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Page 175                          Lv et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(2):168­79  I

                          Figure 2. The configuration of soccer. The goal of each agent is to drive the ball into the opponent’s goal.

                                     (a)                                         (b)

               Figure 3. (a) The average reward curve of interacting with opponent policy    ; and (b) the proportion change curve of opponent     −1
                                                                    1                                    1
               trajectory in replay buffer.
               into the opponent’s goal, it gets a +5 reward, while the opponent gets a −5 reward, and then ends this episode.
               If the interaction exceeds 50 steps, the episode will also be terminated and each agent will get 0 rewards. The
               position, energy, and ball possession are fed back to the agent as observation.

               The opponent policies are designed to be random policies based on given rules, which makes it more complex.
               Specifically, we design two base opponent policies    and    with different styles.    : Keep away from
               the opponent while attacking the upper goal when holding the ball, and get close to the opponent when not
               holding the ball.    : Keep away from the opponent while attacking the lower goal when holding the ball, and
               defend near its end line when not holding the ball. As described in Section 3.1, we define    ∈ [0, 1] as a class
               of opponent policies, and, at the beginning of the episode, the opponent chooses a policy from {   ,    } with
               probability distribution {  , 1 −   }.
               4.2. Non­stationary opponent
               We make the opponent policy switch from    = 0.5 to    = 0.05 at step 100k to observe the performance of the
               agent training by different algorithms in a non-stationary environment. Figure 3a shows the comparison of
               the reward curves of our algorithm and three baselines against opponent policy    . In these baselines, vanilla
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