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stress,  bacterial overgrowth,  and inflammation.    metabolism)  produced  by  Aspergillus flavus and
            Both NAFLD and NASH can further progress to        Aspergillus parasiticus, widely represented in nature.
            hepatic fibrosis and eventually to cirrhosis,  older   The mycotoxin is found in many foods such as corn,
            age  and deterioration  of  metabolic  status  being   rice, oil seeds, dried fruits, and peanuts that have
            major risk factors for fibrosis progression.  NAFLD/  been improperly stored in hot, humid, and unsanitary
            NASH that progresses to cirrhosis carries the highest   conditions.  Metabolism  of aflatoxins  by  hepatic
            risk for HCC,  due to the  erratic liver remodeling   enzymes  may generate reactive epoxide species
            with repeated cycles of hepatocellular destruction   with the potential of forming a covalent bond with
            and compensatory  regeneration  that  characterizes   guanine,   generating  adducts  that  can promote
            cirrhosis.  However,  there  is  increasing  concern   cellular  and macromolecule damage, including
            that NAFLD-associated HCC may also occur in non-   mutations in the  p53 tumor-suppressor gene. [36]
            cirrhotic liver,  due factors specifically associated   Exposure to AFB1 has been associated with HCC in
            with NAFLD (e.g. lipotoxicity associated with DNL   several cohort studies, supporting a role of AFB1
            and increased levels of proinflammatory adipokines/  in liver cancerogenesis-particularly among subjects
            cytokines).  Recent  findings  indicate that  the   who  are  carriers  of  hepatitis  B surface antigen. [37]
            incidence rate of HCC in NAFLD and NASH is 0.44 and   It has been estimated that aflatoxin exposure may
            5.29 cases per 1,000  person-years, respectively.    account for 5-28% of total HCC cases worldwide. [38]
            Although these rates are lower than those reported
            for patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis   Fumonisins  are ubiquitous  mycotoxins  that
            C virus (HCV), the number of patients with NAFLD   contaminate cereal grains, primarily maize.   More
            and NASH-related HCC is  projected to increase,    than 10 compounds  have been isolated and
            given the increasing prevalence of these conditions.   characterized; fumonisin  B1 is  believed  to  be  the
            Epidemiological evidence linking dietary sugar,    most toxic among them,  as it has been shown to
            and specifically, fructose consumption, with cancer   be hepatocarcinogenic in rodents. [39-41]  Fumonisins
            derives from case-control studies that found  an   are  thought  to  impair  the  de novo synthesis  of
            association between high dietary glycemic load and   ceramide  and sphingolipid metabolism  due to a
            increased  risk  for HCC,  especially  in  patients  with   structural resemblance with ceramide; this may lead
            chronic viral hepatitis. [16,17]  However, a recent analysis   to disruption of signal transduction pathways in
            of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer   the target cells.  A pathogenic role of exposure to
            and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort revealed an association   fumonisins through consumption of moldy corn in
            between higher total sugar intake and risk of HCC,   human HCC has been suggested by studies carried
            but not between glycemic index/glycemic load and   out in China. [43-45]
            HCC. [18]
                                                               Ochratoxin A is another mycotoxin that may have a
            Overnutrition                                                                  [46]
            Hepatic cirrhosis and an associated increased risk   role in the development of HCC.  It may be found in
            of developing HCC independent of viral hepatitis   cacao and derived products, dried fruits, wine, cereals,
            frequently occurs secondary to NASH and NAFLD, [29]   green coffee, and spices (mainly nutmeg,  paprika,
            which often has a nutritional basis.  NAFLD is  very   coriander, and pepper powder).  The carcinogenic
            common in obesity and is present in 60-75% of obese   effect  of  ochratoxin  A  is  the  result  of  both  direct
            persons and 85-95% of morbidly  obese  persons.    genotoxic (covalent DNA adduct  formation and
            Furthermore, it has been proposed  that obesity,   mutagenicity)  and epigenetic mechanisms leading
            diabetes,  and insulin  resistance  may  predispose   to protein synthesis inhibition, oxidative stress and
            to HCC in patients with cirrhosis. [31-33]  Thus, in   the activation of specific cell signaling pathways.  In
            the case of HCC arising from NAFLD, it appears     a recent case-control study, high performance liquid
            that overnutrition is leading to obesity  and its   chromatography analysis of serum samples from HCC
            complications may increase the risk of developing   patients and controls indicated that the incidence of
            HCC, rather than specific nutrients in the diet.   elevated ochratoxin A was highest in the HCC group,
                                                               being 5-fold higher  than in the  control group.
            Food contaminants                                  These findings support a strong association between
            Mycotoxins                                         the presence of ochratoxin A and HCC. Ochratoxin
            Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1)  is a mycotoxin (i.e. toxic    A is a stable compound  that is not destroyed by
            compounds    produced    by  fungal   secondary    common food preparation procedures.

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