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(ESCC)  and  esophageal  adenocarcinoma  (EAC).   CagA-negative  strains,  H. pylori  strains  that  harbor  the
            Tobacco  smoking  and  alcohol  consumption  are  the  two   CagA  pathogenicity  islands  (PAI)  are  associated  with  a
            major  risk  factors  in  ESCC, [27]   with  a  risk  of  heavy   signifi cantly increased risk of distal gastric cancer.  After
            smokers/drinkers  for  50  times  greater  in  the  induction   attached to gastric epithelial cells, H. pylori CagA-positive
            of ESCC.  Tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption   strains  eject  the  CagA  protein  directly  into  the  gastric
            have  been  associated  with  the  fi eld  of  cancerization   epithelial  cells.  After  translocation,  CagA  undergoes
            in  the  upper  aerodigestive  tract.  For  example,  Oka   tyrosine phosphorylation by Src and Abl kinases and the
            et al.   demonstrated  that  tobacco  smoking  was   tyrosine phosphorylated-CagA binds to the Src homology
            likely  to  induce  global  DNA  hypomethylation  and   2  (SHP-2)  domain,  leading  to  morphologic  alterations
            site-specifi c  CpG  island  promoter  hypermethylation   such  as  cell  scattering  and  elongation.   Furthermore,
            in  the  normal-appearing  esophageal  mucosa.  Both   CagA-activated  SHP-2  deregulates  the  MAP  kinase
            these  mutations  are  representative  of  DNA  methylation   signaling  cascade.   The  CagA  protein  of  certain
            alterations occurring in cancer cells. In addition, we also   H. pylori  strains  can  stimulate  expression  of  IL-8  by
            previously  reported  that  global  DNA  hypomethylation   activating  NF-κB,   thereby  contributing  to  neutrophil
            in  normal  esophageal  mucosa  was  observed  in  ESCC   infi ltration  in  the  gastric  mucosa.  In  addition,  chronic
            patients who habitually smoked,  suggesting epigenetic   infl ammation  caused  by  H. pylori  infection  contributes
            fi eld  defected  after  exposure  to  risk  factors.  Recently,   to  neoplastic  transformation  by  establishing  a  positive
            defi ciency  in  the  enzyme  aldehyde  dehydrogenase   feedback  loop  via  the  signal  transducer  and  activator
            2 (ALDH2), which causes the so-called alcohol fl ushing   of  transcription  (STAT)  3-dependent  COX-2  induction,
            response,  has  been  revealed  to  increase  the  risk  of   which in turn infl uences STAT3 regulation via IL-6. [44]
            alcohol-related  ESCC. [31]   In  East  Asian  populations,   Another  mechanism  of  H. pylori-induced  gastric
            there  is  a  variant  of  ALDH2  in  which  the  glutamate   carcinogenesis  is  genomic  alteration  and  gene  mutation.
            at  position  487  is  replaced  with  lysine,  resulting  in  an   For example, prevalence of the TP53 mutation in gastric
            inactive protein.  Consumption of hot beverages is also   cancer  is,  on  average,  approximately  40%.   Previous
            suspected  to  cause  chronic  infl ammation  in  esophageal   studies  have  shown  that  various  genetic  alterations
            squamous  cell  mucosa.   In  addition,  the  infl uence  of   occur  in  the  gastric  mucosa  during  chronic  gastritis, [46,47]
            human  papillomavirus  in  increasing  ESCC  risk  is  still   suggesting  an  importance  of  the  accumulated  genomic
            under debate. [34]
                                                              mutations  induced  by  H. pylori  infection  in  the
            Gastroesophageal  refl ux  disease  (GERD),  cigarette   development  of  gastric  cancer.  Activation-induced
            smoking and obesity are all risk factors in EAC.  EAC   cytidine  deaminase  (AID),  a  member  of  the  cytidine
            develops  through  chronic  exposure  to  gastroesophageal   deaminase  family  that  functions  to  edit  genomic  DNA,
            refl ux, Barrett’s esophagus, dysplasia and adenocarcinoma   is  an  enzyme  essential  for  somatic  hypermutation  and
            as  a  sequence. [36,37]   Increased  exposure  of  the  esophagus   class-switch  recombination  in  immunoglobulin  genes.
            epithelium  to  refl uxed  gastric  and  bile  acid,  particularly   However, inappropriate AID expression acts as a genomic
            deoxycholic  acid,  has  a  critical  role  in  promoting  the   mutagen  to  contribute  to  tumorigenesis. [49,50]   Infection
            development of Barrett’s esophagus and EAC. NF-κB is   with  CagA  PAI-positive  H. pylori  ectopically  induced
            a key regulator of the infl ammatory process that has been   high  expression  of AID  via  NF-κB  activation  in  human
            shown  to  be  activated  in  EAC.  Several  studies  report   gastric  epithelial  cells,  leading  to  multiple  mutations
            that  NF-κB  was  activated  by  bile  acid  components  and   in  the  host  genome,  such  as  those  found  in  TP53.  The
            subsequently  involved  in  the  development  of  metaplasia   accumulation  of  nucleotide  alterations  will  lead  to  the
            of Barrett’s esophagus and cancer. [25]           development of gastric cancer. [51]
            Gastric Cancer                                    Recently,  exciting  data  showed  an  association  of
                                                              H. pylori  infection  with  cancer  stem  cell  population.
            Gastric  adenocarcinoma  is  the  second  leading  cause   The  leucine-rich  repeat-containing  G-protein  coupled
            of  cancer-related  death  in  the  world.   H. pylori   receptor  (Lgr5)  is  known  as  the  stem  cell  marker  of  GI
            causes  chronic  gastritis,  and  the  relationship  between   cancers, including gastric cancer. Lgr5-positive epithelial
            H. pylori-induced chronic infl ammation and cancer is one   cells have higher levels of oxidative DNA damage than in
            of  the  best-elucidated  factors.  Indeed,  H. pylori  induces   Lgr5-negative cells from patients with H. pylori-positive
            active  chronic  gastric  infl ammation,  which  progresses   gastric  cancer,  indicating  that  H. pylori  specifi cally
            to  gastric  adenocarcinoma,  resulting  in  approximately   targets Lgr5-positive epithelial cells. [52]
            660,000  worldwide  new  cases  of  gastric  cancer   Other  infl ammatory  risk  factors  that  either  act
            per  year.   However,  only  a  few  percentage  of  infected   independently  of  H. pylori  infection  or  further  enhance
            persons do develop neoplasia.
                                                              its  effects  have  been  also  identifi ed.  For  example,
            Several  recent  studies  described  that  cytotoxin   chronic  gastritis  caused  by  bile  refl ux  can  cause
            associated gene A (CagA)-positive H. pylori strains were   intestinal  metaplasia  as  a  neoplastic  precursor  lesion  in
            identifi ed  to  be  particularly  carcinogenic.  Compared  to   gastric  cancer.  Moreover,  T-cell-mediated  autoimmune

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