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Page 226                         Yang et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(3):223­43  I

               its stability and stabilization problems [39,40] . This also provides an idea for solving the consensus problem of
               multi-agent systems under discrete semi-Markov switching topology. To the best of our knowledge, to date,
               there have been few results on the leader-following consensus problem for discrete-time multi-agent systems
               subject to channel fading under semi-Markov switching topologies. Therefore, how to design a suitable dis-
               tributed control protocol and how to establish leader-following consensus criteria for multi-agent systems with
               channel fading under discrete semi-Markov switching topologies are the key issues. This inspires us to carry
               out this work.

               Motivated by the above discussion, in this paper, the H ∞ leader-following consensus problem of discrete multi-
               agent systems with channel fading is investigated under the premise of semi-Markov switching topology. The
               major contributions of this paper can be highlighted as follows: (I) Compared with the literature [27,41] , a more
               general channel fading model based on discrete semi-Markov switching topologies is established to charac-
               terize the possible effects of inter-agent signal transmission. The influences of channel fading between leader
               and follower, follower and follower agents are simultaneously considered to explore the influence of channel
               fading on system consensus, rather than considering only channel fading among follower agents in litera-
               ture [27,41] . (II) As mentioned in the previous paragraph, discrete semi-Markov processes are more powerful
               in modeling ability and application range than Markov and continuous-time semi-Markov processes. For this
               reason, different from the Markov switching and continuous-time semi-Markov switching topologies adopted
               in [32–38] ,thispaperemploysadiscretesemi-Markovprocesstodescribethenetworktopologyswitchingamong
               agents and switching for channel fading. A set of novel sufficient conditions to guarantee that leader-following
               mean square consensus of multi-agent systems under semi-Markov switching topologies is derived via a semi-
               Markov kernel approach. (III) The distributed consensus controller design scheme based on fading relative
               states is proposed to solve the H ∞ leader-following consensus control problem when the semi-Markov kernel
               of switching topologies is fully accessible and incompletely accessible, respectively. The rest of this paper is
               organized as follows. The preliminaries and problem formulation are given in section II. Section III presents
               the main results. Then, simulation examples are provided in Section IV. Finally, the conclusion and future
               work are introduced in Section V.

               Notations: Denote that R and R   ×    be the sets of   -dimensional vectors and    ×    real matrices. N represents
                                                                              +      and N [   1 ,   2 ] stand for the
               the sets of nonnegative integers. The sets of positive integers is denoted by N . N ≥   1
               sets {   ∈ N|   ≥    1 } and {   ∈ N|   1 ≤    ≤    2 }, respectively. A matrix    ≻ 0(≺ 0) indicates it is positive
               (negative) definite. A    ×    identity matrix is defined as      . Denote a symmetric term in a matrix by ∗. ⊗
               refers to the Kronecker product. Moreover, E{·} and ∥  ∥ represent the mathematical expectation operator and
               the Euclidean norm of the vectors. If not specifically stated, matrices and vectors have appropriate dimensions.

               2.1. Graph theory
               In this paper, we employed an undirected graph G = {V, E, A} to depict the information interaction topology
               among    agents. V = {   1 ,    2 , ...,       } stands for the node sets, in which       is the   th agent. E ⊂ V × V
               represents a set of edges. The adjacency matrix associated with graph G is denoted by A = [        ] ∈ R   ×   .
               If node       can receive information from node       , there is an edge (      ,       ) between node       and node       . The
               elements         of matrix A is weighted coefficient of edge (      ,       ), and         > 0, if (      ,       ) ∈ E, otherwise,         = 0.
               Self-loop is not considered. The set of neighbors of node       can be represented as N    = {      ∈ V|(      ,       ) ∈ E}.
               The degree matrix of graph G is denoted as D =         {      } ∈ R   ×   , where       =  ∑          . Then, one can
               obtain that the Laplacian matrix is L = D − A. Denote matrix M =         {      } ∈ R   ×   , where       stands
               for the information exchange of node       and leader node. If node       can access the information of the leader,
                     = 1, otherwise,       = 0.
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