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            Role of natural antioxidants in the therapeutic management

            of hepatocellular carcinoma

            Hanaa A. Hassan , Nermin E. El-Gharib , Anmar F. Azhari         2
            1 Physiology Division, Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt.
            2 Ministry of Health, Makkah Region, Makkah 21514, Saudi Arabia.

                 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a growing health problem in humans. HCC is considered the most common of internal
                 malignancy which cause the death of human, but in the developed Western world, HCC is less common accompanied
                 by increasing essentially in incidence, due to it occurs specially in chronic liver disease. HCC associated with various risk
                 factors including hepatitis B virus infection; hepatitis C virus infection; prolonged aflatoxin exposure; and alcoholic cirrhosis.
                 Overall, one-third of cirrhosis patients will develop HCC during their life time. Also, chemical carcinogens cause tumor
                 promotions through free radical metabolites result in many biochemical and molecular changes that induces oxidative
                 stress. The identify of HCC stage and underlying liver status then choosing the most appropriate line of therapy (surgical,
                 loco regional, radiological and medical) can be improve the survival and/or the quality of life of the patient. Taken into
                 the account of the nutritional value of some natural antioxidant agents that support the function of the body resulting an
                 improvement of the health and protection from different diseases, our review will provide an up-dated status of the different
                 aspects of HCC management through covering the efficacy and the beneficial effects of different natural agents and their
                 mechanism of action against HCC for the future therapy modalities.
                 Key words: Hepatocellular carcinoma; risk factors; natural antioxidants

            Corresponding Author:
            Prof. Hanaa A. Hassan, Physiology Division, Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt.
            Received: 30-04-2016, Accepted: 04-07-2016

            INTRODUCTION                                      for HCC, especially cirrhosis which caused by hepatitis virus
                                                              infections.  Therefore, increasing HCC risks occur in the
            Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) incidence is the most   acquired HBV during the childbirth and early childhood.
            common tumor in worldwide.  HCC involves major    The patients with HCC present with one or more of several
            changes in multiple molecular pathways, genetic and   clinical features as weight loss, right upper. HCC causes
            epigenetic  factors,  which  consequently  leads  to  the   acute disaster of abdominal by bleeding intra-abdominal
            malignant transformation and HCC progression.  Chronic   or extra hepatic appearance.  Also, patients have HCC
            liver disease and cirrhosis of patients cause HCC. HCC has   with cirrhosis cause palmarerythema, obstractive jaundice,
            major risk factors for developing cirrhosis such as, alcoholic   gynecomastia and portal hypertension.  HCC is associated
            consumbtion, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus   with  hypoglycemia,  erythrocytosis,  hypercalcemia,
            (HCV) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.  Additionally,   hypercholesterolemia and diarrhea. [9]
            the  contamination  of  water  by  chemicals,  diabetes,
            obesity and genetic factors including hemochromatosis,   ETIOLOGY OF HCC
            and some physiological disorders act as risk factors for
            developing HCC.  Cirrhosis is the most dangerous factors
                                                              The distributions of HCC are largely result from various
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              DOI:                                              How  to  cite this  article:  Hassan  HA,  El-Gharib  NE,  Azhari  AF.
              10.20517/2394-5079.2016.12                        Role  of  natural  antioxidants  in  the  therapeutic  management  of
                                                                hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatoma Res 2016;2:216-23.
             216                                              © 2016 Hepatoma Research | Published by OAE Publishing Inc.
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