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Yang et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(3):223­43  I  Page 229

               protocol (4), the dynamics of       (  ) can be given by

                                      (   + 1) =         (  ) +         {     (  )[   (  )(      (  ) −       (  )) +    (  )]
                                                        =1                                             (5)
                                         +    (  )[   (  )      (  ) +    (  )]}
               with       (  ) = [   (  ),    (  ), ...,    (  )] . Assume that all channel fading are identical, ie.,         (  ) =   (  ),
                             1     2         
                    0 (  ) =    0 (  ),         (  ) =   (  ), and      0 (  ) =    0 (  ) for    ≥ 0,   ,    = 1, 2, ...,   . Then, the above equation can
               be rewritten in compact form as follows:
                            (   + 1) = [      ⊗    + (      (  )L    +    0   (  )M    ) ⊗         ]  (  ) + [      ⊗ (        )]  (  )
               where   (  ) = [   (  ),    (  ), ...,    (  )] ,       (  ) =  ∑        (  )      (  ) +    (  )   0   (  ),    = 1, 2, ...,   .
                              1     2                         =1               
               Before the subsequent analysis, some definition and assumptions are introduced.
               Definition 3 The systems (6) is said to achieve leader-following consensus in mean square sense, if the system
               (6) is   -error mean square stable.
               Definition 4 [39]  The dynamic system (6) is said to be   -error mean square stable, if the following conditions
                                                [      2  ]
                                           lim E ∥      (  )∥               = 0                        (7)
                                             →∞                (0),  (0),     +1 ≤          |      =  
               for given the upper bound of sojourn-time           ∈ N and any initial conditions       (0),   (0) ∈ O,    ∈
               {1, 2, ...,   },   (  ) = 0.
               Assumption 1 Every possible undirected graph G   (  ),   (  ) =    ∈ O is connected.

               Assumption2Themeanandvarianceofstochasticvariables {      (  )}and {   0   (  )}are E{      (  )} =      , E{   0   (  )} =
                  0  , E{(      (  ) −       ) } =    , and E{(   0   (  ) −    0   ) } =    .
               According to the above analysis and discussion, it can be found that the leader-following consensus of system
               (1)underthesemi-Markovswitchingtopology G    isequivalenttothemeansquarestabilityofsystem(6). Since
                     (  ) and    0   (  ) are interference in the channel, we can treat the last term in equation (6) as a disturbance.
               To tackle with the disturbance, the following control output are given
                                                      (  ) = (      ⊗   )  (  )                        (8)
               with       (  ) =   (      (  ) −    0 (  )) and   (  ) = [   (  ),    (  ), ...,    (  )] .    ∈ R       ×       is a known constant matrix.
                                                    1     2         
               Then, the consensus problem of system (1) is transformed into a H ∞ control problem of the system (6).
               Consequently, the objective of this paper is to design the distributed consensus controller such that the follow-
               ing two conditions are satisfied:
               (I) when   (  ) = 0, the condition (7) holds;
                                {                           }
                                  ∞      +1 −1
                                  ∑  ∑         2   2      2
               (II) the inequality E     [∥  (  )∥ − ˆ   ∥  (  )∥ ] < 0 holds for zero-initial condition and any nonzero
                                   =0   =     
                 (  ) ∈    2 (0, +∞).
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