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Colorectal  CSCs  Niche  in  the  Tumor           Several  studies  have  reported  that  CSCs  reside  in
            Microenvironment                                  perivascular  niches  in  certain  types  of  cancer. [62-64]
                                                              Endothelial-cell-derived,  soluble  Jagged-1  led  to  Notch
            Tissue   stem   cells   reside   in   their   surrounding   activation in colorectal CSC cells in a paracrine manner,
            microenvironment, known as the stem cell niche, and play   thus promoting the CSC phenotype. [65]
            an essential role in maintaining tissue homeostasis through
            their  abilities  of  self-renewal  and  differentiation. [46,47]    Hypoxia  is  known  to  play  pivotal  roles  in  cell  survival,
            Lgr5+  stem  cells  in  the  intestinal  crypts  are  interspersed   angiogenesis,  tumor  invasion  and  metastasis,  and  is
            among terminally differentiated Paneth cells, which act as   involved  in  the  maintenance  of  self-renewal  and  the
            guardians  of  the  stem  cells  by  providing  essential  niche   undifferentiated  state  of  CSCs  in  various  types  of
            signals.   The  tumor  microenvironment  surrounding   tumors. [66-68]   According  to  a  study  of  colorectal  cell
            cancer cells contains multiple cell types including immune   line-derived  CSCs,  hypoxia  maintained  their  stem-like
            cells,  endothelial  cells,  and  fi broblasts,  in  addition  to  the   phenotype  and  prevented  differentiation  of  enterocytes
            extracellular matrix. Recent evidence suggests that cancer   and goblet cells by regulating CDX1 and Notch1. [69]
            cells interact with their microenvironment and each other
            by  secreting  growth  factors,  cytokines,  and  proteases.   Obesity,  Nutrients,  and  Colorectal  CSCs
            Furthermore,  the  properties  of  the  CSCs  depend  on   Properties
            the  CSC  niche,  which  regulates  their  proliferation  and   Obesity  and  visceral  adiposity  are  closely  related  to
            differentiation, as well as those of the tissue stem cells.  disorders  such  as  diabetes,  cardiovascular  disease,  and
            Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been shown to be   increased  risk  of  various  cancers,  including  CRC. [4,70,71]
            recruited  into  the  tumor  stroma,  and  to  enhance  tumor   Although a meta-analysis showed that an increase in the
            growth  and  metastasis  in  CRC.   MSCs  are  considered   body  mass  index  in  men  was  associated  with  a  relative
            as   potential   precursors   of   carcinoma-associated   CRC  risk  of  1.24,   the  relationship  between  increased
            fibroblasts  (CAFs,  also  known  as  tumor-associated   body mass index and CRC risk in women is inconsistent.
            fi broblasts),  which  play  a  key  role  in  tumor  progression   It is possible that the insulin and the insulin-like growth
            in  various  types  of  cancer,  including  CRC. [50-52]    factor-1  axis  may  play  different  roles  in  colorectal
            Carcinoma-cell-derived  IL-1  was  shown  to  induce   carcinogenesis in men and women. [4,73]
            prostaglandin  E2  (PGE2)  secretion  by  MSCs,  and  the   Visceral obesity is associated with increased infi ltration of
            resulting  PGE2  then  acted  in  an  autocrine  manner   infl ammatory cells such as macrophages and T-cells into the
            with  ongoing  paracrine  IL-1  signaling  to  induce   adipose tissue, together with low-grade infl ammation. [74-77]
            expression  of  cytokines  by  the  MSC,  thus  creating  a   Adipose tissues produce various growth factors, hormones,
            CSC  niche.   A  recent  study  demonstrated  that  CRC   and  cytokines  known  as  adipocytokines,  including  leptin,
            cells  can  induce  adjoining  bone-marrow-derived  MSCs   resistin, visfatin, adiponectin, and numerous infl ammatory
            to  exhibit  the  typical  characteristics  of  CAFs  in  vitro,   mediators  such  as  TNF-α,  IL-6,  IL-8,  IL-10,  and  IL-1
            and  activated  Notch  signaling  mediates  transformation   receptor  agonists.  These  adipose-derived  factors  have
            of  bone-marrow-derived  MSCs  to  CAFs  through  the   demonstrated  an  intimate  involvement  in  increased
            downstream TGF-β/Smad signaling pathway.  Cytokines   risk  of  CRC.   In  addition  to  adipocytokine-mediated
            secreted  by  CAFs,  including  hepatocyte  growth  factor,   infl ammation,  dyslipidemia,  insulin  resistance,  and
            osteopontin,  and  stromal-derived  factor  1α,  increase   activation  of  the  renin-angiotensin  system  may  also
            CD44v6  expression  in  colorectal  CRCs,  which  in  turn   contribute to CRC development. [78]
            promote  migration  and  metastasis.   Another  study
            demonstrated  that  CSCs  were  resistant  to  conventional   Colorectal  CSC  clones  have  been  reported  to  express
            chemotherapy  and  that  chemoresistance  was  also   leptin  receptors  and  to  respond  to  leptin  by  cell
            increased  by  CAFs.  In  this  study,  chemotherapy-treated   proliferation,  activation  of  the  ERK1/2  and  PI3K/AKT
            human  CAFs  promoted  CSC  self-renewal  and in vivo   signaling  pathways,  enhanced  growth  in  soft  agar,  and
            tumor growth associated with secretion of cytokines and   improved  sphere  formation  associated  with  E-cadherin
            chemokines, including IL-17A. [56]                overexpression.  Moreover,  leptin  counteracted  the
                                                              cytotoxic  effects  of  5-fl uorouracil.   Other  authors
            The  Wnt/β-catenin  signaling  pathway  has  been  shown   reported  that  leptin  acted  as  a  growth  factor  for
            to  play  critical  roles  during  the  transition  from  normal   carcinogen-induced  colorectal  tumors  in  a  mouse
            colorectal  mucosa  to  adenocarcinoma. [57-59]   The  tumor   model  of  obesity. They  also  showed  that  leptin  receptor
            microenvironment  may  play  a  central  role  in  malignant   expression  levels  were  markedly  increased  in  colorectal
            transformation  by  locally  modifying  β-catenin  activity   tumors compared with normal epithelium, in association
            in  tumor  cells,  thus  contributing  to  tumor  growth   with activation of Wnt signaling. [80]
            and cancer stemness.  Likewise, myofi broblast-secreted
            factors,  especially  hepatocyte  growth  factor,  activated   Chronic infl ammation is considered to be a risk factor for
            Wnt  signaling  and  restored  the  CSC  phenotype  in  more   CRC, and an obvious association has been demonstrated
            differentiated tumor cells both in vitro and in vivo. [61]  between  the  incidence  of  CRC  and  infl ammatory

            158                                   Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ October 15, 2015 ¦
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