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factors for HCC include cirrhosis, hepatocarcinogenic like   control normal hepatic regeneration  via DNA synthesis
            aflatoxins and nitrosamines,  dietary and environmental   stimulation. TGF-β and activin serve as negative feedback
            carcinogens by generation of reactive oxygen  species   mechanisms and regulate the end point of the hepatocyte
            (ROS) and infections like hepatitis B and C viruses. [2]  proliferation. This termination is regulated by the ratio of
                                                               liver to body mass thus providing a check on the extent of
            The current management of liver tumors is not satisfactory.   liver regeneration. [14]
            Chemotherapy, surgery, and radiofrequency ablation are
            all directed at reducing the tumor bulk. However, in the   Liver stem cells are proposed  to be from dual  origins,
            majority of cases, tumor recurrence and relapse occurs on   intrahepatic with short-term proliferative capacity present
            completion of therapy. Also, liver cancer is diagnosed at   within the canals of Herring and interlobular bile ducts and
            an advanced stage quite frequently; hence the available   extrahepatic derived from bone marrow and peripheral
            chemotherapy regimens fail to offer a complete cure. Even   blood cells with long-term proliferation capacity. [15]
            if chemotherapy has been instituted timely, the available
            chemotherapeutic agents  are reported to show severe   MOLECULAR SIGNALING PATHWAYS IN LIVER
            adverse effects. Angiogenesis  plays a significant role in   CANCER
            human  HCC  tumor  progression  and recent  studies  are
            focussing on anti-angiogenic  agents targeting  specific   Liver  cancer stem  cells have  many  signals  to  maintain
            tumor vasculature. [3]                             self-renewal and  pluripotency  including EpCAM, Wnt/β-
                                                               catenin pathway, Sonic Hedgehog pathway,  and Notch
            In this regard, discovery of natural phytocompounds   pathway, which play a decisive role in the regulation
            having anti-tumor and anti-angiogenic activities could have   and maintenance of stemness  and in tumor formation.
            greater clinical significance as they do not affect physiology   Tumorigenesis  results from uncontrolled  activation of
            and survival of normal cells. Many phytochemicals have   these  pathways. Wnt pathway proteins  regulate the
            proven anti-tumor  action including catechins,  quercetin   cellular fate and self-renewal of stem cells.  The Notch
            in apples and onions, resveratorl in grapes, red wine,   pathway is involved in cellular differentiation, fate of the
            peanuts, and ellagic acid in pomegranates. [4-7]  This review   cell, cellular proliferation,  apoptosis,  and cell adhesion.
            describes firstly the molecular pathology of liver cancers   Notch signaling in the liver is involved in cholangiocyte
            and then summaries  the evidence based literature that   differentiation. [17]
            describes  the  various  proven  mechanism  demonstrating
            the anti-tumor potential of curcumin in turmeric (Curcuma   HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA
            longa) and thus exploring its role as an adjuvant therapeutic
            remedy for liver cancer.                           EpCAM signaling pathway
                                                               EpCAM consists of a large extracellular, a single
            CURCUMIN                                           transmembrane  and a short intracellular domain.  There
                                                               is a cross-talk between EpCAM signaling and the Wnt
            Curcumin  is  the  active  phytoconstituent  of turmeric.  It   pathway. [18,19]
            has been widely used as a therapeutic medicine in Indian
            traditional medicine. Of late, scientists all over the world   Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway
            have recognized its therapeutic potential as an anti-  The Wnt/β-catenin pathway is essential for development,
            inflammatory,  anti-oxidant  and anti-cancer agent. [8-11]    growth,  survival,  regeneration,  and self-renewal.
            Curcumin  inhibits  lipid peroxidation and maintains  the   Disruption of Wnt/β-catenin signaling by mutational and
            normal concentration of intracellular antioxidant enzymes   non-mutational events is associated with many cancers,
            like catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide   including HCC.  Disrupted Wnt/β-catenin  signaling
            dismutase and scavenges reactive oxygen species    pathway has been reported in around one third of all
            effectively. [12,13]                               HCCs.  However, the point at which cross-talk occurs
                                                               in  the signaling cascades of Wnt/Frizzled and EpCAM
            TUMORIGENESIS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF             remains unknown.
            LIVER CANCER
                                                               SALL4 signaling pathway
            Tumorigenesis of liver cancer is a complex process. The   As an oncofetal gene, SALL4 is expressed at high levels in
            recognition  of tumor  stem  cells and their  molecular   fetal-liver progenitor cells but not in adult hepatocytes,
            signaling  has opened new pathways for therapeutic   and it  has an important role in hepatic cell lineage
            strategies. The liver has great potential to regenerate after   commitment. [22,23]
            the loss of hepatic tissue which depends on proliferation
            of existing mature hepatocytes.                    TGF-β family
                                                               The TGF-β family  controls  cellular differentiation  and
            Growth factors like hepatocyte growth factor, epidermal   proliferation in both cancer stem cells and cancer cells.
            growth factor and transforming growth factor (TGF)-alpha   Impaired  TGF-β  signaling  through  the  activation  of

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