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Lv et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(2):168­79  I    Page 174

               Algorithm 1 SAC with TRC.
               Require: Initialize SAC parameter vector   , CPC parameter vector   , total episode   , episode horizon   ,
                    batch size   , CPC training frequency      , labels update frequency      , and threshold   .
                 1: for episode    = 0 . . .   − 1 do
                 2:   opponent choose policy    −1
                 3:   for step    = 0 . . .    − 1 do
                                (  1  1  −1  )
                 4:         ∼          |    ,      
                 5:         −1  ∼    −1  (    −1  |    ,    −1 )
                 6:         1  ,    −1  ∼       1  ,    −1  , |    ,    ,    ,    −1  )
                            +1    +1    +1    +1                
                 7:            ←       ∪ {(   ,    ,    ,   (   ,    ,    ,    ),    1   +1 ,    −1  )}
                 8:   end for
                 9:      ←    ∪      
                10:   if    mod       == 0 then
                11:      Sample trajectory batch T from   
                12:      Update    by Equation (5)
                13:   end if
                14:   if |  | ==    then
                15:      if random sample a probability value greater than    then
                16:        Pop the oldest trajectory from   
                17:      else
                18:        if    mod       == 0 then
                19:           Compute    :   =       (  ) for each    in   
                20:           Compute distance matrix of trajectory representations by Equation (6)
                21:           Cluster trajectory representations by agglomerative clustering
                22:        end if
                23:        Pop the oldest trajectory from the largest class
                24:      end if
                25:   end if
                26:   Update    by SAC algorithm.
                27: end for
               4. RESULTS
               We evaluate our approach in a more complex soccer environment and compare the average returns during RL
               training against three baselines. We also discuss the impact of the proportion of data in the replay buffer on
               reinforcement learning training and the improvement of our approach to the diversity of trajectories in the re-
               play buffer. In addition, we analyze representational clustering by t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding
               (t-SNE) to analyze the properties of different adversary policies at the representational level.
               4.1. Game description
               Soccer is a classic competitive environment that has been used by many opponent modeling approaches [11,13]
               to verify their performance. We extend the rules based on the classic soccer environment and design more
               complex rule-based opponent policies based on this. As shown in Figure 2, the environment is a 15 × 15 grid
               world, and there are two goals on each end line. At the beginning of the episode, the two agents are in the
               center of their respective end lines with 0 energy, and one random agent holds the ball. Each agent has 13
               optional actions, moving to any of the 12 grid points within a two-grid range around itself or staying in place,
               but moving 2 grids requires 2 energy. The agent with the ball recovers 0.5 energy per step, while the agent
               without the ball recovers 1 energy per step, and the upper limit of energy is 2. When both agents are about
               to enter the same grid, they stop in place and exchange the ball possession. When the agent dribbles the ball
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