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nutrients and also a route to enter general circulation.   of hepatocytes. Furthermore, QPCR  assay revealed that
            HCC  cells  secrete  various  angiogenesis  activators  like   curcumin  led to  dose dependent  damage  in  nuclear as
            VEGF, platelet derived growth factor, TGF-β. Among these,   well as mitochondrial genomes.
            VEGF is most critical antigenic factor.  Cancer cells grow
            in hypoxic conditions that lead to expression of several   EpCAM as a target in cancer therapy
            hypoxia response genes which are involved in metabolic   EpCAM is potentially a promising  target  as it is  highly
            dysregulation.  These include inflammatory angiogenic   expressed in most cancer cells as well as on cancer stem
            molecules secreted by tumor cells like cyclooxygenase-2   cells. In normal tissue, EpCAM is localized to basolateral
            (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase. Angiogenesis   membranes. Thus, the ease of access for EpCAM-binding
            requires the expressions  of COX-2, VEGF and matrix   antibodies is lower for normal cells than for cancer cells.
            metalloproteinase-9  (MMP-9). Anti  angiogenic  effects  of   EpCAM is strongly over expressed in cancer cells and thus
            curcumin have been demonstrated.  COX-2 and VEGF are   might be partly unbound and more accessible for targeting
            associated with  angiogenesis  in HCC.  ROS  generated   antibodies and curcumin-loaded lipid-polymer-lecithin
            as a result of oxidative stress in the cells also causes   hybrid nanoparticles have been used against EpCAM for
            up regulation  of MMPs  that  causes angiogenesis  and   targeted delivery to colorectal adenocarcinoma cells. [67]
            invasiveness.  Cao et al.  found that curcumin treatment
            inhibited  the cell proliferation and induce apoptosis in   ROLE OF CURCUMIN IN DECREASING ADVERSE
            cancer cells. Curcumin also exhibited inhibitory action on   EFFECTS OF CHEMOTHERAPY
            cancer metastasis by inhibiting the secretion of MMP-9. [62]
                                                               Neuroprotective effect of curcumin
            Vasculogenic mimicry (VM) refers to the functional plasticity   Cisplatin is potent chemotherapeutic agent with adverse
            of the aggressive and metastatic tumor cells forming the   effects like nephrotoxicity and peripheral neuropathy.
            non-endothelial tumor cell-lined microvascular  channels   Mendonca et al.  reported the neuroprotective effect of
            which contribute to the tumor progression. VM is detected   curcumin against cisplatin induced cytotoxicity without
            in gliomas.  Liang et al.  demonstrated that curcumin   any interference of curcumin with the cytotoxic activity
            inhibits vasculogenic mimicry through down regulation of   of cisplatin.
            protein and mRNA expression of erythropoietin producing
            hepatocellular  carcinoma-A2, phosphoinositide 3-kinase   Anti-inflammatory action
            and MMP-2.  The  same  authors  reported that  curcumin   Curcumin has proven anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,
            was found to inhibit the VM formation of glioma U251   antiseptic, and antimutagenic  properties.  This anti-
            cells which they were unable to form network structures,   inflammatory action of turmeric  helps to decrease  the
            inhibit the migration and invasion in a dose dependent   side  effects like  gastro intestinal  inflammation  due to
            manner and reduced the mRNA expression of EphA2, PI3K   chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
            and MMP-2 as detected by quantitative polymerase chain
            reaction (QPCR).                                   Anti-infective action
                                                               Patients who receive chemotherapy are immuno-
            Prevents metastasis and tumor progression          compromised and prone to multiple infections. Curcumin
            TNF-α inhibition                                   with  its  beneficial  anti-infective  action  would help to
            TNF-α  has  a  very  important  role  in  tumor  cell survival   prevent infections and take care of minor infections. [70-72]
            and metastasis.  Curcumin  inhibits  TNF-α expression.
            However,  the  hydrophobicity and low bioavailability  of   ROLE OF CURCUMIN IN WOUND HEALING
            curcumin are the major barriers. Thus, scientists have
            encapsulated curcumin in microcells to make it a sustained   After liver resection of the tumor, liver regeneration takes
            release preparation in order to increase its solubility and   place. Patients with cancer have poor nutrition and poor
            bioavailability.  Moreover curcumin bearing microcells   healing  following chemotherapy. The catabolic phase
            significantly reduced the levels of the liver enzymes   following surgery is enhanced and hence healing takes a
            in HCC induced animal group as compared to the free   long time. Curcumin would be beneficial to expedite the
            form curcumin. In addition, curcumin bearing microcells   liver regeneration. [73]
            induced expression  of proapoptotic  molecules  like  p53
            and Bax.                                           POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS OF CURCUMIN
            DNA damage induced by curcumin                     Curcumin is generally considered safe and has been used
            Mitochondrial DNA (mDNA), being in closer contact to   since ages in Asian countries as a condiment. The low
            ROS produced in mitochondria, is more prone to oxidative   incidence of colorectal carcinoma in India has been linked
            damage. Cao et al.  reported mitochondrial and nuclear   to the consumption of curcumin in all meals. There have
            DNA damage induced by curcumin in human hepatoma   been no side effects in the daily consumption in cooked
            (HepG2) cells, a cell line that retains many characteristics   food. However, when consumed raw in larger doses, it may

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