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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                     Novel predictive and prognostic strategies of HBV-related HCC

           for HBsAg and anti-hepatitis C virus (1.55% and    genesis, inflammatory microenvironment plays an
           1.30%).  Besides, HBV infection is also responsible   important role via facilitating the generation of viral and
           for the increasing trend of HCC in western countries   host genetic mutation and also providing selective
           because of the travel and immigration of HBV infected   pressure. Therefore, the characteristics of the
           populations.  Most HCC patients are diagnosed at   microenvironment in different evolutionary phases and
           advanced stage and cannot accept resection operation   in different populations can be used to stratify HBV-
           or liver transplantation.  Approximately 70% patients   infected individuals with different risk of developing
           that have curative hepatectomy will relapse within   HCC. Although inflammatory microenvironment is a
           5 years.  Both the narrow therapeutic window and   complex system, it can be elucidated in two aspects:
           the high recurrence rate highlight the importance of   HBV itself and immune imbalance.
           developing more rigorous surveillance and more active
           prevention for chronic HBV infected subjects with high   HBV
           HCC risk, and tailoring more suitable treatment options   Despite the high incidence of HCC in HBV-infected
           for HCC patients, which depend on continuously     population, only small percentages of chronic hepatitis
           discovering promising biomarkers as well as developing   B (CHB) patients develop HCC. HBV variables can
           carcinogenesis theory for the specific prophylaxis.
                                                              serve as clues to identify distinctive outcomes of HBV-
                                                              infected populations, and to guide the personalized
           Cancer Evo-Dev is a novel scientific theory describing   preventive medication accordingly.
           the mechanism of HBV-induced hepatocarcinogenesis.
           The central aspects of its framework are as follows.
           Carcinogenesis is an evolutionary process under    HBV replication
           the  microenvironment  of  chronic  non-resolving   The level of HBV replication directly reflects the
           inflammation. This microenvironment is characterized   selective stress from the inflammatory environment,
           by immune imbalance due to the interaction between   which can influence the evolution of HCC as well.
           the genetic predisposition of immune/proinflammatory   Currently, HBV DNA load is regularly applied in clinic
           molecules and HBV infection. Cytidine deaminases   as an indicator of initiating antiviral treatment. It has
           and their analogous are persistently activated by   been demonstrated by various studies that HBV DNA
           proinflammatory factors and subsequently induced   load increases the risk of HCC in CHB patients.
           mutations both in host and viral genomes. Mutant cells   High level of HBV DNA load either in serum or liver
           are mostly eliminated by selective pressures. Only   tissue can also predict poor postoperative prognosis
           a small proportion can survive in the inflammatory   in HCC.   Hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg), encoded
           microenvironment because the somatic mutations     by HBV precore region, is another marker for active
           alter signaling pathways. Those surviving clones   replication of HBV. HBeAg positivity has been proved
           usually share some characteristics of stem cells and   to be associated with an increased risk of HCC.
           gradually retro-differentiate into cancer initialing cells.   However, due to HBeAg seroconversion during the
                                                              natural course of HBV infection, HBeAg expression
           This theory was presented based on recent outcomes   is not usually high in HCC patients, explaining the
           of HBV-related carcinogenesis researches, mainly   reasons that HBeAg positivity is not significantly
           including molecular epidemiological studies, cancer   associated with an increased risk of HCC in some
           genomic mutation analyses, and signaling transduction   case-control studies. [14]  Thus, HBV DNA load should
           researches. [10-20]  Those breakthroughs not only   be a more reliable indicator in the prediction of HCC.
           improved the understanding of cancer evolution
           from different aspects but also discovered many    HBV genotypes
           novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Therefore,   According to a sequence divergence of no less than 8%
           this theory can provide an evolutionary insight of   in whole viral genome, HBV can be classified into eight
           predicting HCC risk and developing more reasonable   genotypes A to H, which can be further classified into
           predictive and prognostic biomarkers and therapeutic   sub-genotypes if the sequence divergence is between
           targets. Here, we summarize the important novel viral,   4% and 8%. [26]  Variant genotypes are distributed
           inflammatory, genetic, and protein biomarkers of HCC   unevenly around the world, and the predominant one
           occurrence and prognosis and evaluate them through   in mainland China is genotype C (68.3%), followed
           the lens of Evo-Dev theory.                        by genotype B (25.5%). [27]  Under selection pressure
                                                              from inflammatory microenvironment, the fates of
           EVALUATING THE MICROENVIRONMENT                    different genotypes/sub-genotypes are distinct in a
           OF CANCER EVOLUTION                                given population. Genotype C HBV infection is an
                                                              independent risk factor for HCC development. [16,21,28,29]
           In the evolution process of HBV-induced hepatocarcino-  Meanwhile, genotype B HBV infection was associated

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