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Hamilton et al.                                                                                                                                                                 Dissemination of small cell lung cancer

           and  treatment.   The presence  of CTCs, despite   of approximately 20,000 CTCs/mL blood.
           ongoing  treatment, has proven to be an indicator of
           worse overall survival; therefore, in one group of   Clearly,  this  estimation  of  the  release  of  CTCs
           HER2  breast cancer patients,  HER2  CTCs were     reported from an experimental animal model cannot
           identified  and  trastuzumab-based  therapy  applied  to   be  extrapolated  to  human  tumors.  No  form  of  the
           these patients. [17,22,23]  Most of the CTCs isolated from   shedding of CTCs causes a human tumor to lose
           breast cancer patients show the presence of epithelial-  10%  of  its  size  in  one  day,  nor  is  a  CTC  count  of
           mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers such as ETV5,   20,000 cells/mL observed in most cancer patients. A
           NOTCH1, SNAIL, TGFB1, ZEB1, and ZEB2.  Breast      threshold of 5 CTCs/7.5 mL blood has been defined by
           cancer patients who showed remaining  CTCs after   the Cellsearch  system for breast and prostate cancer,
           first  cycles  of  chemotherapy  progressed  rapidly  to   and a lower threshold of 3 CTCs/7.5 mL  blood has
           metastatic disease.  In prostate cancer, CTCs have   been defined for colon cancer patients. These figures
           been  proposed to act as intermediate  or surrogate   are for favorable or poor prognosis, respectively. [7,37]
           endpoints for survival and to shorten timelines for drug   Consequently, the attrition rate in the circulation based
           approval.  Patients with lower levels of CTCs have   on this artificial animal model seems to be a considerable
           shown slower disease progression in comparison     overestimation.  The  specific  mechanisms  of  tumor
           to those having higher levels of CTCs.  In colon   cell shedding are not known at present. CTCs seem
           cancer,  CTCs were found as individual  cells or as   to origin as specialized cell types, different from the
           clusters (CTMs) by a CK-based, immunomagnetic cell   bulk of the tumor cells, from the borders of the tumor.
           separation method.  CTMs are of particular interest   CTCs leave the particular microenvironmental milieu
           as they are considered  to be markers of increased   characterized by inflammation, acidosis and hypoxia
           metastatic potential.  In lung  cancer, CellSearch    through the interaction of a host of participating cell
           and ISET kits indicated a higher number of CTCs in   types. Therefore, CTCs are not expected to represent
           SCLC than NSCLC, reported to be associated with    the bulk of tumor cells and are not typical of the cell
           larger tumor size and bone metastasis. [30,31]  The high   biologic behavior and chemoresistance of the main
           numbers of CTCs in SCLC allowed for their enrichment   body of the tumor. SCLC extended disease responds
           and initiation of xenografts which seem to resemble   well to the first cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy
           the tumor characteristics of the respective patients. [32]   but recurs within approximately one year as tumors
           Furthermore, a trial to establish  ex vivo expanded   which exhibit universal chemoradioresistance.
           CTC cell lines was successful and has resulted in the   Contrary  to  expectations,  the  first  two  SCLC  CTC
           availability of six lines from relapsed patients so far. [33]   cell lines proved to be chemosensitive to the second-
           Characteristics  of  the  first  CTC  cell  lines  and  their   line chemotherapeutics topotecan and epirubicin
           interaction with macrophages have been published. [34]  although some tumor cells must have survived the
                                                              initial successful treatment and eventually give rise
           SHEDDING OF CTCS FROM TUMORS                       to chemoresistant relapses.   Therefore, the use
                                                              of CTCs as surrogate markers for the bulk tumor is
           Release of CTCs into the circulation is frequently   questionable.
           termed shedding, a designation for a process for
           which the details are not known. CTCs are reported   EMT IN TUMOR CELL SHEDDING
           to  be  shed from solid tumors at a daily rate of 3.2
           to  4.1  ×  10   per  gram  of  tissue,  based  on  a  single   A general assumption supposes that tumor cells invade
           artificial rat model. [35]  In one study, the rate of tumor   through a process termed EMT.  Accordingly, epithelial
           cell shedding into efferent blood was measured in   tumor cell  downregulate  epithelial  markers, such as
           both  growing  and  regressing  MTW9  rat  mammary   E-cadherin,  EpCAM  and  cytokeratins,  eventually
           carcinomas. Cell shedding rates of growing versus   expressing mesenchymal markers  such as  vimentin,
           regressing  tumors  were  not  significantly  different   neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) and others. In
           over a tumor size range of 2-4 g. Half of these CTCs   this way, cells gain mobility and migrate to intravasate
           perished within 2.4 h, although longer half-lives were   and reach distant sites to establish secondary lesions.
           reported  in  a  clinical  setting. [28,36]   Tumor  cells  are   EMT is regulated by a number of specific transcription
           rapidly cleared from circulating blood and a 2-g MTW9   factors belonging to the SNAIL, TWIST and ZEB families
           carcinoma reportedly released enough cells into the   und is modulated  by microenvironmental  conditions,
           circulation to transplant the tumor every 24 h, although   inflammatory  cytokines  and  chemotherapy.   Since
           the majority of the cells were reported to be apoptotic/  it has proven difficult to demonstrate tumor cells with
           necrotic. [35]  The cell loss via blood comprised about   EMT traits in patients, incomplete EMT or transitional
           10% of the tumor weight and resulted in a CTC count   EMT has been proposed as a model.  This model
            448                                                             Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ December 16, 2016
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