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Nishioka et al. Hepatoma Res 2018;4:1  I                                             Page 5 of 12

                               Table 1. Clinical characteristics and demographics of the patient cohort
                               Characteristics                             Data
                               No. of patients                             40
                               Mean age, years                             64.0
                               Gender, male/female                         30/10
                               HBV-infected, n (%)                         5 (12.5%)
                               HCV-infected, n (%)                         9 (22.5%)
                               Alcohol abuse, n (%)                        3 (7.5%)
                               Combination HBV/alcohol, n (%)              5 (12.5%)
                               Combination HCV/alcohol, n (%)              8 (20.0%)
                               Racial cateogry
                                  Asian                                    21
                                  Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander         9
                                  White                                    8
                                  Black/African American                   2
                                             HBV: hepatitis B virus; HCV: hepatitis C virus

               Table 2. Comparison of clinical characteristics between patients with serum AFP > 400 ng/mL and lower AFP values
                                                     AFP (ng/mL)
                Characteristics                                                               P-value
                                              > 400                         ≤ 400
                No. of patients              9                                31
                Mean age, years              67.1                             62.9             0.314
                Gender             Male                 6 (66.7%)          24 (77.4%)          0.665
                                   Female               3 (33.3%)          7 (22.6%)
                FIB4 score         > 2.87               3 (33.3%)          15 (48.4%)          0.476
                                   < 2.87               6 (66.7%)          16 (51.6%)
                Edmondson          ES 1                 0 (0.0%)           3 (9.7%)            0.351
                - Steiner Grade    ES 2                 3 (33.3%)          18 (58.1%)
                                   ES 3                 5 (55.6%)          8 (25.8%)
                                   ES 4                 1 (11.1%)          2 (6.5%)
                Risk factors       HBV                  0 (0.0%)           5 (16.1%)           0.522
                                   HCV                  3 (33.3%)          6 (19.4%)
                                   Alcohol              0 (0.0%)           3 (9.7%)
                                   HBV/alcohol          1 (11.1%)          4 (12.9%)
                                   HCV/alcohol          1 (11.1%)          7 (22.6%)
                                   None                 4 (44.4%)          6 (19.4%)

               AFP: alpha-fetoprotein; HBV: hepatitis B virus; HCV: hepatitis C virus

               statistically significant based on Bonferroni-corrected P-values < 0.05. A heat map depicting classification
               signature expression patterns and a Venn diagram summarizing the number of differentially expressed
               signature genes between sub-classes are shown in Figure 1. Corresponding serum AFP levels differed
               significantly across tumor sub-classes (Wilcoxon P = 0.002). Post hoc pair wise testing adjusted for
               multiple comparisons revealed significant differences in AFP levels between sub-classes S3 and S1 (72 vs.
               2332 ng/mL, P = 0.048) and between S3 and S2 (72 vs. 4277 ng/mL, P = 0.010). Functional annotation
               of the sub-classification results by Gene Ontology Biological Processes is shown in Supplementary
               Table 1.

               GSEA results
               In comparing HCC tumors associated with serum AFP > 400 ng/mL (high AFP class) with those associated
               with lower AFP levels, multiple gene sets from the Hallmarks and CGP collections were significant based
               on FDR < 0.25. From the Hallmarks collection, 7/50 gene sets were identified as significantly enriching the
               elevated AFP class of tumors. These gene sets are summarized in Supplementary Table 2. Two of the top
               scoring gene sets from this collection, MYC_TARGETS_V1 and MYC_TARGETS_V2 (with FDR 0.057
               and 0.077, respectively), are comprised of genes known to be upregulated in response to MYC oncogene
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