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use  as  biomarkers,  either  in  diagnosis  or  in  prediction/  Other  signifi cant  miRNAs  with  dysregulated  expression
            monitoring  of  therapeutic  responses.  This  review   are  miR-16-2  and  miR-30e,  which  were  associated  with
            focuses  on  the  most  recent  advances  in  studies  on   a  shorter  overall  and  disease-free  survival  in  all  EC
            some  extensively  investigated  miRNAs  in  GI  cancers,   patients. [25]
            particularly  with  regard  to  their  potential  as  novel   Several  studies  have  demonstrated  that  miRNAs  are
            biomarkers or therapeutic targets.
                                                              consistently detectable in the circulation. The expression
            Esophageal Cancer                                 level  of  miR-21  was  up-regulated  and  miR-375  was
                                                              down-regulated  in  plasma  of  ESCC  patients  compared
            The  incidence  and  mortality  of  esophageal  cancer  (EC)   with  healthy  controls;  patients  with  high  plasma
            are  high,  ranking  eighth  and  sixth  respectively,   levels  of  miR-21  had  greater  vascular  invasion  and
            all  types  of  cancer,  affecting  more  males  than   showed  high  correlation  with  recurrence. [26]   A  panel
            females.  Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC)   of  7  serum  miRNAs  (miR-10a,  miR-22,  miR-100,
            and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) are the two main   miR-148b,  miR-223,  miR-133a  and  miR-127-3p)  was
            EC  subtypes.  Due  to  the  potential  characteristics  of   up-regulated  in  ESCC  and  could  clearly  distinguish
            invasion  and  metastasis  in  esophageal  carcinoma  cells,   stage  I/II  ESCC  patients  from  controls. [27]   Supporting
            the overall 5-year survival rate is poor despite advanced   the  role  of  miRNAs  in  the  circulation,  Zhang  et  al.
            treatment. [13,14]  Recent discoveries have shed new light on   have found that miR-31 levels were signifi cantly higher
            the involvement of miRNA in EC. [15]              than  controls  in  523  serum  ESCC  samples.  In  addition,
            miRNAs as novel diagnostic and prognostic         patients  with  higher  levels  of  serum  miR-31  had  a
            biomarkers in EC                                  poorer  prognosis  for  relapse-free  survival.  miR-1322
                                                              was  signifi cantly  highly  expressed  in  ESCC  serum
            Guo et al.  found aberrant expression of 46 miRNAs in EC   and  could  be  used  to  distinguish  ESCC  from  healthy
            tissues, of which 7 miRNAs may be used as biomarkers   patients.   Thus,  circulating  miRNAs  may  be  used  as
            to distinguish malignant EC lesions from adjacent normal   potential  biomarkers,  not  only  for  diagnostic,  but  also
            tissue.  Moreover,  miR-335,  miR-181d,  miR-25,  miR-7   for prognostic and predictive markers in EC.
            and miR-495 are associated with the pathological type of   Clinical application of microRNAs in EC
            EC (fungating vs. medullary). miR-25 and miR-130b are
            associated  with  the  degree  of  differentiation  of  EC  and   Hummel et al.  examined the impact of chemotherapy on
            miR-103/107 expression level negatively correlated with   miRNA expression in EC cells and found that 13 miRNAs
            survival  rates  miR-25  and  miR-130b  may  also  be  used   were  deregulated  following  treatment  with  cisplatin  or
            for  early  diagnosis  as  well  as  gene  therapy  targets  for   5-fl uorouracil (5FU). miR-141 was most highly expressed
            EC. Feber et al.  found that miR-203 and miR-205 were   in  the  cisplatin-resistant  ESCC  cell  lines,  the  target
            down-regulated compared with normal epithelium in EC,   of  miR-141  is  YAP1,  which  is  an  apoptosis-inducing
            while  miR-21  was  overexpressed  in  the  two  types  of   gene  in  DNA-damaging  agents.   miR-296  and
            EC. miR-200c, miR-194 and miR-192 were up-regulated   miR-27a  are  overexpressed  in  EC,  and  knockdown
            in  EAC.  Mathe  et  al.   have  demonstrated  that  the   of  miR-296  and  miR-27a  was  found  to  be  capable  of
            overexpression  of  miR-21  in  non-cancerous  tissue  of   increasing  sensitivity  to  both  P-glycoprotein-related  and
            ESCC  and  down-regulation  of  miR-375  in  cancerous   P-glycoprotein-non-related  drugs,  in  turn  promoting
            tissue  of  EAC  with  Barrett’s  esophagus  (BE)  were   ADR-induced apoptosis in EC cells. [31,32]  Overexpression
            markedly  associated  with  a  worse  prognosis.  miR-196a   of  miR-200c  signifi cantly  correlated  with  response  to
            was highly expressed in EAC, BE, benign and malignant   chemotherapy,  with  this  effect  being  associated  with  the
            junctions  and  highly  malignant  tissue  and  thus  be  used   Akt  pathway.   miR-148a  up-regulation  signifi cantly
            as a biomarker for screening EC. [18-20]  Among others, the   increased the sensitivity to chemotherapy in the majority
            overexpression of miR-129 was identifi ed as a signifi cant   of  cells.   miR-200b/200c/429  were  up-regulated  in
            and  independent  prognostic  factor  in  surgically  treated   endometrial  cancer  and  EC,  and  their  overexpression
            ESCC  patients.   The  expression  level  of  miR-1322   correlated with resistance to cisplatin treatment. [35]
            was  higher  in  ESCC  tissue,  making  it  possible  to
            distinguish  ESCC  from  healthy  samples.   Expressions   Gastric Cancer
            of  miR-31  and  miR-142-3p  correlated  with  histological   Gastric  cancer  (GC)  is  the  second  leading  cause  of
            differentiation,  with  high  miR-142-3p  expression  being   cancer-related  death  worldwide.  Approximately  one
            associated  with  poor  prognosis.  Therefore,  this  may   million  new  GC  cases  per  year  were  estimated  to  have
            be  a  potential  independent  prognostic  ESCC  factor.    occurred  in  2010.   Helicobacter  pylori  infection,
            Furthermore,  expression  profi les  of  miRNAs  have  been   Epstein-Barr  virus  infection,  gastrin  levels,  germline
            found to be altered in progressive stages of EC neoplastic   mutations,  dietary  factors,  and  other  chronic  gastric
            development,  with  expression  levels  of  miR-31   conditions  are  all  factors  felt  to  be  involved  in  GC
            and miR-31* being frequently down-regulated in EAC.    development.  GC  is  often  diagnosed  at  an  advanced

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