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[Table  1].  In  esophageal  cancer,  RT-PCR  was  the  main   Gastric cancer
            technique to detect CTCs in previous studies. [42-45]  As for
            available  molecular  markers,    CEA  and    SCC  are  useful   A  number  of  studies  of  CTC  detection  in  patients
            predictive  markers  for  tumor  recurrence  and  survival.   with  gastric  cancer  have  been  reported  previously
            Most  recently,  a  large-scale  of  study  using  CellSearch   as  summarized  in  Table  2.  Although  the  several
            System ,  morphological  technique  are  also  reported. [46,47]    methodology  of  CTC  detection  including  RT-PCR
            Matsushita  et al.   revealed  that  CTC  detection  by   and  CellSearch  System   [Table  2],  it  remains  unclear
            CellSearch  System   was  useful  to  evaluate  the  clinical   which  is  the  best  method  and  molecular  marker  for
            effi cacy  of  chemotherapy  and  chemoradiation  therapy   detection  of  CTCs  in  gastric  cancer  patients.  Recently,
            on  esophageal  cancer  patients.  Reeh  et al.   reported   various  meta-analyses  demonstrated  that  presence  of
            that patients with positive CTCs had signifi cantly poorer   CTCs was associated with poor prognosis and advanced
            overall  survival  and  progression-free  survival  rate;   clinicopathological  factors. [48-50]   It  has  been  reported  that
            therefore,  preoperative  CTC  detection  by  CellSearch   detection  of  CTCs  in  gastric  cancer  may  be  useful  in
            System   was  an  independent  prognostic  indicator  for   early  diagnosis  and  monitoring  of  treatment  responses
            patients  with  esophageal  cancer.  However,  most  of   and  prognosis.  However,  as  for  diagnosis,  a  recent
            previously  reported  patients  had  esophageal  squamous   meta-analysis  showed  that  CTC  detection  alone  cannot
            cell carcinoma. There are some differences of biological   be  recommended  as  a  screening  test  for  gastric  cancer
            behaviors  between  esophageal  squamous  cell  carcinoma   because  of  lower  and  inconsistent  sensitivity  estimates
            and  adenocarcinoma;  therefore,  further  study  of   for  CTC.   Furthermore,  Mimori  et al.   showed  that
            esophageal adenocarcinoma is needed.              CTCs  occurred  in  early  stages  of  the  disease,  and  CTC
            Table 1: Clinical relevance of CTC in esophageal cancer
            Author     Year    Case   Method      Molecuar marker     Clinical relevance
            Kaganoi    2004     70    RT-PCR      SCC                 Prediction of recurrence
            Setoyama   2006    106    RT-PCR      CEA                 Prediction of recurrence
            Liu        2007     53    RT-PCR      CEA                 Prediction of recurrence
            Hashimoto  2008    147    RT-PCR      CEA                 Prediction of recurrence and prognosis
            Cao        2009    108    RT-PCR      Survivin            Prediction of haematogenous recurrence and prognosis
            Tanaka     2010    244    RT-PCR      CEA, SCC            Predictor for hematogenous and local recurrences
            Yin        2012     72    RT-PCR      CEA, CK-19, Survivin  Clinical effi cacy of RT
            Matsushita   2014   90    CellSearch  EpCAM, CK-8, 18, 19  Clinical effi cacy of CT or CRT
            Reeh       2015    100*   CellSearch  EpCAM, CK-8, 18, 19  Prediction of recurrence and prognosis
            *Esophageal adenocarcinoma is included. RT: Radiotherapy; CRT: Chemoradiation therapy
            Table 2: Clinical relevance of CTC in gastric cancer
            Author         Year  Case  Method       Molecuar marker        Clinical relevance
            Wu             2006   64  MAH           hTERT, CK-19, CEA, MUC1  Associated with recurrence
            Pituch-Noworolska  2007  57  ICC        CK-8, 18, 19           No prognostic impact
            Ito            2010   65  ICC           GFP, EpCAM,            Shorter OS
            Majima         2000   52  RT-PCR        CK-19, 20              Shorter OS
            Miyazono       2001   57  RT-PCR        CEA                    Associated with liver metastaisis, recurrence
            Sumikura       2003  106  RT-PCR        CEA                    Associated with recurrence
            Illert         2005   70  RT-PCR        CK-20                  Shorter OS
            Ikeguchi       2005   59  RT-PCR        CEA                    No association with recurrence
            Uen            2006   52  RT-PCR        MUC1, c-Met            Shorter OS
            Koga           2008  101  RT-PCR        CK-18, 19, 20          Shorter OS (CK-19 is better)
            Yie            2008   55  RT-PCR, ELISA Survivin               Predictive marker for DFS
            Mimori         2008  810  RT-PCR        CK-7,19, 20, VEGFR1    Associated with hematogenous metatasis
            Bertazza       2009   70  RT-PCR        Survivin               Predictive marker for OS
            Qiu            2010  123  RT-PCR        CEA                    Predictive marker for DFS
            Arigami        2010   94  RT-PCR        B7-H3                  Shorter OS
            Arigami        2011   95  RT-PCR        B7-H4                  Shorter OS
            Cao            2011   98  RT-PCR, ELISA Survivin               Predictive marker for DFS
            Arigami        2013   93  RT-PCR        STC2                   Shorter OS
            Matsusaka      2010   52  CellSearch    EpCAM, CK-8, 18, 19    Predictive marker for PFS (CTC level after Cx)
            Uenosono       2013  148  CellSearch    EpCAM, CK-8, 18, 19    Predictive marker for PFS and OS
            MAH: Membrane-array hybrudization; ICC: Immunocytochemistry; hTERT: Human Telomerase reverse transcriptase;
            ELISA: Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbentAssay; DFS: Disease free survival; OS: Overall survival; PFS: Progression free survival

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