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(loss of E-cadherin and gain of N-cadherin, vimentin, and   tumor  necrosis  factor-α,  interleukin-6  (IL-6),  and  Ezrin]
            slug) dependent on transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β).   that  are  required  for angiogenesis and metastasis  in  T24
            Similarly, MALAT1 was found highly expressed in cancer   cells.  Furthermore, H19 is highly expressed in most
            stem cells (CSCs) of pancreatic cancer and knockdown of   cases of bladder carcinoma which subsequently metastasize
            MALAT1 in those cells greatly reduces CD133+ population   compared to those that do not metastasize. Similarly, H19
            and sphere formation,  suggesting an important  role of   level is substantially higher in invasive bladder carcinoma
            CSC formation which may help in migration and survival   cell lines than non-invasive cell lines. Mechanistically, H19
            of cells during metastasis.                        recruits EZH2 in the promoter region of Nkd1 (an antagonist
                                                               gene of Wnt/β-catenin) and suppresses its transcription by
            HOX transcript antisense RNA                       hyper-methylation. This makes Wnt/β-catenin constitutively
                                                               active while E-cadherin is suppressed, leading to metastasis
            HOTAIR stands for HOX  transcript  antisense RNA with   of bladder cancer.  In addition to alterations in the gene
            2.2 kb in length. It is derived from HOX C gene (which   expression pattern, H19 also enhances the interaction of the
            determines anterior and posterior plane during embryonic   tumor cell with extracellular matrix. MDA-MB-231 cells
            development).  High expression of HOTAIR is correlated   growing in three-dimensional culture exhibit high level
            with metastasis, and it signifi cantly decreases the chance   of H19, which helps in enhanced scattering of the cells,
            of survival of those patients. Overexpression of HOTAIR   suggesting a role of H19 in breast cancer metastasis.
            in different cell lines increases cell invasion and transforms   In addition  to  bladder  and breast cancer, H19  may also
            non-invasive  cells  into  invasive  cells  in  vivo. Similarly,   contribute to metastasis of colorectal cancer. For instance,
            overexpression of HOTAIR in breast cancer MDA-MB-231   H19 is highly expressed in methotrexate resistant HT-29 cells
            cells increases metastatic  lung nodules by a 10-fold as   which reveal mesenchymal morphology. Overexpression
            compared to control. [50]                          of H19 increases the EMT markers vimentin, ZEB-1, and
                                                               ZEB-2 and also promotes cell migration. [62]
            Like many other lncRNAs, HOTAIR impacts metastasis via
            chromatin remodeling. HOTAIR can directly bind to PRC2   Nuclear factor-κB interacting lncRNA
            and LSD1, a demethylase that fl anks HOXD. This binding
            coordinates enrichment of EZH2 in HOXD promoter which   Nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) interacting lncRNA (NKILA)
            causes methylation of H3K27, leading to silencing of   is a 2.5 kb transcript mostly found in the cytoplasm and
            transcription through HOXD gene.  A similar mechanism   it negatively regulates the NF-κB signaling.  NF-κB is a
            was also observed in the metastatic breast cancer cell lines,   transcription factor which mediates inflammatory signaling
            where HOTAIR helps in PRC2 occupancy on promoter of   pathways and is often constitutively active in various cancer
            hundreds of genes and silences them by trimethylation of   cells.  NF-κB is in an active (phosphorylated) or inactive
            H3K27. Many of those genes are involved in breast cancer
            progression, cell adhesion, and metastasis. [50]   state (dephosphorylated) in the cell. In the inactive state,
                                                               the dimer NF-κB (p65 and p50) is bound with an inhibitory
            In addition to breast  cancer  metastasis,  HOTAIR has   subunit IκB. This complex keeps the dimer in the cytoplasm
            been attributed  to enhance metastasis in oral squamous   by masking the nuclear localization signal. Several external
            cell carcinoma by suppressing the level of E-cadherin.    stimuli activate IKKβ which phosphorylates IκBα (a subunit
            Moreover, HOTAIR along with miR-196a is also associated   of IκB) and leads to proteasomal degradation of IκBα. Now,
            with high-risk metastasis and poor survival of a patient with   the free NF-κB dimer translocates to the nucleus where it
            gastrointestinal stromal tumors. [53]              binds to NF-κB response element and activates transcription
                                                               of different genes.   Thus, NKILA adds a new layer of
            H19                                                regulation for NF-κB activity, by interacting with IκBα and
                                                               masking its phosphorylation site from IKKβ. This prevents
            H19  is  one  of  the  first  lncRNAs  identified  in  early   phosphorylation of IκBα and translocation of NF-κB dimer
            1980 and its expression is in accordance to expression   from the cytoplasm to the nucleus.
            of  α-fetoprotein.   This gene represents a maternally
            imprinted gene in both humans and mice. The expression   The highly metastatic breast cancer cell lines express a very low
            of H19 gradually decreases from fetal tissue to adult, which   level of NKILA while less aggressive breast cancer cell lines
            indicates its importance in embryo development. [55]  Initial   exhibit a high level of NKILA. Furthermore, overexpression
            reports suggested that H19 could work as a tumor suppressor   of NKILA in MDA-MB-231 cells reduces their metastasis
            in different cancer cases;  however, other studies   in the lung, liver, and lymph nodes. In contrast, knockdown
            suggested that H19 expression is high in tumor tissues. [57,58]    of NKILA in MCF-7 cells increases their metastasis to those
            Despite high expression in tumor samples, overexpression   distant sites. Clinically, loss of NKILA is associated with
            of H19 in T24 bladder carcinoma cell line did not provide   advanced breast cancer and distant metastases; low expression
            proliferative advantage. This implies that H19 may regulate   of NKILA is associated with the patient survival.  Therefore,
            metastasis rather than formation of primary tumor. Indeed,   NKILA can predict the outcome of breast cancer and may
            overexpression of H19 up-regulates genes [e.g. uPAR,   serve as a prognostic marker.

                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦ Volume 2 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January 15, 2016 ¦  5
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