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De Alcantara Filho et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2019;5:2  I         Page 3 of 5

                      A                                       B

                  Figure 2. A: Intramammary lymph nodes affected by cancer metastases (3/3): capsular extravasation; B: capsular extravasation

                                  A                           B

                          Figure 3. A: Clinical presentation of axillary recurrence with fistulization; B: axillary lymph node dissection

               Removal of the implant and ALND with primary closure of the chest wall was performed. Pathology report
               showed fragment of fibroadipous and muscular tissue compromised by carcinoma, associated to intense
               chronic inflammatory process abscessed. Skin and 3 axillary lymph nodes level 2 and 3 free of metastasis
               [Figure 3B].

               IMLNs are important because they can be the primary sites of metastasis and SLNs, and when the image
               is identified, the presence of metastasis is more frequent than in IMLNs detected incidentally . They are
               involved in a variety of clinical situations, including benign lesions, tumor metastases, breast lymphomas
               and breast cancer, where their importance is not fully established. Nevertheless, there is evidence that
               IMLNs are an independent factor for poor prognosis, and they may change therapeutic decisions . Patients
               with metastatic IMLNs had more aggressive cancers with lymphatic and vascular invasion as well as
               increased axillary lymph node metastases . In a multicenter study including 33,000 SLN-negative cases
               from 61 observational series analysis that did not go to ALND reported an axillary recurrence (AR) rate
               around 0.6% . The NSABP-32 trial showed that SLNB minimized side effects with equivalent survival and
               regional control than ALND in the SLNB-negative setting and then quickly became the standard of care in
               early stage breast cancer clinically node-negative . AMAROS trial included 1,425 patients with T1-2 breast
               cancer, no palpable nodes and positive SLNs. Patients were randomized to ALND or axillary radiotherapy
               and had a median follow up of 6.1 years. No differences in 5-year AR rate was observed between the ALND
               vs. radiotherapy group .
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