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Page 160                         Boin et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(2):145­67  I

                        Table 5. Performance after training across 4 random seeds. Each simulation result contains 600 time steps
                          Training method  Seed 1  Seed 2  Seed 3  Seed 4  Average system reward  Standard deviation
                          No-FRL        -3.84  -3.40  -3.29  -3.21           -3.44          0.24
                          Intra-FRLGA   -2.85  -8.05  -4.23  -2.99           -4.53          2.10
                          Intra-FRLWA   -2.56  -2.60  -2.68  -2.75           -2.65          0.07

                          (a) No-FRL                 (b) Intra-FRLGA               (c) Intra-FRLWA

               Figure 8. Average performance across 4 random seeds for 1 platoon 2 vehicle scenario trained without FRL (Figure 6a), Intra-FRLGA (Figure
               6b), and with Intra-FRLWA (Figure 6c). The shaded areas represent the standard deviation across the 4 seeds.

               3.3.2. Convergence properties
               The cumulative reward is calculated over each training episode, and a moving average is computed over 40
               episodes to generate Figure 8. Similar to the Inter-FRL experiments, Intra-FRLWA shows the most favourable
               training results. In addition, the rate of convergence increases with Intra-FRLWA over no-FRL and Intra-
               FRLGA. Lastly, the stability during training is also shown to be improved as the standard deviation across the
               four random seeds is much smaller than the other two cases (as evident in the shaded regions of Figure 8).

               3.3.3. Test results for one episode
               A single simulation is performed on an episode plotting the jerk, along with the control input      ,  , acceleration
                    ,  , velocity error        ,  , and position error        ,  . Figure 9 shows the precise control of Intra-FRLWA on the
               environment. The environment is initialized to the same conditions as that of the Inter-FRLWA scenario (        =
               1.0  ,         = 1.0  /  ,       = 0.03  /   ), and each DDPG agent in the platoon quickly and precisely tracks the
               Gaussian random input      ,   from the leader while minimizing position error, velocity error, acceleration , and
               jerk. Much like the Inter-FRLWA scenario, it is observed that a strong optimization of the reward function
               (Equation 10) has occurred. This is an indication of a good design of the reward function in addition to a good
               balance of parameters   ,   ,    and    in the reward function.

               3.4. Comparison between inter and intra­FRL
               The results for both Inter-FRL and Intra-FRL are summarized in Table 6 below.

               It is clear that using weight aggregation in both Inter-FRL and Intra-FRL is favourable to gradient aggregation.
               In addition, Intra-FRLWA provides the overall best result. Intra-FRL likely converges to the best model due
               to conditions each agent experiences during training. For Inter-FRL, the environment is independent and
               identically distributed. For Intra-FRL, each follower’s training depends on the policy of the preceding vehicle.
               For the 2 vehicle scenario studied, vehicle 1 will converge prior to vehicle 2 as vehicle 1 learns based on the
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