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Laboratory investigations                          embolic material injected in all patients.
           Five  milliliter  venous  blood  samples  were  collected
           from  patients  and  controls,  centrifuged,  the  serum   Follow-up of HCC patients
           was separated and divided into two aliquots. The first   Follow-up was conducted for a minimum of 1 year to
           aliquot was used for routine laboratory investigations   assess their survival and mortality rates.
           including  liver  function  tests  (aspartate  transaminase,
           alanine transaminase, bilirubin, and albumin) using fully   Statistical analysis
           automated auto analyzer SYNCHRON CX9ALX (Beckman   Statistically analysis was conducted using SPSS program
           Coulter Inc., CA, USA). Serum AFP concentration was   version 13 for windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois,
           measured using the Automated Chemiluminescence     USA) and for all the analysis. A P < 0.05 was considered
           System ACS: 180 provided by Siemens Medical Solutions   statistically significant.
           Diagnostics Corporation, USA. The second aliquot was
           stored in the deep freezer (-70 °C) for detection of EGF. [15]  RESULTS

           Serum EGF enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay        Most of our patients were males (92.1% male, 7.9% female
           Estimation  of  serum  EGF  using  Human  EGF  enzyme-  in group I; 87.5% male, 12.5% female in group II; and 85%
           linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit (sandwich   male, 15% female in group III). Mean age for groups I, II,
           ELISA), Anogen, catalogue number EL10010 Mississauga,   III, and IV was 58.2 ± 8.7 [standard deviation(SD)] years,
           Ontario, Canada (up to 336 pg/mL) following        48.47 ± 11.51 years, 49.47 ± 6.94 years, and 47.50 ±
           manufacturer’s protocol.                           6.15 years, respectively, with statistically non-significant
                                                              difference (P > 0.05).
           Radiological examination
           Abdominal   ultrasonography,  triphsic  computed   Liver function tests in different patient groups are shown
           tomography, and dynamic magnetic resonance imaging   in Table 1. Child-Pugh score and BCLC staging for patients
           was performed on patients when required.           are shown in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.

           TACE                                               Radiological criteria of hepatocellular carcinoma
           Chemoembolization was performed percutaneously at   Twenty-three patients (45.1%) had a single focal lesion, 9
           the angiography unit of the National Liver Institute with   Table 1: Liver function tests in the three patient groups
           the patient under conscious sedation. After infiltration     Group I    Group II   Group III   P
           of local analgesic, the Seldinger technique was used         (n = 51)   (n = 40)   (n = 40)
           to gain access to the common femoral artery through   Bilirubin   1.76 ± 1.2  0.83 ± 0.24  1.72 ± 1.59  < 0.05
           femoral artery puncture. A 5-french vascular sheath was   (mg/dL)  3.16 ± 0.65  4.35 ± 0.53  3.06 ± 0.84  < 0.05
           placed into the common femoral artery over a 0.035-  (g/dL)  67.34 ± 38.4  61.80 ± 41.13  55.82 ± 30.17  0.31
                                                               ALT (U/L)
           inch guide-wire. Under fluoroscopic guidance, a 5-french   AST (U/L)  90.03 ± 55.8  48.55 ± 25.20  67.30 ± 32.03  < 0.05
                                                                                  14.04 ± 1.78
                                                                                             10.76 ± 2.31
                                                                       11.53 ± 1.86
           glide Cobra catheter (Cordis Corporation, Miami Lakes,   Hb (g/dL)  114.58 ± 55.0  192.62 ± 47.9  104.37 ± 62.9  < 0.05
                                                                                                        < 0.05
           Florida, USA) was advanced into the aorta. Angiographic   (/mm )
           study of the superior mesenteric artery, celiac trunk, and   Data shown as mean ± SD. Group I: HCC patients; Group II: chronic
           the common hepatic artery was performed to identify   hepatitis; Group III: cirrhotic patients; ALT: alanine transferase; AST:
                                                              aspartate aminotransferase; Hb: hemoglobin; SD: standard deviation; HCC:
           all of the vessels feeding the HCC nodule, and to assess   hepatocellular carcinoma
           patency of the portal vein. In some patients, selective   Table 2: Study of CPS in groups I and II
           angiography of the phrenic or intercostal arterial          CPS (A) (%)  CPS (B) (%)  CPS (C) (%)  P
           branches was required. The arterial branches feeding the   Group I  24 (47)  16 (31.3)  11 (21.7)  < 0.05
                                                                                               14 (35)
                                                               Group II
                                                                                    7 (17.5)
                                                                        19 (47.5)
           tumor were selectively cannulated by microcatheters to   CPS: Child-Pugh score; (A): score 5-6; (B): score 7-9; (C): score 10-15; Group
           proceed with TACE and to ensure better preservation of   I: HCC patients; Group II: chronic hepatitis; HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma
           the surrounding non-tumoral liver tissue. Injection was   Table 3: BCLC staging in HCC studied patients
           done using an emulsion of lipiodol-doxorubicin (50 mg   Groups  BCLC (B)   BCLC (C)  BCLC (D)   Total  P
           of doxorubicin mixed with 6-20 mL of lipiodol according       (%)       (%)     (%)
           to  tumor  size,  number,  and  vascularity  to  form  the   Group Ia  18 (85.8)  3 (14.3)  0  21  < 0.05
           emulsion); injection was performed far from the origin of   Group Ib  18  13 (44)  17 (56)  30
           the gastroduodenal, right gastric, and cystic arteries; the   Group Ia: HCC, underwent TACE; Group Ib: HCC, did not undergo TACE.
           amount injected into the tumor was adjusted according   BCLC: Barcelona-Clinic Liver Cancer; (B): intermediate stage; (C): advanced
                                                              stage; (D): end stage; HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; TACE: transarterial
           to the size and uptake of the tumor. Gel foam was the   chemoembolization
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