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which  possibly  explained  the  variable  response   progression still remains inconclusive. Therefore, further
            rates  to  EGFR  inhibition  in  patients  with  colorectal   analysis and clinical trials are required to achieve clinical
            cancer.   Therefore,  the  information  on  the  molecular   utility of CTC detection in GI cancers.
            status  of  CTCs  might  be  useful  for  stratifi cation  of   Acknowledgments
            molecular-directed therapy.
                                                              This work was supported in part by the following grants
            Future Perspectives                               and  foundations:  Japan  Society  for  the  Promotion  of
            Epithelial-mesenchymal transition                 Science  (JSPS)  Grant-in-Aid  for  Scientifi c  Research;
                                                              Grant Numbers: 23791550.
            There  are  two  main  approaches  in  the  detection  of
            CTCs,  that  is,  immunological  assays  using  monoclonal   Financial support and sponsorship
            antibodies  and  PCR-based  molecular  assays,  exploiting   This work was supported in part by the following grants
            tissue-specifi c   transcripts.    Immunocytochemical   and  foundations:  Japan  Society  for  the  Promotion  of
            detection  of  epithelial  or  tumor-associated  antigens  is   Science  (JSPS)  Grant-in-Aid  for  Scientifi c  Research;
            widely accepted.  Recent studies have shown that EMT   Grant Numbers 23791550.
            plays a critical role in cancer progression and metastasis
            in epithelial malignancies including gastric cancer.  Our   Confl icts of interest
            previous study implied that vimentin-positive tumor cells   There are no confl icts of interest.
            were able to survive in the peripheral circulation and in
            the bone marrow and that vimentin-positive cancer cells   References
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