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studies  conducted in  Italy  and Greece,  indicating   patients with alcoholic liver disease.
           that  strong  adherence  to the  Mediterranean  diet
           may be protective against HCC (approximately a 50%   Red meat
           reduction in risk), with potential benefits  also in   Red meat consumption has been reported to be
           patients with chronic viral hepatitis.  As for patients   associated with an increased risk of HCC.  Meat
           with established chronic liver disease,  nutritional   processing, e.g. curing and smoking, can in fact
           interventions to support sufficient  energy  intake   result in the formation of carcinogenic chemicals,
           significantly improve patient  survival. [5-8]  A better   including  N-nitroso-compounds  and  polycyclic
           knowledge of the detrimental or beneficial effects of   aromatic hydrocarbons. cooking, especially if high-
           foods is therefore important in the prevention and   temperature, can also produce known or suspected
           management of HCC, and the evaluation of dietary   carcinogens, including heterocyclic aromatic amines
           supplements potentially able to reduce the risk and/  and polycyclic  aromatic  hydrocarbons.   The
           or the progression of cirrhosis and steatosis is of the   International Agency for Research on Cancer has
           highest interest.                                  recently classified red meat and processed meat as
                                                              “probably carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2A) and
           The potential protective and therapeutic mechanisms   “carcinogenic to humans” (Group 1), respectively.
           of natural compounds in the prevention  and        However, the strongest association appears to
           treatment  of hepatotoxicity and HCC  have been    be with colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer and
           recently reviewed.  The aim of the present review is   prostate cancer,  and currently available evidence
           to provide an insight on the clinically relevant effects-   supporting a causative role for red meat in HCC is
           either beneficial or detrimental-of natural products   inconsistent. [16,17]
           consumed by humans on HCC risk and management.
                                                              Pickled foods
           DETRIMENTAL NATURAL PRODUCTS                       A possible carcinogenic effect of pickled vegetables
                                                              was first reported in 1992.  Traditionally, pickled
           Foods and beverages                                vegetables are prepared by packing moist vegetables
           Alcohol                                            in a jar for weeks to months, allowing fermentation
           The detrimental effects of alcohol on the liver are   and growth of fungi and yeasts. This process can
           well known; ethanol exerts  toxic  effects  that  can   potentially yield carcinogenic compounds  such as
           cause cell injury and a reactive response culminating   the N-nitroso compound Roussin’s red (dimethylthiot
           in alcohol-induced hepatic cirrhosis. More in detail,   etranitrosodiiron).  Consistently, a large systematic
           reactions catalyzed by the main enzymes involved in   review  and meta-analysis  revealed that  those  who
           alcohol metabolism, namely alcohol dehydrogenase   consume pickled  vegetables/foods have an about
           and aldehyde dehydrogenase, lead to the production   50% increase in risk of gastric cancer vs. those who
           of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can exert    consume little or no pickled vegetables/foods.  An
           toxic  effects  such  as  lipid peroxidation,  enzymes   association between pickled food and HCC has also
           inactivation, DNA mutations, and destruction of cell   been reported. [21]
           membranes;  in  addition,  in  conditions of  chronic
           alcohol  abuse there is an increased production    Sugar
           of acetaldehyde  from  ethanol,  due  to  induction   Non-alcoholic  fatty liver disease (NAFLD)  is
           of the microsomal system and in particular  of     considered as the hepatic manifestation  of the
           the  Cytochrome  P450 enzyme  Cytochrome  P450     metabolic syndrome.  It is characterized by an
           2E1.  Acetaldehyde is one of the main mediators    increase in intrahepatic triglyceride content (i.e.
           of alcohol-induced fibrogenesis in the liver, as it can   steatosis), with or without inflammation and fibrosis
           stimulate  synthesis  of fibrillar-forming collagens   [i.e.  non-alcoholic steatohepatitis  (NASH)]. Hepatic
           and structural glycoproteins of extracellular matrix   de novo lipogenesis (DNL) has been suggested to be
           in hepatic stellate cells, and increase the secretion   abnormally increased in NAFLD, and to contribute to
           of transforming  growth factor-β.  Eventually, these   its development.  As glycolysis and the metabolism
           events may lead to hepatic cirrhosis, which is     of carbohydrates are the main providers of substrates
           associated with a 5-year cumulative risk for HCC of   for DNL, a high-carbohydrate diet can prime the DNL
           8%.  The immunosuppressive effects of alcohol [11,12]   pathway with a large substrate load and increase rates
           and alcohol-induced epigenetic  modifications [13]   of DNL.  Dietary fructose may contribute to NAFLD
           may also contribute to the development of HCC in   by promoting DNL, insulin resistance, oxidative
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