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Robichaux et al.                                                                                                                                                                                   LLR in the cirrhotic patient

           Table 2: Patient outcomes by technique of resection
                                             Open                  Laparoscopic               P-value
           Number                             39                       75
           Major resections (%)            66.7 ± 47.7              16.3 ± 36.9               < 0.001*
           OR time (h)                      4.8 ± 2.0                2.4 ± 1.1                < 0.001*
           EBL (mL)                       609.0 ± 603.8            250.7 ± 344.6              < 0.001*
           Transfusion (%)                 38.5 ± 49.3              17.3 ± 38.1                0.012*
           Margin (cm)                      1.05 ± 0.8               0.90 ± 0.6                0.269
           ICU admission (%)               89.7 ± 30.7              32.0 ± 49.8               < 0.001*
           Complications (%)               48.7 ± 50.5              28.0 ± 45.2                0.028*
           LOS (days)                      10.1 ± 18.3               4.4 ± 3.8                 0.013*
           90-day readmissions (%)         15.4 ± 36.6              14.6 ± 35.7                0.926
           90-day mortality (%)             5.1 ± 22.4               2.7 ± 16.2                0.502
           *Statistically significant. OR: operating room; EBL: estimated blood loss; ICU: intensive care unit; LOS: length of stay

           Table 3: Patient outcomes analyzed by extent and technique of resection
                                      Minor resections (n = 76)                Major resections (n = 38)
                                Open     Laparoscopic     P-value       Open      Laparoscopic      P-value
           Number                13           63                         26            12
           Age (years)           60.1        60.4          0.913        57.1          65.8           0.058
           BMI                   29.8        27.5          0.171        27.4          28.7           0.533
           INR                   1.1          1.1          0.846         1.1           1.1           0.599
           Bilirubin             0.8          0.7          0.355         0.8           0.6           0.184
           Creatinine            1.3          0.9          0.002*        0.9           0.9           0.427
           ASA score             3.4          3.1          0.040*        3.3           3.1           0.201
           Tumor size (cm)       6.0          3.1         < 0.001*       6.8           3.7           0.023*
           EBL (mL)             438.5        215.9         0.033*       694.2         433.3          0.225
           OR time (h)           4.8          2.2         < 0.001*       4.9           3.0          < 0.001*
           Transfuse (%)         42.9        18.5          0.023*       33.0           0             0.193
           ICU utilization (%)   84.6        31.7          0.006*       92.3          33.3          < 0.001*
           LOS (days)            16.1         4.1          0.004*        7.0           6.0           0.510
           Complications (%)     46.2        23.3          0.103        46.2          50.0           0.831
           *Statistically significant. BMI: body mass index; INR: international normalized ratio; ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists; EBL: estimated
           blood loss; OR: operating room; ICU: intensive care unit; LOS: length of stay
           differences in resection extent, bleeding, transfusions,   body mass index (BMI) > 35 (P = 0.043). Creatinine (P
           and operative times  [Table 2].  Length of  stay,  and   < 0.001) and BMI (P = 0.019) persisted in significance
           complications  were  significantly  different  while  the   in minor resection but was lost in major resections.
           readmission and mortality rates were not dramatically
           different [Table 2]. Seventy-six (66.7%) resections were   DISCUSSION
           minor in extent with 63 (82.9%) of them performed
           through  the laparoscope.  Thirty-eight  resections  in   Liver resection in the cirrhotic patient is significantly more
           this series were major as defined by removal of 3 or   complex than in the non cirrhotic patient. [12-14]  Cirrhotic
           more segments with 12 (31.6%) removed through the   patients are frequently metabolically  compromised,
           laparoscope.  Minor and major resections witnessed   coagulopathic  and  may suffer from a degree  of
           a reduction in operative  times, ICU utilization  and   portal hypertension. However,  the  most  dreaded
           length of  stay.  Blood loss and complications  were   complication  of hepatic  resection  in  the cirrhotic
           significantly  less  in  the  laparoscopy  group  only  in   patient is post-operative liver failure resulting from
           minor resection. The previously described advantages   an inadequate functional liver remnant. Decades of
           were  not  identified  in  the  major  resection  subgroup   efforts in preoperative assessment including metabolic
           [Table 3]. Multivariate analysis for bleeding identified   challenge  of the liver with indomethacin  green  and
           open  resection (P = 0.014) and major  resection  (P   calculated functional liver remnant have been critical in
           =  0.026)  as  significant  risk  factors  for  blood  loss.  In   reducing operative mortality. [15,16]
           subset analysis only international normalized ratio (P
           = 0.018) was significant in the major resection group.   Since the initial Louisville  Consensus  Conference,
           Multivariate analysis identified tumor size (P = 0.023)   there have been  over 500 cases of laparoscopic
           as a risk for complications.  In subset analysis this   resection  for hepatocellular  carcinoma  reported  in
           persisted while in major resections this effect was lost.   the literature. [17-21]  Most patients  in this group  are
           Multivariate analysis for death identified creatinine (P   cirrhotic, but a considerable  percentage  were  non-
           = 0.016), bilirubin (P = 0.019), and obesity defined by   cirrhotic or pre-cirrhotic arising in the setting of chronic

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