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Wartena et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2018;4:59                  Journal of Cancer
               DOI: 10.20517/2394-4722.2018.66                           Metastasis and Treatment

               Review                                                                        Open Access

               Are memantine, methylphenidate and donepezil
               effective in sparing cognitive functioning after brain


               Rosa Wartena , Dieta Brandsma , José Belderbos 3
               1 Amsterdam Universitair Medische Centra, Amsterdam 1081HV, The Netherlands.
               2 Department of Neuro-oncology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam 1066CX, The Netherlands.
               3 Department of Radiation Therapy, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam 1066CX, The Netherlands.
               Correspondence  to: Dr. José Belderbos, Department of Radiation Therapy, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam
               1066CX, The Netherlands. E-mail:

               How to cite this article: Wartena R, Brandsma D, Belderbos J. Are memantine, methylphenidate and donepezil effective in
               sparing cognitive functioning after brain irradiation? J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2018;4:59.

               Received: 22 Oct 2018    First Decision: 19 Nov 2018    Revised: 6 Dec 2018    Accepted: 7 Dec 2018    Published: 26 Dec 2018

               Science Editor: Lucyna Kepka    Copy Editor: Cui Yu    Production Editor: Huan-Liang Wu

               One strategy to reduce neurocognitive deterioration in patients after brain irradiation is the use of neuroprotective
               medication. To generate up-to date knowledge regarding neuroprotective agents we performed a systematic
               review on the clinical effectiveness of three agents that were reported to have neuroprotective characteristics:
               memantine, methylphenidate and donepezil. The use of memantine after brain irradiation showed a delay in
               cognitive deterioration, although at 24 weeks this did not reach significance (P = 0.059). Lack of significance
               is likely to be the result of the limited statistical power of 35% and memantine did show significant differences
               in secondary outcomes. The study on methylphenidate was not conclusive. Donepezil revealed significant
               differences in a few cognitive tests however no difference in global cognition was found. In addition, larger effects
               were observed in individuals with greater cognitive dysfunction prior to treatment.

               Keywords: Memantine, donepezil, methylphenidate, brain irradiation, neuroprotection, whole brain irradiation,
               neuroprotective agent, lung cancer

               Radiotherapy is an important treatment modality for patients who suffer from primary brain tumours
               or brain metastases. Adverse effects of brain irradiation include fatigue, nausea, cognitive decline, ataxia

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