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which metastasize predominantly via the lymphatics, are   muscles and fascial planes. In contrast, orbital metastasis
            subsequently found mainly in draining lymph nodes. It has   from carcinoid tumor, renal cell carcinoma, and melanoma
            been proposed that entrapment and growth of tumors might   tends to be more circumscribed, at least in early stages. [6]
            be affected by qualitative or quantitative differences in tumor   Diagnosis is usually established  by tissue biopsy, open,
            cells’ ability to adhere to the vascular endothelium of particular   or  fine  needle  aspiration  to  confirm  a  metastatic  tumor
            organs;  organ-specific growth is thus a direct consequence   lesion,  and  not  simulating  lesions,  such as idiopathic
            of the specific localization or entrapment of circulating tumor   orbital inflammation (also known as orbital pseudotumor).
            cells. While it is tempting to speculate an immunologic basis   Special staining  with mucicarmine and alcian blue may
            for the propensity of breast cancer and malignant melanoma   be helpful, not only to obtain a diagnosis but also to identify
            to metastasize to the extra-orbital muscles; the nature of any   the primary neoplasm. Histological diagnosis of metastasis
            such site specificity remains unknown. [2]         is typically straightforward and does not present a problem
                                                               to the pathologist. [7]
            Although the patient did have skeletal symptoms due to
            widespread bony metastasis which were largely dismissed   Although we did not test for Ki-67 status, (also known
            by her general practitioner as being part of her arthritis   as MK 167) it has been used as prognostic parameter in
            complex, the main presenting symptom in this case was   breast  cancer  patients, [14]   and  its presence  is  associated
            diplopia. However, a review of the literature indicates   with lower disease free survival and lower overall survival.
            that this not commonly the case. A previous study of 100   Currently neither St Gallen, nor ASCO recommendations
            patients  showed that diplopia constituted only 9% of   nor the German Interdisciplinary S3 Guidelines for  the
            such patients. Frequency of their presenting symptoms and   diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of breast cancer have
            signs were limited ocular mobility (54%), displacement   proposed Ki-67 as a routine prognostic marker. Ki-67 has
            of the globe with proptosis (50%), blepharoptosis(49%),   been shown to have an inverse relationship with estrogen
            a palpable mass (43%), blurred or decreased vision   receptor status, but a possible direct relationship with
            (23%), pain (17%), visible mass or swelling (17%), and   HER2 status.
            enophthalmos (11%).  The latter sign interestingly and
            paradoxically was found to be associated with scirrhous   Treatment of histologically proven metastatic tumors to
            breast cancer. [6,9,12]  This may be explained by the presence   the orbit is mainly palliative, [12]  and is comprised of orbital
            of  desmoplasia  and  fibrosis  associated  with  the  tumor,   irradiation with approximately 35-40 Gy to the affected
            causing contracture of the orbital content, and paradoxical   orbit in divided doses over 3-5 weeks. Slightly more or
            enophthalmous.                                     less radiation may be indicated depending on tumor type.
                                                               Radiation  may improve and preserve vision for the
            The  diagnosis  of  metastatic  tumor  can  be  confirmed  by   remaining lifespan of the patient. Regression of ocular
            CT scan [1,2]  for more than 95% of orbital metastases and   metastasis following sterilization, adrenalectomy, or
            CT scan can  provide  considerable  information  regarding   hypophysectomy has been reported in a number of cases of
            size, location, relation to musculature and other structures,   hormone dependent breast cancers,  however, Aromatase
            as a well as the nature of the lesion. High resolution CT   inhibitors (Anastrozole, Letrozole, Exemestane) are now
            imaging is also an excellent diagnostic tool for extra-ocular   recognized as the agents of choice for the management
            metastasis. Focal or nodular muscle enlargement without   of  post  menopausal  women  with  steroid  hormone
            focal bone destruction, fossa formation, orbital enlargement,   positive metastatic breast cancer, in whom indications
            or other evidence of neoplastic extension into contiguous   for chemotherapy are not absolute.  Enucleation of
            structures  is highly  suggestive  of metastasis.  Diffuse   the eye on the other hand should only be carried out in
            enlargement with feathering of the muscle edge may occur   cases of intractable pain, most often caused by secondary
            or masquerade clinically  as a myositic  pseudotumor.    glaucoma. [2]
            Bilateral involvement can be present despite only unilateral
            symptoms.  MRI, on the other hand, did not add specificity   Acknowledgments
            to the radiographic  information  in our case. Any patient   The author would like to thank Dr Mohammed  Azazi,
            with an undifferentiated malignancy first discovered in the   Consultant Radiologist, King Fahad University Hospital,
            orbit should undergo a full systemic evaluation to reveal   Al  Khobar,  KSA,  for  his  assistance  in  interpreting
            the  primary tumor. Although MRI may provide the best   the images, and Dr I.  T Saed, FRC path, Consultant
            resolution of orbital metastasis,  CT is more useful in cases   Histopathologist, Queens Hospital, Romford UK, for her
            of suspected prostate and breast cancer as metastatic bone   contribution to the slides.
            involvement is very common in breast cancer too.
                                                               Financial support and sponsorship
            Metastatic lesions involved the horizontal rectus muscles   Nil.
            are  more  common  than  the  vertical  rectus  or oblique
            muscles.  Orbital metastasis from breast cancer tends   Conflicts of interest
            to be diffuse and irregular, often growing along rectus   There are no conflicts of interest.

                        Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ March 28, 2016 ¦          125
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