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Prajapati et al. Hepatoma Res 2017;3:182-8                           Hepatoma Research
           DOI: 10.20517/2394-5079.2017.25
            Original Article                                                                    Open Access

           Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization

           in recurrent unresectable hepatocellular

           carcinoma after orthotopic liver


           Hasmukh J. Prajapati , Pavan Kavali , Hyun S. Kim
           1 Division of Interventional Radiology, Department of Pediatric Radiology, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN 38103, USA.
           2 Division of Interventional Radiology, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA.
           3 Division of Interventional Radiology, Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06510, USA.
           4 Yale Cancer Center, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06510, USA.
           Correspondence to: Dr. Hyun S. Kim, Yale Cancer Center, Yale School of Medicine, 330 Cedar Street, TE 2-224, New Haven, CT 06510, USA.

           How to cite this article: Prajapati HJ, Kavali P, Kim HS. Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in recurrent unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma
           after orthotopic liver transplantation. Hepatoma Res 2017;3:182-8.

            Article history:              Aim:  To  investigate  the  survivals  and  efficacy  of  the  doxorubicin  drug  eluting  beads
            Received: 19-06-2017          transcatheter  arterial chemoembolization  (TACE) in patients  with recurrent hepatocellular
            Accepted: 03-08-2017          carcinoma  (HCC)  status post orthotopic liver transplantation.  Methods: Consecutive
            Published: 17-08-2017         patients with HCC who underwent orthotopic liver transplantation from 2005 to 2012 were
                                          reviewed. Patients who developed recurrent HCC after orthotopic liver transplantation and
            Key words:                    received doxorubicin drug eluting beads TACE therapy were identified and included in the
            Doxorubicin drug eluting      study. Survivals were calculated from the time of 1st doxorubicin drug eluting beads TACE
            beads transcatheter arterial   of recurrent HCC. Kaplan Meier estimator with log rank test was used for survival analysis.
            chemoembolization,            Results: Eight patients had recurrent HCC after orthotopic liver transplantation and received
            recurrent hepatocellular      doxorubicin drug eluting beads TACE. The overall median survival of these patients was 15.6
            carcinoma,                    months. Two patients had significantly poorer overall median survival from doxorubicin drug
            orthotopic liver transplantation,   eluting beads TACE (3.4 months) and both showed elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein levels
            sorafenib,                    (> 400 ng/mL) and extra-hepatic metastases (P = 0.03). Patients with poorly differentiated
            alpha-fetoprotein             HCC  in  explant  liver  had  the  poor  median  overall  survival  (3.6  months)  compared  to  the
                                          patients with well-to-moderately differentiated HCC (21.7 months, P = 0.004). Conclusion:
                                          Doxorubicin drug eluting beads TACE appears to be an effective treatment option for patients
                                          with recurrent HCC after orthotopic liver transplantation.

           INTRODUCTION                                       treatment options for HCC and cirrhosis, orthotopic
                                                              liver transplantation (OLT) is considered the curative
           Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the leading   treatment option, especially for patients with end-
           cause of cancer related death globally.  Among all the   stage liver disease. Unfortunately, recurrence of HCC
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