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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                     Novel predictive and prognostic strategies of HBV-related HCC

           with the development of HCC in young patients      using interferon and nucleoside analogues (NAs)
           (< 50 years old). [30]  Our study further revealed that   significantly reduced HCC occurrence (13.90/1,000 vs.
           genotype B2 HBV infection was related to HCC       7.70/1,000 person-years, P = 0.005). [36]  Furthermore,
           recurrence, and that HBV genotype C2 HBV was       proved by a cohort study and randomized clinical
           predominant in HCC patients, which was related     trial, treatment with NAs can also significantly reduce
           to its high prevalence. [31]  As the HBV genotype is   the risk of early recurrence (hazard ratios, 0.41; P <
           usually identified through a complex procedure that   0.001). [13]  However, levels of those protective effects
           includes extracting HBV DNA, polymerase chain      are distinct among HBV-infected subjects with different
           reaction, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis, the   viral mutations. Antiviral treatment with NAs cannot
           wide application of HBV genotype/subgenotype for   reduce HCC risk in patients without A1762T/G1764A
           preliminary screening in community is limited.     or C1653T and in those with T1753V. [36]  The protective
                                                              function of antiviral treatments for postoperative
           HBV mutations                                      recurrence cannot be observed in the HCC patients
           In the process of HBV-HCC evolution, one of the most   expressing carboxylic acid-terminal truncated HBV X
           prominent molecular events is the generation of HBV   protein (Ct-HBx) in their liver remnants. [13]
           mutation, especially mutations in the preS region and
           basic core promoter (BCP) region of HBV genome.    Immune imbalance
           Due to lack of proof reading capacity, HBV genome   Immune imbalance is responsible for the maintenance
           has a higher mutation rate than other DNA viruses.   of  chronic  non-resolving  inflammation  and
           Moreover, inflammatory factors induced by HBV      subsequently provides a fertile microenvironment for
           infection can activate the expression of apolioprotein   cancer evolution. Immune imbalance can be reflected
           B  mRNA  editing  enzyme  catalytic  polypeptides   by the proportion shift of immune cells, abnormal
           (APOBECs). HBV genome can be degraded and          activation of inflammatory pathways, and genetic
           edited  by APOBECs.   [32]  Most HBV mutants are   predisposition of inflammatory molecules, which can
           cleared by host immune system, and only those that   serve as biomarkers for HCC prediction and prognosis.
           gained the ability to escape immune eradication
           survived. The mutant viruses, in return, keep on   Immune cells
           stimulating the immune system and maintain the     The liver is enriched with innate immune cells such as
           inflammatory microenvironment. The HBV mutations   macrophages and natural killer (NK) cells, as well as
           reflect, to some extent, the selection pressure of host   adaptive immune cells such as CD8  cytotoxic T cells,
           immune system and serve as risk factors of HCC.    CD4  T helper cells and B cells, playing an important
                                                              role  not  only  in  host  defenses  against  invading
           Our recent study of HBV mother-to-child transmission   microorganisms and tumor transformation, but also in
           revealed that mutated viruses lost their advantages   liver injury and repair. Their presence or enrichment can
           in infecting infants, whereas the wild-type HBV had   be seen as predictive or prognostic factors for HCC.
           advantage  of  infecting  newborn’s  hepatocytes,   CD8  T in liver tissues, for example, is the protective
           interestingly, the HCC-risk HBV mutations was being   factor, while the enrichment of M2 macrophages and
           gradually selected since the establishment of chronic   T helper 17 cells (Th17) as well as the imbalance
           infection.  Mutations in HBV the preS region (including   between CD8  T cells and regulatory T (Treg) cells or
           A2962G, A2964C, C3116T, C7A, T105C, and preS       between Th1 and Th2 are the risk factors of HCC. [37]
           start codon mutation) and mutations in the BCP region   Immune cells that infiltrated into HCC tissues function
           (including C1653T, T1753V, and A1762T/G1764A)      distinctly on HCC prognosis. Intratumoral natural
           were independently associated with an increased risk   killer cells and CD8  T cells indicate good prognosis,
           of HCC. [11,15,21,33]  Mutations in combination (combo   while intratumoral Treg cells, neutrophils, and M2
           mutations) can enhance the validity of predicting the   macrophages indicate poor prognosis. [37]
           occurrence of HCC.  [21,33,34]  HBV combo mutations
           of C1653T, T1753V, and A1762T/G1764A increase      Inflammatory pathways
           the validity of HCC prediction compared with single   The abnormal alteration of inflammatory pathways
           HBV mutation. [21]  The HBV mutations can improve the   can be reflected by hallmark cytokines. Biomarkers
           sensitivity and specificity of HCC prediction model based   indicating the abnormal activation of inflammatory
           on age, gender, cirrhosis and HBV DNA loads. [21,25,35]    pathways can also predict the occurrence and
                                                              recurrence of HCC. [38,39]  For example, Wnt/β-catenin
           The carcinogenic effects of HBV can be blocked     signaling pathway plays an important role in
           by antiviral treatments. In our prospective hospital-  inflammation-induced carcinogenesis via regulating the
           based cohort study, antiviral treatment against HBV   expression of cytokine-induced human inducible nitric

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