.   biological  information  for the diagnosis of neurological
            A  striking  discrepancy  exists  between  the  effort  directed   diseases. Biochemical molecules secreted by brain cancers
            toward  CSF  biomarker,  whether  it  is  protein  or  miRNA,   to  the  CSF  hold  great  promise  as  diagnostic  markers
            discovery and the number of markers that made it into   for a wide range of brain malignancies  owing to the
            clinical  practice.  Understanding the reasons why the   significant  differences  that  have  been  reported  between
            role of these markers is not yet established in the diagnosis   their  expression  profiles  in  healthy  individuals  and  those
            of CNS tumors can help accelerate  the conduit  between   of patients. However, significant concerns remain. Despite
            their  discovery  and  clinical  implementation.  One of the   the sizeable published number of potential diagnostic and
            confounding issues that participate in the failure of potential   prognostic CSF biochemical markers their reproducibility
            markers  to reach  the  clinic  is the lack  of reproducibility   between studies is unclear, and none have been validated
            between similar studies or low correlation  of results.   for clinical use. The reported sample size in the literature
            The  most  significant  source  for  such  inter-laboratory   is small. Most data were generated by a limited number of
            discrepancies is mainly due to differences in protein/miRNA   research groups using different protocols or technologies.
            preparation, in the analytical methods or the use of different   No universally implemented guidelines are available yet for
            technologies which may bias the analysis. There are various   the CSF sample collection and preparation or for protein
            platforms/techniques which exist each with specific biases   profiling or miRNA extraction from CSF and importantly
            that can greatly influence the relative expression of certain   for data analysis. It is therefore premature to make specific
            molecules in the tested CSF sample and may lead to foregone   recommendations for their clinical implementation. More
            conclusions. No wonder there is often a low correlation of   research that  includes multi-institutional  research and
            results obtained from different platforms or even from the   longitudinal studies of large patient cohorts to validate the
                                                               clinical  value  of  putative  CSF  markers,  as  demonstrated
            same labs using kits and reagents from different vendors.   for  the  field  of  cancer  genomics,  is  certainly  warranted.
            Yet there are no universally implemented guidelines. Hence   The road from CSF biomarker discovery, validation, until
            standardization  of  these  assays  including  CSF  handling   the translation into the clinical setting could be long and
            (collection, storage and preparation) is a challenge for the   difficult  however,  the  reward  for  patients,  clinicians  and
            near future. Teuniseen et al.  have proposed protocols for   scientists could be rather significant.
            the standardization of CSF collection to minimizing blood
            contamination of CSF and protocols for the standardization   Acknowledgments
            of CSF storage to prevent sample degradation and global   This project  was supported by the  Swiss Research
            proteome changes. [40]                             Foundation Child and Cancer.

            Another critically important consideration is that despite   Financial support and sponsorship
            the fact that several advanced platforms are available the   Nil.
            analysis of secreted proteins/miRNA in the CSF is still a
            very challenging task due to technical difficulties. Often the   Conflicts of interest
            scientists working on CSF biomarker discovery have limited   There are no conflicts of interest.
            knowledge of the protein/miRNA isolation/detection new
            platforms  and or the analytical  requirements  which may   REFERENCES
            hamper the subsequent markers analysis.
                                                               1.   Nayak L, Lee EQ, Wen PY. Epidemiology of brain metastases. Curr
            Together with low sample numbers that usually result in   Oncol Rep 2012;14:48-54.
            inadequate  statistical  power is another general  weakness   2.   Teplyuk NM, Mollenhauer B, Gabriely G, Giese A, Kim E, Smolsky
            and  might  explain  why  not  many  of  these  markers  have   M, Kim  RY, Saria  MG, Pastorino  S, Kesari  S, Krichevsky  AM.
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