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LncRNA-ATB                                         found in lung squamous carcinoma and colorectal cancer
                                                              as compared  to adjacent  normal  tissue. Overexpression
           This  lncRNA  is  activated  by  cytokine  TGF-β  (lncRNA-  of lncRNA-LET suppresses metastasis of HCC and colon
           ATB) that is well-known for its role in tumor metastasis.   cancer  cells  in vivo.  LncRNA-LET could limit  HCC
           TGF-β modulates different signaling pathways involved in   metastasis  in  both  hypoxic  and  normoxic  condition  by
           EMT, migration, invasion, and metastasis. [66-68]  A long time   different  mechanisms.  In hypoxic  condition,  lncRNA-
           treatment  of  cells  with  TGF-β  induces  EMT  (decreased   LET interferes with the function of hypoxia-inducible
           E-cadherin and increased N-cadherin, vimentin, slug, twist1,   factor-1α  (HIF-1α),  a  transcription  factor  that  regulates
           ZEB-1 and ZEB-2). Similar  treatment  of hepatocellular   a number of genes under tumor  hypoxia,  and promotes
           carcinoma (HCC) cells with TGF-β activates the lncRNA-  angiogenesis  and metastasis.   The  high expression  of
           ATB  in  a  time-  and  dose-dependent  manner. Clinically,   lncRNA-LET suppresses HIF-1α through inhibiting NF90
           lncRNA-ATB level is high in HCC tumors as compared to   which  is  required  for  accumulation  of  HIF-1α  mRNA.
           adjacent normal tissue. Similarly, a high level of lncRNA-  However, hypoxia keeps the level of lncRNA-LET low by
           ATB is positively correlated with microvascular invasion   deacetylating its promotor. As a result, HIF-1α is increased
           and portal vein tumor thrombosis. Consistent with these   promoting  metastasis.  In normoxic  condition,  lncRNA-
           observations, injection of HCC tumor cells overexpressing   LET inhibits expression of CDC42 (which is required for
           lncRNA-ATB into orthotropic  mice  promotes metastasis   trans-endothelial migration) of circulating tumor cells. The
           to different organs.  One of the possible mechanisms is   low level of lncRNA-LET in HCC keeps CDC42 high and
           through enhancement of EMT by interfering the action of   this results in profound metastasis of HCC. [72]
           miR-200 which can inhibit EMT by suppressing ZEB-1 and
           ZEB-2.  This 2.5 kb long lncRNA carries 6 binding sites   Colon cancer-associated transcript 1
           for miR-200. Therefore, lncRNA-ATB traps miR-200 and
           prevents degradation of ZEB-1 and ZEB-2 by miR-200. The   Colon cancer-associated transcript 1 (CCAT1) was found
           high level of ZEB-1 and ZEB-2 ultimately promotes EMT   up-regulated in colon cancer tissue, circulating blood cells
           and invasiveness of different cells in vitro and in vivo. In   of colon cancer patient and metastasis cases, indicating its
           addition, lncRNA-ATB enhances colonization of migrating   role in colon cancer progression.  Besides, high expression
           cells by enhancing the function of IL-11-STAT3 signaling   of CCAT1 is also associated with primary tumor tissue,
           pathway. In this case, lncRNA-ATB binds to IL-11 mRNA   lymph node metastasis, and metastatic cases of gastric
           and stabilizes it. The increased stability of IL-11 facilitates   carcinoma.   The elevated level of CCAT1 reduces the
           its secretion. As a ligand, IL-11 promotes phosphorylation   survival of HCC patients. In both gastric cancer and HCC cell
           of STAT3. This autocrine mitogenic signal helps in robust   lines, overexpression of CCAT1 enhances the proliferation
           cell survival and effective colonization in distant organs. [69]  and migration of cells driven by c-Myc, an oncogenic
                                                              transcription factor required for cell survival. On one hand,
           LncRNA-low expression in tumor                     c-Myc binds to promoter of the CCAT1 and up-regulates its
                                                              level in cancer cells.  On the other hand, CCAT1 prevents
           Low expression in tumor (LET) was originally identified in   degradation of c-Myc by interaction with let-7, a known
           HCC cells.  Along with HCC, a reduced level of LET is also   miRNA that can target c-Myc through its 3’-UTR. [76]

           Figure 2: Long non-coding RNAs involved in different stages of cancer metastasis

                                                                                                     Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January 15, 2016 ¦
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