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ups are a number of organ on a chip technologies that are   localize  within  specific  regions  of  the  brain,  highlighting
           currently developed for assaying different disease states [69]   the need for different microenvironments for modeling
           and testing drug effects and metabolization. [70]   tumor growth and invasiveness. To circumvent this, mouse
                                                              models have been generated for studying tumor propagation
           On the opposite side of the spectrum is the need to resolve   via orthotopic or subcutaneous xenografting of tumor cells.
           the  mechanisms  underlying  brain  infiltration  of  single   These experiments, however, are ethically controversial if
           tumor cells, which necessitates  approaches allowing the   inappropriately conducted, costly, labor intensive and need
           quantitative  analysis of molecular  events  in  individual   lengthy time periods for animal surgery and subsequent
           cells. This problem was tackled for the activation status of   tumor development (especially for low grade tumors). These
           the important Rho family GTPase’s - Rho, Rac and Cdc42   challenges and limitations highlight the need for developing
           - in glioma  cells.  Hirata  et al.  used Rho-GTPase-  a novel system wherein living brain tissue can be used as an
           FRET  (Förster  energy  resonance  transfer)  probes,  where   ideal matrix for studying tumor cell growth and invasion.
           spatial  activation of the  GTPase’s was monitored  by a   One such system is the organotypic culture, where cellular
           shift  in  fluorescence  signal.  Rho-family  GTPase-FRET   constituents of organs or parts of organs are allowed to
           fusion protein-expressing glioma cells were orthotopically   regrow into or persist as organ replacements.
           implanted  in rat brains and later analyzed  inside brain
           slice  cultures  derived  of  these  brains  using  two-photo   An excellent  overview  of 3D organotypic  cultures  has
           microscopy. This study revealed higher Rac1 and Cdc42 and   recently been provided,  which describes their potentials
           lower RhoA activities in glioblastoma cells penetrating the   as experimental systems to visualize cellular mechanisms
           brain parenchyma than those advancing in the perivascular   that  drive tissue development, to study the genetic
           regions, and suggested that different driver mechanisms   regulation of cell behaviors in tissues and to evaluate the
           could exist for single cell dispersion in glioma.   role of micro environmental factors in normal development
                                                              and disease.  One hallmark  of organotypic  cultures  is the
           Together, these studies highlight the need for adapting the   tissue environment mimicking the structural and functional
           model  system  to  the  specifics  of  the  biological  context,   specifics  of  the  organ  of  origin.  This  turns  them  into
           with the consequent inclusion of biophysical or chemical   attractive models for cancer research to explore tumor host
           components that best reflect the in vivo situation. Besides   tissue interactions and to advance therapeutic approaches.
           high-throughput screening platforms for the identification of
           novel pro-metastatic key players or alternative interference   Organotypic brain slice culture for visualization
           strategies  against  metastatic  dissemination,  we also need   and  quantification  of  brain  tumor  cell
           improved phenotype-based single cell analysis to decipher   dissemination
           clonal differences and micro environmental  impact  on   OBSCs allow culture, maintenance and long-term survival
           tumor behavior at the single cell level.           of sections from any tissue of the CNS. Slices are mostly
                                                              cultured at an air/liquid interface by either continuous
           Organotypic brain slice culture (OBSC)  in         rotation using the roller tube method or on a semi porous
           primary brain tumor research                       membrane using the Stoppini method.  Brain tissue slice
           A number of causal gene(s) and associated genetic mutations,   cultures maintain their normal cytoarchitecture, complex
           molecular changes, probable targets and treatments for   cell relationships and biochemical and electrophysiological
           a  variety  of  primary  brain  tumors  have  been  identified.   properties.  OBSCs  have  been  widely  used  in  the  field  of
           Despite of this, the process of dissemination, metastasis of   neurobiology  for synaptogenesis,  neurogenesis,  myelin
           the tumor cells from the primary site, and tumor recurrence,   formation, as models for studying neurodegeneration, for
           which is the leading cause for brain tumor related mortality   neuroprotective and neurotoxic assays, etc. [67]  In the field of
           in  patients,  remain  obscure.  Total  removal  of  the  primary   brain tumor research, they are an ideal platform to access the
           tumor is on many occasions impossible at the microscopic   tumor microenvironment under intact anatomical conditions.
           level  due  to  the  insidious  infiltration  of  the  tumor  cells   Indeed, Jung et al. [71]  established a brain tumor slice model
           into the surrounding brain tissue.  This majorly results in   wherein they used human white matter specimens in the
           therapeutic failure and urges for model systems that allow   upper chambers of transwell culture dishes.  After 24 h,
           addressing brain tumor cell invasion specifically. Standard   control human astrocytoma cells stably expressing enhanced
           3D in vitro invasion assays use ECM macromolecules that   GFP or GFP-RHAMM (receptor for hyaluronan-mediated
           mimic the basement membrane (e.g. matrigel) as barriers to   motility)  transfected  astrocytoma  cells  were  placed  in  a
           tumor invasion. These assays (described above and in table   small centrally punched-out hole in the slice. The infiltration
           1) although quick, reliable, commercially available and easy   and migratory behavior of the GFP-expressing astrocytoma
           to perform, have several limitations. They do not take into   cells could be easily studied using confocal laser scanning
           account the unique ECM composition in the brain and thus   microscopy (CF-LSM) up to 30 days post implantation. The
           provide  artificial  environments  that  fail  to  closely  mimic   authors were able to demonstrate that different astrocytoma
           the normal brain tissue/tumor environment. This is further   cell lines display different degrees of invasion and that
           emphasized by the fact that distinct types of brain tumors   the migration of the human astrocytoma cells could be

                                                                                                                         Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ May 18, 2016 ¦
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