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Table 1: Function of lncRNAs
                                                              LncRNA                  Function
                                                              ANRIL, XIST, HOTAIR, H-19   Transcription control by
                                                                                      chromatin modifi cations
                                                              LincRNA p21             Transcriptional regulation
                                                              H-19                    Precursor for miRNA
                                                              Loc285194, Gas 5,       Regulators of miRNA function
                                                              lncRNA-ATB, CCAT1
                                                              PTENP1, KRAS1P, Gas 5   Decoy
                                                              RoR, NEAT1, TER         Scaffold
                                                              lncRNAs: long noncoding RNAs; lncRNA-ATB: lncRNA is
                                                              activated by cytokine transforming growth factor-β; CCAT1:
                                                              colon cancer-associated transcript 1; TER: telomerase RNA;
                                                              NEAT1: nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1; ANRIL:
                                                              antisense non-coding RNA in the INK4 locus; HOTAIR: Hox
                                                              transcript antisense intergenic RNA; XIST: X-inactive specific
                                                              transcript; miRNA: microRNA

                                                              are poorly characterized, there is a critical need for a better
                                                              understanding of their functions and role in cancer, and
                                                              especially, how they impact metastasis.
                                                              LNCRNAS AS MASTER GENE REGULATORS

                                                              Given that they can interact with RNA, DNA, and protein,
                                                              lncRNAs have been shown to have an impact on almost
                                                              every aspect of gene regulation. We list a few of examples
           Figure 1: Flow of genetic information involving messenger RNA and long   as follows [Table 1].
           non-coding RNA
                                                              Transcriptional regulation
           These regulatory RNAs, on the basis of their  size, are
           arbitrarily  classifi  ed  into  two  groups.  The  first  group  is   Histone modifications such as acetylation and methylation
           small non-coding RNAs (< 200 bp in length) such as short   impact chromatin structure and subsequent transcriptional
           interfering  RNA, microRNA (miRNA), and  piwiRNA.
           The second group of non-coding regulatory RNAs is long   activity. A large number of lncRNAs have been shown to
           non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) (> 200 bp in length). [4,5]  Like   play a role in regulation of chromatin structure. Polycomb
           protein-coding  genes, most lncRNAs are  polyadenylated   repressive complex (PRC1 and PRC2) consists of several
           and capped.  Both protein-coding genes [messenger RNA   enzymes, including enhancer of zest homolog 2 (EZH2),
           (mRNA)] and lncRNAs carry genetic information [Figure 1];   and is essential for histone methylation.  Antisense non-
           however, their functions can be very different. Based on their   coding  RNA in the  INK4 locus (ANRIL) is one  of the
           locations in the genome, lncRNAs can be derived through   lncRNAs that can suppress transcription  by remodeling
           the following means:  (1) intergenic lncRNAs which are   chromatin structure. In this regard, the human chromosome
           located between two genes; (2) sense or antisense lncRNAs   9p21 harbors INK4b/ARF/INK4a locus which has 3 coding
           which may overlap with an exon of another transcript in   genes,  p /ARF, p /CDKN2B, and  p /CDKN2A along
           the same or opposite direction; (3) intronic lncRNAs which   with ANRIL. ANRIL is an antisense lncRNA, overlapping
           reside within an intron and do not overlap with any exon; (4)   with p /CDKN2B and p /CDKN2A.  Binding of ANRIL
           processed transcripts which reside in a locus where none of   to PRC1 and PRC2 facilitates  the  recruitment  of PRC1
           the transcript has an open reading frame and thus, do not fit   and PRC2 into the INK4a/ARF  locus, which causes
           into any other categories because of structural complexity.  trimethylation  of the  histone  and reduces  transcription
                                                              activity  of  the  locus.   Similarly,  X-inactive  specific
           To date, an overwhelming  number of lncRNAs have   transcript (XIST) is a key regulator of X chromosome activity
           been reported. For example,  the non-code  database  lists   by  chromatin  structure  modifications  during  embryonic
           over 56,000 human  lncRNAs (   development. XIST recruits EZH2 in X chromosome and
           whereas LNCipedia  (  lists  over   then causes the trimethylation of histone, leading to a factual
           110,000 human lncRNAs. Although no unified source for   heterochromatin structure and silencing of one of the two X
           categorizing  and annotating  lncRNAs is available  yet,   chromosomes.  Besides, recruitment of different proteins
           evidently, the number of lncRNAs is much larger than the   in a gene promoter region can also change the transcription
           number of protein-coding  genes. Since lncRNA research   activity. For example, the enrichment of hnRNP-K in the
           is still at a very early stage and the majority of lncRNAs   promoters of p53 regulated genes represses the transcription

                                                                                                     Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 2 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January 15, 2016 ¦
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