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Hamilton et al.                                                                                                                                                                 Dissemination of small cell lung cancer

           liquid biopsies, would offer significant advantages.Non-  lines for tumor dissemination in this highly aggressive
           invasive  detection  and  monitoring  of patient  tumors,   malignancy.
           employing cell-free circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) or
           circulating tumor  cells (CTCs),  have been employed   DETECTION AND ENRICHMENT OF CTCS
           for investigations into multiple tumor types. [2-4]  CTCs
           are described as cells, shed by primary or secondary   In most tumor types, CTCs are rare events, with a
           tumors into vasculature, that keep circulating  in the   frequency of approximately  one CTC among 1-10
           bloodstream of cancer patients.  Reports indicate that   million  mononuclear  blood  cells.  Therefore, these
           patients with lower counts of CTCs survive longer than   cancer cells have to be enriched by various methods
           the patients  with higher  CTCs counts. For example,   for  further analysis.  The  probability to  detect  CTCs
           lower numbers of CTCs were observed for 21 patients   in a limited  volume  of blood has been  reviewed  by
           with limited SCLC (median = 6, range 0-220) compared   Gkountela  et  al.   and the  reported probability  of
           with 38 patients with extensive stage (median =  63,   collecting  ≥ 1 CTCs in one aliquot of 7.5 mL blood
           range 0-14,040) and the absence of measurable CTCs   from a patient with 500 CTCs is 50%.  Therefore,
           in 27%  of  patients was correlated with prolonged   20 mL of whole blood would have to be assessed if the
           survival (hazard ratio: 3.4; P ≤ 0.001). [6]       cell event were to be detected for a lower frequency
                                                              at one CTC in 10  leukocytes. The frequency of  the
           Furthermore, CTC counts have  been  proposed  as   CTC population measured in an aliquot may not be a
           a surrogate  marker for assessment of responses    statistical representative of the entire sample.
           to therapy in cancer  patients to facilitate  more rapid
           drug  evaluation.  The Food and  Drug  Administration   There are a number of questions remaining  for the
           approved CellSearch   system  (Veridex, Raritan, NJ,   detection of CTCs and their relationship to their parent
           USA) enumerates  intact CTCs for a prognosis  of   bulk tumors. CTCs seem to stem from the frontier of
           overall survival for breast, prostate and colon cancer.    the tumor and it is generally  known that the tumor
           For example, CTC count is a robust independent     margin is different from the main tumor mass. Most of
           prognostic factor  for  progression-free recovery and   the CTCs populations analyzed exhibit heterogeneity,
           overall  survival in patients  with early  and  metastatic   pointing  to release of different cell  populations  from
           breast cancer.  Additionally, CTCs have been detected   distinct regions of the tumor or of metastatic lesions.
           in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease   CTCs can also form clusters including immune cells in
           before the actual occurrence of malign  lesions, thus   the circulation, or be engulfed by the platelets before
           allowing for early diagnosis of lung cancer.  However,   eventually adhering to the walls of the capillaries and
           an advantage of the analysis of ctDNA in liquid biopsy is   initiating extravasation. [12]
           the detection of molecular changes which are occurring
           within  the tumors in real time, especially  during   The  role of  CTCs  as prognostic marker and as
           development of drug resistance to targeted agents. [2,3]   possible surrogate indicators for response to therapy
           Numerous techniques for the enrichment of CTCs have   is discussed in numerous reviews. [10,13,14]  CTCs which
           been developed relying  on immunological  markers,   are shed from  tumors  are mediators of  metastatic
           size, rigidity or dielectric properties. These techniques   dissemination  and  form micrometastasis  at distant
           have been used for genetic characterization, marker   organs.   In  positive selection, surface markers of
           analysis  and short-term cultures for investigation  of   CTCs are  targeted, whereas,  in  negative  selection,
           their cell biology. [10,11]  Despite a host of studies dealing   depletion of blood cells other than CTCs is achieved
           with CTCs, many questions regarding their generation,   by targeting their surface markers.  The CellSearch
           shedding, survival in the circulation, chemosensitivity   system is by far the most common system for extraction
           and mechanisms of induction  of secondary  lesion   and enumeration of CTCs for clinical investigations.
           remain to be fully resolved.                       CTCs which  have downregulated  EpCAM remain
                                                              undetected throughout this process. [16,17]  By alternative
           Research on tumor dissemination  and CTCs has      methods, cell size-based  sorting is accomplished
           been  hampered  by the scarcity or heterogeneity  of   using  microfluidic  technology,  as  with  the  Parsortix
           the enriched cells, as well as the inability to define the   system (Angle, Guildford, UK). [18,19]  Isolation by
           characteristics of the actual metastasis-inducing CTCs   Size of Tumor cells (ISET ) is a another filter-based
           that are expected to be most relevant for the prognosis   established method which is used for such cell size-
           of  the  patients.  In  this  study,  we have established   based sorting. [20]
           for  the  first  time  six  CTC  cell  lines  from  a  variety  of
           patients with extended metastatic SCLC and present   CTCs derived from breast cancer  patients  are
           here the implications  of the phenotype of these cell   among  the most extensively  studied  for diagnosis
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ December 16, 2016      447
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