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Page 265                          Su et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(3):244­74  I

               the back-door path and front-door path are first introduced, which are helpful for the understanding of the
               front-door criterion. A causal path connecting    and    which begins with an arrow leading to    is called a
               back-door path (e.g.,    ← ...  ), while a path starting with an arrow pointing away from    is called a front-door
               path (e.g.,    → ...  ). If the front-door criterion is satisfied, there exits a mediator variable    such that: (i)
               there are no backdoor paths from    to   ; and (ii) all backdoor paths from    to    are blocked by   . Formally,
                 (  |    (  )) can be computed as follows:
                                               (  |    (  )) =    (  |  ,   )  (  |  )  (  )          (20)

               These criteria can be generalized to the case where there is no bi-directed edges connection between the sen-
               sitive attribute and its direct children. Given the fact that the observational distribution   (v) can be decom-
               posed to a product of several factors, c-component factorization was proposed to decompose the identification
               problem into smaller problems (i.e., c-components, each of which is a set of observational variables that are
               connected by a common confounder in the causal graph) to evaluate the causal effect [15,105] .

               Shpitser et al. [15]  designed a sound and complete algorithm called ID to identify all identifiable causal effects
               where ID outputs the expression of the causal effect for the identifiable cases. In addition, they proved that
               all cases of unidentifiable causal effects   (  |    (  )) can be completely attributed to a graphical structure called

               As to the identifiability of counterfactual effect, if complete knowledge of the causal model is known (including
               structural functions,   (u), etc.), any counterfactual quantity can be exactly performed using three steps: (i)
               abduction, update   (u) by observation O = o to compute   (u|o); (ii) action, modify causal model M by
               intervention     (  ) toobtainthepost-interventionmodel M   ; and(iii)prediction,usepost-interventionmodel
               M    and   (u|o) tocomputethecounterfactualeffect   (      |   ). However, theabovemethodisusuallyinfeasible
               in practice due to the lack of complete knowledge of the causal model. In most cases, we only have the causal
               graph and observational data, which makes the counterfactual effect not always identifiable. The simplest
               unidentifiable case of counterfactual effect is due to the unidentifiability of   (   =   ,      =    ). Graphically,
               there exists “w-graph” in the causal graph (see Figure 8(c)).

               The analysis of the identifiability of counterfactual effect   (      |   ,o) concerns the connection between two
               causal models, M and M   ; thus, Shpitser et al. [15]  proposed a make-cg algorithm to construct a counterfac-
               tual graph G which depicts the independence relationship among all variables in M and M   . Specifically,
               make-cg first combines original causal graph and post-interventional causal graph by removing the same ex-
               ogenous variables, and the duplicated endogenous variables that are not influenced by     (  ). The resultant
               graph is the so-called counterfactual graph, which can be considered as a typical causal graph for a larger
               causal model. For example, Figure 8(a) shows an example causal graph, while its counterfactual graph of the
               counterfactual effect   (      |   ) is shown in Figure 8(b). All the graphical criteria mentioned above for the iden-
               tifiability of causal effects are applicable to the counterfactual graph and the c-component factorization of the
               counterfactual graph for performing the counterfactual inference [106] . Shpitser et al. [15]  further developed ID*
               and IDC* algorithms to distinguish the identifiability of counterfactual effects and compute the counterfac-
               tual quantity. In addition, Pearl [10]  further proved the results about the identifiability of counterfactual effects:
               if all the structural functions F are linear, any counterfactual quantity is identifiable whenever we have full
               knowledge about the causal model. Unfortunately, there is no single necessary and sufficient criterion for the
               counterfactual effects’ identifiable issues in semi-Markovian models, even the linear causal model [107] .

               For the identifiability of path-specific effect           (  ), it depends on whether   (      |  ,   | ¯   ) is identifiable or
               not. Unfortunately,   (      |  ,   | ¯   ) is not always identifiable, even in Markovian models. Avin et al. [107]  gave the
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