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METHODS                                             Statistical analysis
                                                              Chi-square test and Fisher’s t-test whenever appropriate
          Patients selection                                  were used for categorical variables and Mann-Whitney U-test
          All the patients transplanted for hepatitis C related liver   for continues variables. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were
          disease with HCC were analyzed retrospectively. All the data   prepared for recurrences and mortality with the Log-rank
          collected was at the time of liver transplant. Barcelona clinic   test. Multivariate analysis was performed using multivariate
          liver cancer staging criteria were followed to decide treatment   Cox regression analysis.   SPSS version 21 (IBM, Armonk, NY,
          options. University of California, San Fransisco (UCSF)   USA) was used for statistical analysis. Two-tailed significances
          criteria were used as transplantation indication.  If the   were taken into consideration. P < 0.05 was considered as
          tumor was outside UCSF criteria, loco-regional therapies   statistically significant.
          such as transarterial chemoembolization, radiofrequency
          ablation were used. These patients were scheduled for   RESULTS
          transplantation when they fulfilled UCSF criteria. Results
          with down staging are published before.  Patients who   One hundred and nine patients underwent living donor LT
          underwent liver resections before and subsequently   for HCV-related HCC between July 2002 and November 2012.
          transplanted for intrahepatic recurrence were included in   Median follow-up time was 31 months. Eighteen patients
          salvage transplant group, and other patients who were   underwent salvage transplantation for intrahepatic recurrence
          transplanted without prior resection were included in the   post-hepatectomy; while 91 patients underwent primary
          primary transplant group. The review board of Chang Gung   transplants. Patients’ characteristics are described in Table 1.
          Memorial Hospital approved this study.
          Follow-up                                           As described in Table 1, age of patients in both groups, mean
          Patients were followed-up every 3 months for the first year,   tumor numbers and size were comparable in both the groups.
          then every 6 months and yearly after that. Follow-up included   The primary transplant group had statistically significant
          liver function tests, alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and triple-phase   higher mean model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score
              computed tomography scan, or magnetic resonance imaging.  and mean   Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) score.

          Table 1: Characteristics of 109 patients with hepatitis C virus liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing liver
          transplantation as salvage or primary treatment
                                               Salvage transplant (n = 18)   Primary transplant (n = 91)    P
          Age (years, mean ± SD)                       56 ± 5                       56 ± 6                0.874
          Sex (male, %)                                 72                            63                   0.471
          MELD (mean ± SD)                            9 ± 4.6                       11 ± 4.2               0.026
          CTP (mean ± SD)                              6 ± 1                         8 ± 2                 0.045
          Associated HBV infection (%)                  28                            15                   0.307
          Pre-operative interferon and ribaverin        22                            37                   0.283
          treatment (%)
          Overall recurrence (%)                        11                            13                   0.836
          Pre-operative RFA (%)                         33                            34                   0.971
          Percutaneous ethanol injection (%)            22                            15                   0.433
          Overall mortality (%)                         28                            12                   0.090
          Pre-transplant within Milan (%)               33                            55                   0.114
          Pre-transplant TACE (%)                       67                            53                   0.299
          Microvascular invasion on explant             11                            25                   0.178
          histology (%)
          Moderate to poor differentiation on           50                            25                   0.052
          explant histology (%)
          Pre-operative viral load = 0 (%)              22                            19                   0.744
          Recurrence months (mean ± SD)               37 ± 32                       37 ± 26                0.544
          AFP pre-operative (mean ± SD)               40 ± 509                      123 ± 86               0.764
          Waiting months for transplant                9 ± 13                       9 ± 12                 0.673
          (mean ± SD)
          Number of tumor (mean ± SD)                  1 ± 2                         1 ± 1                 0.588
          Size of largest tumor (cm, mean ± SD)       2.1 ± 1.6                     3 ± 1.8                0.116
          Pre-operative viral load (mean ± SD)    44,153 ± 146,079              162,459 ± 549,720          0.752
          Data are shown as % or mean ± SD. MELD: model for end-stage  liver  disease; CTP: Child-Turcotte-Pugh; HBV: hepatitis B virus; RFA: radiofrequency ablation;
          TACE: transarterial chemoembolization; AFP: alpha-fetoprotein; SD: standard deviation

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