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Table 1: Studies using 3D primary brain tumor model systems

             Cells        Tumor type    Condition      Experiment       Matrix or   Effect              Ref.
                                                       Analysis of
                                                       cell growth in
                          Glioblastoma                 neurospheres,                50 % reduction in
             U87MG        multiforme    2D, 3D         wound healing    None        neurosphere formation   [83]
                          (GBM)         neurospheres   after DDX6 or                and migration
                                                       PHLDB1 knock-
                                                       Analysis of stable           Mutant IDH1 causes
             U-251MG,                   2D, 3D spheroid   over-expression           reduced cell migration
             U-343MG,     Glioma        culture        of wt and        None        and differences in   [84]
             LN-229                                    mutant proteins              growth properties in
                                                       under different              3D spheroid cultures.

                                                       Spheroid in soft             Stem cell-mediated
                                                       agar, 2D culture,
                                        2D, 3D single                               anti-tumor effect.
             U87          GBM                          analysis of Glioma   Soft agar                   [85]
                                        cell embedding                              Increased IC50 under
                                                       co-culture with              3D culture conditions.
                                                       MSCs expressing
                                                       suicide gene.
                          Pediatric and   3D, long-    Rotary cell culture          Angiogenic change
             KNS42, U87,   adult GBM and   term culture of   to generate large      and endothelial marker
             Res196,      ependymoma,   large cellular   cell aggregates,   None    expression in GBM   [86]
             T7/11, GB-1  pediatric mixed   aggregates  growth on top of            aggregates
                          glial tumor                  matrigel.

                                                       Exposure to                  Cytotoxic effect
                                                       Doxorubicin,                 measured in 2D
             SHSY5Y,      GBM and       3D, spheroid   Etoposide and                cannot be extrapolated
             T98G,        neuroblastoma  culture       Vincristine,     None        to 3D. 3D cultures   [58]
             U138MG                                    analysis by                  can also display
                                                       electrochemical              higher sensitivity to
                                                       impedance                    chemotherapeutics.

                                                       2D wound healing,
                                                       tubulogenesis                Tube structure
             U67-MG       GBM           2D             assay on matrigel   None     formation           [87]
                                                       after exposure
                                                       to rapamycin or
                                                                                    Validation of tissue
             Rat C6,                    3D, spheroid   Comparison of                clearing protocols
             NSCs adult   Glioma        culture        different 3D tissue   None   of high resolution   [88]
             hippocampal                               clearing protocols.          imaging of spheroid
                                                                                    Increased HLA-E
                                        2D and 3D      Proteomic                    expression in 3D
             U251         Glioma        rotary cell    comparison of 2D   None      culture and increased   [89]
                                        culture system   and 3D cell culture.       resistance to NK-
                                                                                    mediated cytotoxicity.
             DBTRG, T98,                               Cytotoxicity assays   Bovine
             U87, A172,                                using collagen   skin        Collagen-based
             8MGBA,                                    I and collagen   collagen I,   3D matrix reduces
             42MGBA,      GBM           2D, 3D, single   I-HA matrices in   Collagen   sensitivity of GSCs   [60]
                                        cell embedding
             DKMG,                                     combination with   I-HA      to receptor tyrosine
             GAMG,                                     receptor tyrosine   mixtures  kinase inhibitors.
             GMS10, GSCs                               kinase inhibitors.

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