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Page 6 of 15                         Zaichick et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2018;4:60  I

               Table 4. Some statistical parameters of Al, B, Ba, Br, Ca, Cl, Cu, Fe, I, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S, Si, Sr, V, and Zn mass fraction
               (mg/kg, dry mass basis) in normal and cancerous thyroid
                Tissue    Element   M        SD       SEM      Min      Max     Median   P 0.025  P 0.975
                Normal     Al       10.5     13.4     1.8     0.800     69.3     6.35      1.19    52.9
                n = 105    B        0.476    0.434    0.058   0.200     2.30     0.300     0.200   1.73
                           Ba       1.12     1.15     0.15    0.0480    5.00     0.680     0.0838  4.48
                           Br       14.9     11.0     1.2     1.90      54.1     11.6      2.56    49.3
                           Ca       1682     999      106     373       5582     1454      444     4183
                           Cl       3400     1452     174     1030      6000     3470      1244    5869
                           Cu       4.08     1.22     0.14    0.500     7.15     4.10      1.57    6.41
                           Fe       223      95       10      52.0      489      210       72.8    432
                           I        1841     1027     107     114       5061     1695      230     4232
                           K        6418     2625     290     1914      15293    5948      2947    13285
                           Li       0.0208   0.0155   0.0022  0.0015    0.0977   0.0178    0.0041  0.0487
                           Mg       296      134      16      66.0      930      284       95.8    541
                           Mn       1.28     0.56     0.07    0.470     4.04     1.15      0.537   2.23
                           Na       6928     1730     175     3686      13453    6835      3974    10709
                           P        4290     1578     207     496       8996     4221      1360    7323
                           S        8259     2002     263     644       11377    8399      3662    11208
                           Si       50.8     46.9     6.2     5.70      180      36.0      7.11    174
                           Sr       3.81     2.93     0.34    0.100     12.6     2.90      0.365   11.3
                           V        0.102    0.039    0.005   0.0200    0.250    0.100     0.0440  0.192
                           Zn       94.8     39.6     4.2     7.10      215      88.5      34.9    196
                Cancer     Al       33.0     25.5     7.1     4.50      96.5     21.3      5.70    85.6
                n = 41     B        2.21     1.89     0.52    1.00      5.60     1.00      1.00    5.42
                           Ba       1.42     1.30     0.35    0.220     4.09     0.945     0.259   3.93
                           Br       139      203      36      6.20      802      50.2      7.75    802
                           Ca       3013     2966     699     452       9768     1578      467     8938
                           Cl       7699     2900     703     4214      14761    7216      4240    13619
                           Cu       14.5     9.4      2.6     4.00      32.6     10.9      4.21    31.4
                           Fe       255      168      27      60.6      880      217       74.6    673
                           I        71.8     62.0     10.1    2.00      261      62.1      2.93    192
                           K        10054    4018     877     1660      18814    9204      4073    17559
                           Li       0.0314   0.0307   0.0090  0.0078    0.111    0.0182    0.0088  0.0995
                           Mg       478      194      42      130       933      467       166     881
                           Mn       2.01     1.34     0.29    0.100     5.95     1.61      0.250   5.23
                           Na       8576     2433     531     4083      14048    8107      4901    12925
                           P        10493    3238     866     5382      15403    9694      5767    15391
                           S        9448     1605     429     7139      12591    9422      7211    12204
                           Si       143      156      42      18.6      523      64.2      19.8    472
                           Sr       6.26     7.61     1.59    0.93      30.8     3.00      0.985   25.0
                           V        0.0904   0.0308   0.0100  0.0580    0.170    0.0870    0.0600  0.154
                           Zn       96.9     80.0     12.6    28.7      375      69.8      36.3    374
               M: arithmetic mean; SD: standard deviation; SEM: standard error of mean; Min: minimum value; Max: maximum value; P 0.025: percentile
               with 0.025 level; P 0.975: percentile with 0.975 level

               explained by a dependence of element content on many factors, including the region of the thyroid, from
               which the sample was taken, age, gender, ethnicity, mass of the gland, and the cancer stage. Not all these
               factors were strictly controlled in cited studies. Another leading cause, in our opinion, of inter-observer
               variability can be attributed to the accuracy of the analytical techniques, sample preparation methods, and
               inability of taking uniform samples from the affected tissues. It was insufficient quality control of results
               in these studies. In many reported papers tissue samples were ashed or dried at high temperature for
               many hours. In other cases, thyroid samples were treated with solvents (distilled water, ethanol, formalin
               etc.). There is evidence that by using these methods some quantities of certain trace elements are lost as a
               result of this treatment, which concerns not only such volatile halogen as Br, but also other trace elements
               investigated in the study [36,77,78] .
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