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Hung et al.                                                                                                                                                                     Attenuation of liver stiffness by sorafenib

           diseases or interfering with receptor/ligand interactions   METHODS
           has been reported in clinical trials or observational
           studies. [4]                                       Patients
                                                              Patients with HCC were treated for recurrence after
           The inhibition of tyrosine kinase receptors for    resection or advanced HCC as stage C or stage III-
           proliferative cytokines, such as PDGF, VEGF and    IV according to the Barcelona Clinical Liver Cancer
           fibroblast growth factors (FGF), could reverse liver   staging system or the 7th edition of American Joint
           fibrosis. The binding of PDGF to PDGF receptor     Committee on Cancer/Union for International Cancer
           (PDGFR)-b activates Ras and sequentially propagates   Control) staging system respectively from May 2014
           the stimulatory signal via the phosphorylation of   to July 2015. [20-22]  A total of 17 consecutive patients
           the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/       with advanced HCC were recruited retrospectively
           extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway,    for this observational study in the clinic of Chang
           which regulates protein synthesis, transcription of   Gung Memorial Hospital (CGMH) fourteen patients
           profibrogenic genes, proliferation, cell cycle control   had previously undergone surgical resection and
           and apoptosis in HSCs.  The anti-fibrotic effect of   tumor recurrence developed in the follow-up period.
           imatinib, which occurs via the targeting of PDGF, has   Sorafenib was administered as salvage treatment.
           been observed in mouse and rat studies.  Sorafenib   The remaining three patients were unresectable with
           is a multi-tyrosine kinase inhibitor that targets the   typical imaging findings. The status of advanced HCC
           receptor tyrosine kinases VEGF receptor (VEGFR)    included major portal vein thrombosis (n = 5) and
           and PDGFR-b and inhibits the activation of Raf/ERK   distant metastasis (n = 12, 5 in the lung, 2 in the bone,
           signaling pathways.  Sorafenib is the standard therapy   2 in the peritoneum, 1 in the bone and peritoneum,
           for the treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma   1 in a lymph node and 1 in the adrenal gland). The
           (HCC). [9,10]  Recent studies have shown that sorafenib   treatment of HCC was based on clinical practice
           can induce anti-fibrotic effects by reducing HSC   guidelines, [20,21]  and all patients were under the care of
           proliferation and enhancing apoptosis. [6,11]  Sorafenib   the liver cancer team of the Linkou branch of CGMH.
           also attenuates liver fibrosis and injury through the   The daily oral dosage of sorafenib was administered
           up-regulation of signal transducer and activator of   and adjusted with toxicity evaluation and without drug
           transcription 3 (STAT3) phosphorylation in hepatocytes   interruption in the observation period. The dosage
           or through STAT3 inhibition in HSCs. [12,13]       was deescalated with toxicity intolerance from 800 mg
                                                              to 400 mg.
           Liver biopsy has been considered to be a “gold
           standard” for the assessment of liver fibrosis. [14]   This study was approved by the Institutional Review
           However, a number of well-known characteristics,   Board  (IRB)  of  CGMH,  Linkou  branch  (IRB  No.
           such as the associated risk of morbidity, including   103-1747B). All methods of data collection were
           the risk of bleeding and perforation, inter-observer   performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines
           variability in the interpretation of biopsies, sampling   and regulations of IRB in CGMH.
           variability in the context of accurate staging, monetary
           costs and the turnover time for results, limit the clinical   ARFI elastography measurements
           application of liver biopsy. [15]  Non-invasive methods   The ARFI elastography examinations were performed
           that use serum biologic markers or elastography via   with an Acuson S2000 ultrasound (Siemens Medical
           ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging-based    Solutions, Mountain View, California, USA) with ARFI
           techniques have emerged recently for the indirect   technology equipment, a curvilinear array transducer
           assessment of liver fibrosis. Acoustic radiation force   operating at 4 MHz (4C1) and the virtual touch tissue
           impulse (ARFI) elastography is an ultrasound-based   quantification system every 3 months. With the liver
           technique for quantifying the mechanical properties   parenchyma free of visible hepatic tumors, blood
           of tissue stiffness. [16,17]  ARFI has been utilized in   vessels and bile ducts, as confirmed by conventional
           comparison with various stages of liver fibrosis and   ultrasonic images, 10 valid measurements of shear
           shows good diagnostic accuracy in predicting hepatic   wave velocity (SWV, m/s) were made by a single
           fibrosis. [18,19]                                  experienced examiner (Chen YC) with the patients
                                                              holding their breath for a few seconds. The results of
           We conducted an observational case-series study to   ARFI elastography were expressed as the median of
           assess liver fibrosis/stiffness using ARFI elastography   the 10 SWV measurements in the liver parenchyma.
           among sorafenib-treated patients with advanced HCC   The SWV measurements in this study were validated
           to explore anti-fibrotic effects and the correlation with   using the ratio of the interquartile range (IQR) to the
           non-invasive methods.                              median value, which is currently used to assess the
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