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Falconer et al.                                                                                                                                                                                  MT-MMPs in prostate cancer

           Table 1: MT-MMP nomenclature                       reported in the androgen-insensitive, more metastatic
                                                              cell lines PC3 (and sublines PC3-M and PC3-MM2 )
            Gene                           Protein
            MMP-14                        MT1-MMP             and DU145. Expression has also been reported
            MMP-15                        MT2-MMP             in TSU-Pr1 cells [9,10] , also androgen-insensitive.
            MMP-16                        MT3-MMP             Meanwhile, the less aggressive androgen-sensitive
            MMP-17                        MT4-MMP             cell line LNCaP (and sublines LNCaP-C4 and
            MMP-24                        MT5-MMP             LNCaP-C4-2 ) exhibit low or an absence of MT1-
            MMP-25                        MT6-MMP             MMP gene expression [8,10-13] . Daja et al.  explain that
           MT-MMP: membrane-type matrix metalloproteinases    despite these differences in gene expression, active
                                                              MT1-MMP protein expression was identified in both
           The MMP family of proteolytic enzymes comprises    LNCaP and PC3 cells and their sublines. Furthermore,
           over 26 structurally similar zinc-dependent        Jennbacken et al. [14]  demonstrated that transformation
           endoproteases. The wider family comprises two major   of LNCaP into an androgen-independent cell line
           subgroups: (1) the soluble or secreted MMPs and    (i.e. LNCaP-19 [15] ) was accompanied by increased
           (2) the membrane-type MMPs (MT-MMPs). The MT-      aggressiveness (growth and migratory capacity)
           MMPs are further sub-classified by their cell surface   and by upregulation of both MT1-MMP gene and
           association, either by a transmembrane domain (as is   protein expression. The influence of the tumor
           the case for MT1-, MT2-, MT3-, and MT5-MMP) or by   microenvironment, specifically fibroblasts (WPF5),
           a glycophosphatidylinositol anchor (in MT4- and MT6-  was investigated on PC3 and DU145 cells in a study
           MMP). The nomenclature for the MT-MMPs is outlined   by Coulson-Thomas et al. [16] . An increase in MT1-
           in Table 1: the gene and protein names are generally   MMP gene and protein expression was reported in co-
           used interchangeably. The structures of the MT-MMP   cultures of WPF5 and PC3 or DU145 cells. Protein
           family have been well described . They are each    was localised at the cellular projections of all cell
           synthesised as inactive pre-pro enzymes in the Golgi   lines. When considered together with changes in
           apparatus, with cleavage of the signal peptide and pro-  vimentin distribution and an up-regulation of integrin
           domain required before transport to the cell surface.  α5β1 expression, this is indicative of a more invasive
           The roles played by many MMPs in wider cancer
           initiation, progression and metastasis have been   Information regarding the remaining members of
           extensively explored, with pivotal roles described in   the MT-MMP family is more scarce. Interestingly, in
           prostate cancer in particular . Expression and the   contrast to the picture observed with MT1-MMP, MT2-
           roles played by the MT-MMP family in prostate cancer   MMP gene expression has been reported as more
           are less well studied, however, and it is this area that   significant in LNCaP cells and sublines than in PC3
           is the focus of this review. The available evidence   cells. The pattern of MT3-MMP gene expression is the
           for expression of MT-MMPs in prostate cancer cells   opposite to this, and thus similar to that observed for
           and clinical tissues will be examined first, followed by   MT1-MMP . Protein levels were similar in both cell
           consideration of their roles in prostate cancer function   lines, however. Processed MT-MMPs, indicative of
           and in metastasis to the bone.                     latent MMP activation, were observed to be increased
                                                              in the more aggressive sublines. Jung  et al. [11]
           EXPRESSION OF MT-MMPs IN PROSTATE                  described significant gene expression of MT2-
           CANCER CELL LINES                                  MMP and MT5-MMP in both cell types. MT3-MMP
                                                              expression was observed in LNCaP cells with negligible
           A significant body of literature exists concerning   expression in PC3 or DU145 cells. Meanwhile, MT4-
           the expression of MT1-MMP in prostate cancer       MMP expression was observed in PC3 and DU145,
           cell lines, albeit limited almost exclusively to the   with negligible expression in LNCaP cells.
           widely studied PC3, DU145 and LNCaP cell lines.
           Prostatic adenocarcinoma cells PC3 (derived from a   EXPRESSION OF MT-MMPs IN PROSTATE
           bone metastasis) and DU145 (derived from a brain   CANCER CLINICAL TISSUES
           metastasis) are androgen-insensitive and metastatic
           (PC3 being the more aggressive of the two), while   The clinical expression of secreted MMPs in prostate
           LNCaP cells (prostatic adenocarcinoma cells derived   cancer has been well reviewed by Gong et al. , with
           from a lymph node metastasis) are androgen-sensitive   expression of MMP-2, -3, -7, -9 and -13 gene and
           cells and non-metastatic .                         protein each identified in serum and tumor tissue of
                                                              patients with prostate cancer, and correlation with
           MT1-MMP gene expression has been consistently      progression and metastasis observed. Interestingly,

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