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interleukin-6  in  hepatic stem/progenitor  cells can cause   Notch-1 signaling increases the death receptor 5 (DR5)
           HCC.  TGF-β inhibits cell  proliferation and promotes   expression  with  augmentation  of tumor  necrosis  factor
           tumor cell  invasion. Many studies have reported  a   (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand induced apoptosis
           reduction of TGF-β receptors in up to 70% of HCCs that   in vitro and in vivo. [27]
           also correlated  with  metastasis  within  the  liver.  On
           the other hand, high TGF-β levels have been correlated   Sonic Hedgehog pathway
           with advanced clinical stages of HCC. This twofold role   Activation of Hedgehog signalling is related to liver
           of TGF-β signaling  in  HCC is  explained by  the  tumor   cancer.   Up to  60% of  human  HCCs  express  Sonic
           microenvironment  and selective  loss of TGF-β-induced   Hedgehog. After specific blockade of the sonic Hedgehog
           antiproliferative pathway. Tumor cells that have selectively   pathway, concomitant down regulation of Gli-related target
           lost their  growth-inhibitory  response  to  TGF-β,  but   genes is observed. Furthermore, tumorigenic activation of
           retain a functional TGF-β signaling pathway may exhibit   SMO can mediate over expression of c-myc, a gene having
           increased migration  and invasive behaviour on TGF-β   an important pathogenic role in liver carcinogenesis.
           stimulation. Cells with dysfunctional TGF-β signaling have
           been reported to be cancer progenitor cells giving rise to   miRNAs
           HCC. [25]                                          miRNAs  directly  interact  with  specific  messenger
                                                              RNAs (mRNAs) through base pairing and inhibiting
           The Notch signaling pathway                        the  expression  of target  genes.  MiRNAs  can undergo
           This  plays  an  important  role in  stem  cell self-renewal   anomalous regulation during carcinogenesis, and can act
           and differentiation. Notch signaling is important in liver   as oncogenes  or tumor suppressor genes.  MiR-181 also
           embryogenesis,  bile duct formation; angiogenesis  and   regulates the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway with a
           endothelial sprouting. However, other signaling pathways   positive feedback loop within stem cells. This is used by
           have a control on whether Notch functions as a tumor   cancer  cells to self-propagate continuously, metastasize
           suppressor  or oncogene.  The  increased expression  of   and develop drug resistance.
           genes involved in this pathway has been shown in CD133-
           positive liver cancer  cells  vs. CD133-negative cells. The   HEPATOBLASTOMA
           activated intracellular form of Notch-3, and the Notch
           ligand Jagged, is highly expressed in HCC. Activation of   The best characterized pathways in pathogenesis of HB

           Figure 1: Flow chart depicting the various anti-cancer properties of curcumin. VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor; MMP: matrix metalloproteinase; PDGF:
           platelet derived growth factor; TGF: transforming growth factor; COX: cyclooxygenase; iNOS: inducible nitric oxide synthase; EpCAM: epithelial cell adhesion

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