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Matrix or
            Cells        Tumor type     Condition    Experiment        scaffold       Effect            Ref.
                                                     Comparison of 2D and   ExtracelTM   3D cell culture is
                                                     3D cultures for growth           better morphological
            U87-MG,                                                    (Polyethylene-
            primary MB   GBM            2D, 3D culture  and viability after   based hydrogel   correlate to in vivo   [90]
            samples                                  irradiation or treatment   with HA and   tumor, 3D grown
                                                     with TMZ, cisplatin or   gelatin).  GBM moderately less
                                                     carmustin.                       sensitive to irradiation.
                                        3D culture, cells  Evaluation of              Porous chitosan-HA
            U118-MG      GBM            grown on rigid   growth and stem cell   Porous chitosan-  increases growth and   [63]
                                        matrix       properties        HA             causes up-regulation of
                                                                                      stem-cell markers
                                                     in hydrogels,     Hydrogels made   HA causes rounded
            derived tumor   GBM         3D, single cells  morphology and cell   of collagen I, III,   morphology and   [62]
            material                                 migration analysis,   or collagen-HA   reduces motility of
                                                     single cell tracking for   mixtures  matrix-embedded cells.
                                                                       GelMA or
                                                     Analysis of growth,   PEG4A hydrogels   Increasing HAMA
                                                     metabolic activity   supplemented   concentrations cause
            U87-MG,      Glioma         3D, single cells  and HIF-1 VEGF,   with      up-regulation of   [64]
            U87+EGFR                                 MMP-2, MMP-       methacrylated   fibronectin, VEGF and
                                                     9 and Fibronectin   HA (HAMA)    HIF-1.
                                                     production.       at increasing
                                                     Analysis of single cell
                                                     viability, F-actin size   Acrylated HA   F-actin reorganization
                                        3D, single cells,
            A-172        Glioma         microfluidic   and cellular orientation  cross-linked with   and re-orientation of   [91]
                                        chip         in embedded cells   MMP-sensitive or   cells in response to
                                                     under flow and VEGF   RGD peptides  flow and VEGF.
                                                     in microfluidic chip.
                                                     Evaluation of matrix             Increased matrix
                                                     stiffness impact on   Matrigel with   stiffness causes
            OSU-2        GBM            3D, single cells                                                [32]
                                                     tumor cell morphology  varying stiffness  increased invasive
                                                     and migratory/invasive           motility.
                                                                                      TMZ showed much
                                                                                      lower cytotoxicity
                                                     Evaluation of liver              against GBM cells in
            M059K,                      3D, micro-
            HepG2,       GBM,           scale perfusion   cell metabolism on   Polylactic acid   3D than in 2D. IFO   [68]
            CYP3A        Hepatoblastoma  system      cytotoxic effect of IFO  scaffold  effect dependent on
                                                     and TMZ.                         metabolic activity of
                                                                                      cytochrome P450 in
                                                     Evaluation of Rho-
                                                     family GTPase                    Perivascular and
                                                     activation during                intraparenchymal
            U251MG,                     3D, organotypic   GBM invasion in   Matrigel, slice   invasion is associated
            LN229 and    GBM            slice culture  brain slice and 3D   culture   with increased Rac and   [53]
            U87MG                                    matrigel culture. Use            Cdc42 and reduce Rho
                                                     of Rho-family GTPase             GTPase activity.
                                                     fluorescent protein
                                                                                      Differential expression
                                                     Comparison of protein            of invasion, survival
            U87, U251HF,
            SNB19,                                   expression in cells              and hypoxia driver
            LNZ308,      Glioma         2D, 3D       grown under 2D or   AlgiMatrix   proteins between 2D   [92]
            LN229                                    3D conditions and in             and 3D. Effect of 3D
                                                     different oxygenation.           growth dominates

                                                                                                                         Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ May 18, 2016 ¦
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