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Page 12 of 18                        Wallace et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2019;5:9  I

                                                                     HR = 1.46 (1.05-2.03)
                                                                     P = 0.025


               Figure 3. Distant metastasis free survival is decreased with high levels of expression of SEMA7A, COX-2, and COL1A1 signature. DMFS
               analysis using KmPlot (n = 664) *P < 0.05

               window. One physiological event these women have in common is postpartum involution - a process that
               results in the upregulation and activation of tumor-promotional factors in MECs and the mammary stroma.
               Identification of the genetic engines that drive PPBC is critical to the development of targeted therapies for
               postpartum patients. In this review, we have highlighted potential roles for collagen, COX-2, and SEMA7A
               in driving some of the pro-metastatic aspects of involution [Figure 2]. Previously published results indicate
               overall survival is generally decreased for breast cancer patients with high collagen, COX-2, and SEMA7A
               expression, suggesting that these mechanisms are important mediators of breast cancer metastasis [18,49] .
               Interestingly, while individual expression of each molecule does not predict for metastasis using KM
               Plotter analysis [166] , the combination of high SEMA7A, COX-2, and COL1A1 mRNA expression results in
               significantly decreased distant metastasis free survival for breast cancer patients in this dataset [Figure 3].
               Thus, studies rooted in understanding the contributions of postpartum involution associated programs to
               breast cancer metastasis are likely to also be applicable to general breast cancer metastasis, and perhaps to
               other cancer types.

               Based on the cooperation between SEMA7A, COX-2, and collagen, a multi-targeted therapy to affect the
               individual molecules and their interplay would likely be more effective than targeting one, alone. The
               potential of COX-2 as a therapeutic treatment has been investigated in multiple models of cancer. In
               fact, the COX-2 inhibitor, celecoxib, has been successful in the treatment of a specific type of colorectal
               cancer - familial adenomatous polyposis - in both adults and children [167,168] . Targeting COX-2 in breast
               cancer, by celecoxib or other NSAIDs, may inhibit tumor cell dissemination by reducing the expression
               of tumor-promotional collagen. Targeting SEMA7A in conjunction with already established therapies,
               such as NSAIDs, may also increase the efficacy of these treatments in women with breast cancer. Ideally,
               the characterization of tumor-promotional factors in the postpartum mammary gland may also lead to
               preventative therapies aimed at reducing the risk for PPBC. NSAIDs may further represent a safe candidate
               for preventative therapy during involution via inhibition of COX-2 mediated collagen upregulation and
               alternative macrophage activation. The topics covered herein highlight both the potential contribution of the
               SEMA7A/COX-2/Collagen relationship to PPBC, and the importance of PPBC models to the discovery of
               new molecules and pathways that can be exploited as novel therapeutics.
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