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according to the score: < 1.45 was considered as   Subjects were followed  monthly, until the end of
           FO-F1; 1.45-3.25 was considered as F2; > 3.25 was   therapy.  Thereafter,  subjects  showing  ETVR  were
           considered as F3-F4.                               observed during the following 24 weeks, in order
                                                              to verify either the persistence SVR or the loss of
           Treatment                                          response.
           Standard  treatment  consisted  in  pegylated  IFN
           alfa-2a 180  µg s.c. once a week or pegylated IFN   Statistical analysis
           alfa-2b 1-1.5  µg/kg s.c. once a week plus  ribavirin   Data were expressed as means ± SD (continuous
           (800 mg/day for patients  weighing <  70  kg,  1,000    variables) or proportions (categorical values). T-test
           mg/day for patients weighing 70-80 kg, 1,200 mg/day   and Chi-square  test  were  used to  evaluate  group
           for patients weighing > 80 kg) for 48 weeks.       differences in means and proportions, respectively.
                                                              Univariate analysis was performed on baseline
           In the presence of adverse events, both IFN and    parameters  to  identify  factors potentially related
           ribavirin doses were reduced by 25% and down to 200    to SVR.  All  P  values were  two sided,  considering
           mg, respectively; both were stopped when hemoglobin   statistically significant a P value < 0.05. All analyses
           < 8.5 g/dL and/or leukocytes count < 2,000 cells/mm    were performed with Statistical Package for the
           and/or PLTs count < 50,000/mm .                    Social Science version 20.0.
           Treatment efficacy was assessed according to rapid   RESULTS
           virological response (RVR,  undetectable HCV RNA   Assessment of baseline characteristics
           at week 4 of treatment); early virological response   Baseline  characteristics,  laboratory  data and the
           (EVR), including complete EVR (cEVR, undetectable   degree of steatosis  and fibrosis are summarized
           HCV  RNA  at week 12 of treatment  in  the  absence   in Tables 1-6. Baseline characteristics, laboratory
           of RVR) and partial EVR  (pEVR,  ≥ 2 log reduction   data and the degree of both steatosis and fibrosis
           of serum HCV RNA at week 12 of therapy compared    were comparable in men and women, excepted for
           with the baseline level, in the absence of RVR or   haemoglobin,  GGT and uric acid values,  resulted
           cEVR); end-of-treatment virologic response (ETVR,   significantly  higher  in men.  Similar  results were
           undetectable HCV  RNA  at the  end of treatment);   obtained after stratification of participants by gender
           sustained virological  response (SVR, HCV RNA      and age  <  or  >  50 years;  haemoglobin  and GGT
           negativity at the end of treatment and in the after   values were significantly higher in men compared
           24 weeks); relapse was defined as undetectable HCV   to women both aged less and more than 50 years.
           RNA at end of treatment and detectable HCV RNA     Cryoglobulins positivity occurred more frequently in
           during follow-up.                                  women aged more than 50 years (P = 0.05).

           Table 1: Comparison of baseline serum chemistry parameters between males and females in the whole sample
                                               Whole sample (n = 100)
                                                                                 Student's T-test   P value
                                        Male (n = 55)        Female (n = 45)
           Age (years)                    45.6 ± 11            48.8 ± 11.6            -1.43          0.156
           PLTs (× 10 /L)                 202 ± 46              220 ± 69             -1.534          0.128
           Hb (g/dL)                     15.2 ± 1.38           13.78 ± 1.36          4.774            0
           WBC (× 10 /L)                  6 ± 1.6               5.5 ± 1.5             1.318          0.191
           AST (U/L)                      56 ± 46               56 ± 44               0.03           0.976
           ALT (U/L)                      95 ± 72               72 ± 64               1.653          0.102
           GGT (U/L)                      96 ± 87               42 ± 31              4.568            0
           ALP (U/L)                      89 ± 36               98 ± 48              -0.327          0.746
           Total bilirubin (mg/dL)       0.96 ± 0.43           0.79 ± 0.26            1.878          0.065
           INR                            1.1 ± 0.3              1 ± 0.1              1.954          0.059
           Uric acid (mg/dL)              5.6 ± 1.3              4.3 ± 1             3.854            0
           AFP (ng/mL)                    9.3 ± 9.9             6.7 ± 4.8             1.026          0.312
           HCV RNA  (log 10  UI/mL)      5.7 ± 0.64            5.8 ± 0.64            -0.445          0.657
           Cryoglobulins (+/-)             3/52                  6/39               Chi = 1.88       0.17
           Ferritin (ng/mL)              308 ± 469              134 ± 115             1.624          0.111
           Data are shown as mean ± SD. PLT: platelet; Hb: hemoglobin; WBC: white blood cell; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; GGT:
           gamma-glutamyltransferase; ALP: alkaline phosphatase; INR: international normalized ratio; AFP: alpha-fetoprotein; HCV: hepatitis C virus

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