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Pippione et al.                                                                                                                                                             Steroidogenic enzymes in prostate cancer

           Table 1: Therapies and approved drugs for PCa treatment according to its progression
            PCa progression Therapy  Mechanisms                     Drugs           Structure or number in the text
            Localised     Surgery
            disease       Radiation
                          ADT        GnRH agonists and antagonists  Buserelin       Synthetic peptide
                                                                    Goserelin       Synthetic peptide
                                                                    Leuprolide      Synthetic peptide
                                                                    Triptorelin     Synthetic peptide
                                                                    Degarelix       Synthetic peptide
            Advanced PCa  ADT        AR antagonist   Steroidal      Cyproterone     50
                                                     Non steroidal  Flutamide       51
                                                                    Nilutamide      52
                                                                    Bicalutamide    53
            CRPC          ADT        AR antagonist   Non steroidal  Enzalutamide    54
                                     Androgen synthesis  inhibitors (CYP17   Abiraterone  2
                          Chemoterapy  Inductors of microtubule     Docetaxel       Taxane
                                     stabilization                  Cabazitaxel     Taxane
                                     Metabolic radiation            Alpharadin      Radium-223
                                     Vaccine                        Sipuleucel-T    -
                                     Monoclonal antibody            Denosumab       -
           PCa: prostate cancer; ADT: androgen deprivation therapy; AR: androgen receptor; GnRH: gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues;
           CRPC: castration-resistant prostate cancer
           deprivation therapy (ADT) via chronic administration   AR machinery and support tumour cell growth and
           of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues, anti-  survival [11] . Additionally, a number of studies have
           androgens or a combination of these drugs [Table 1].   indicated several enzymes are able to facilitate the
           ADT is considered the standard choice of treatment for   intratumoral neo-synthesis or conversion of circulating
           men with de novo or recurrent metastatic disease .   adrenal androgen precursors to the active AR
           Initially, ADT provides palliation of symptoms, but   ligands [12] .
           the therapeutic effects of castration are usually
           short lived, with 70% of patients developing signs   This review is focussed on outlining and discussing the
           of disease progression within 2 years despite very   key players in the steroidogenic pathway that is tightly
           low levels of circulating testosterone (T) [4,5] . Many   linked with the AR activation.
           patients will inevitably relapse and ultimately develop
           castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC), which is   THE STEROIDOGENIC CASCADE INVOLVED
           responsible for the vast majority of PCa mortalities.   IN PCA
           Although the mechanisms of resistance are multi-
           factorial, the androgen axis still plays a major role .
           Evidence accumulated over the past decade clearly   Under normal physiological conditions about 60%
           indicates that castration-resistant growth, to a large   of androgens produced in the prostate come from
           extent, is driven by continued AR signalling, despite   circulating T synthesised from cholesterol in the testis.
           castration resulting in only low levels of T in the serum.   The remainder derives from dehydroepiandrosterone
           Emerging literature indicates a complex network of   (DHEA)  synthesised  in  the  zona  reticularis  of
           molecular players linked in part with amplification or   the adrenal glands [Figure 1]. The prostate itself
           mutations in androgen receptors allowing activation by   contributes to androgen anabolism by reducing
           progesterone, estrogens and androgen antagonists,   testicular T to the more potent AR ligand DHT
           generation of alternative splicing variants or with   and converting DHEA to T and DHT [Figure 2].
           androgen neo-synthesis within the prostate tumour   The enzymes converting T to DHT are type 1 or
           or adrenals [7-10] . Accordingly, both the management   2  5α-reductase  (SRD5A),  the  type  2  being  the
           of PCa patients and complete abolition of androgens   predominant isoform in prostate. This mechanism of
           are  difficult  to  achieve.  Direct  measurement  of   production of DHT presumably allows the prostate to
           androgen levels in clinical samples from patients   maintain constitutive levels of AR that are sufficient
           with CRPC reveal residual T (0.2-2.94 ng/g) and    for activity in the luminal epithelium. The adrenal
           dihydrotestosterone (DHT, 0.36-2.19 ng/g) levels in   DHEA taken up by prostate cells as the sulphate
           tissue samples, respectively; nonetheless these levels   derivative is reduced to androstenedione (AD) by a
           are considered more than sufficient to activate the   3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (HSD3B1)

                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ December 12, 2017      329
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