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Wu et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(2):105­29  I    Page 117

                      Figure 3. Typical networks for two categories of LiDAR-based tracker: (a) LiDAR-only and (b) LiDAR-fusion methods.

               Table 5. Summary of 3D object tracking. Here ”I”, ”mvPC”, ”vPC”, ”pPC”, ”FrustumPC” stands for image, multiple view of point cloud,
               voxelized point cloud, point cloud, Frustum point cloud respectively
                                           Modality &
                 Category  Model                      Architecture
                          DualBranch  [72]   mvPC     Bbox growing method + multi-hypothesis extended Kalman filter
                          PV-RCNN  [73]    pPC & vPC  Voxel-to-keypoint 3D scene encoding + keypoint-to-grid RoI feature abstraction
                          P2B  [74]          pPC      Target-specific feature augmentation + 3D target proposal and verification
                          CenterPoint  [76]  pillar/vPC  Map-view feature representation + center-based anchor-free head
                          SC-ST  [80]        pPC      Siamese tracker(resemble the latent space of a shape completion network)
                          BEV-ST  [81]       mvPC     Efficient RPN+Siamese tracker
                          PSN  [82]          pPC      Siamese tracker(feature extraction + attention module + feature augumentation)
                          MLVSNet  [83]      pPC      Multi-level voting+Target-Guided Attention+Vote-cluster Feature Enhancement
                          BAT  [84]          pPC      Box-aware feature fusion + box-aware tracker
                          MSRT  [85]         I&pPC    2D object detector-Faster-RCNN+3D detector-Point RCNN
                  LiDAR   MS3DT  [86]       I&mvPC    Detection proposals+proposals matching&scoring+linear optimization
                  -Fusion  Complexer-YOLO  [87]  I&vPC  Frame-wise 3D object detetcion+novel Scale-Rotation-Transalation score
                          F-Siamese Tracker  [88]  I&FrustumPC  Double Siamese network

               6. 3D SEGMENTATION
               3D Segmentation methods can be classified into semantic segmentation and instance segmentation, which are
               both crucial for scene understanding of autonomous driving. 3D Semantic segmentation focuses on per-point
               semantic label prediction so as to partition a scene into several parts with certain meanings (i.e., per-point
               class labels), while 3D instance segmentation aims at finding the edge of instances of interest (i.e., per-object
               masks and class labels). Since Kirillov et al. [89]  first came up with the concept “panoptic segmentation” that
               combines semantic segmentation and instance segmentation, several works [90,91]  inspired by this concept have
               been published recently, which build architectures for panoptic segmentation of point cloud. This section
               specifically focuses on research concerning both 3D semantic segmentation and 3D instance segmentation
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