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          Table 2: Perioperative results                      scalpel (Harmonic Ace Shears ; Ethicon, Endo-Surgery,
                               Group 1    Group 2   P  S/NS   Cincinnati, OH, USA) or with a vessel sealer (Enseal Tissue
                                 (%)        (%)               Sealer ; Ethicon, Endo-Surgery, Cincinnati, OH, USA)
          Extensive adhesions   5 (71.4)   2 (11.7)  0.01  S  or (Ligasure™; Covidien, Mansfield, MA, USA), and was
          (grade 3-4)
          Operative time, min  220.14 ± 80.06 150 ± 56.18 0.03  S  performed with reduced bleeding, due to a reduction of
          (mean ± SD)                                         portal inflow of up to 30% because of the pneumoperitoneum.
          Blood loss, mL (mean ± SD)  297 ± 134  272.2 ± 120  1.0  NS  The resection bed surfaces were treated with a biologic
          Morbidity             5 (29.4)  2 (28.5)  1.0  NS   fibrin glue (Tissucol; Baxter, Wien, Österreich), or a
          Grade I atelectasis     1          1      -   -
                                                              hemostatic gel (Floseal; Baxter, Wien, Österreich), or a sealant
          Grade I ascites         1          0      -   -     patch (TachoSil ; Takeda, Linz, Österreich) to minimize risk
          Grade II pneumonia      2          0      -   -
                                                              of biliary leak and to ensure hemostasis.
          Grade II bleeding       1          0      -   -
          Grade IIIa perforation  0          1      -   -
          Mortality               Nil       Nil     -   -     Bipolar electrocoagulation was used for minor bleeding, and
          Conversion              1          0      -   -     larger structures were secured with ties or either multiple
          S/NS: signifi cant/nonsignifi cant; SD: standard deviation  absorbable or nonabsorbable clips.

          Table 3: Classifi cation of adhesions                In order to facilitate the maneuver of left lateral sectionectomy,
          Grade  Description of adhesions                     the left hepatic vein was stapled, and the device was
          0      None
                                                              introduced through the trocar located on the right of the
          1      Thin fi lm, divided by blunt dissection
                                                              patient, and then angled toward the left.
          2      Thin vascular, easily divided by sharp dissection
          3      Extensive thick vascular, requires division by sharp dissection
                                                              Laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation
          4      Dense, bowel at risk of injury with division
                                                              A three-trocar configuration was routinely used. A 12-mm
                                                              port at the umbilicus housed the 30° laparoscope. After
          of open laparoscopy with the Hasson trocar. In some cases,
          a safe access to the abdominal cavity was carried out by use   an extensive adhesiolysis has been performed, staging
          of a Visiport  (Covidien, Mansfield, MA, USA), opening the   abdominal laparoscopy and laparoscopic ultrasonography
          abdominal wall layer by layer, after pneumoperitoneum was   were carried out to identify the positions of the lesions.
          achieved with a Verres needle.
                                                              As previously described,  RFA was carried out with
          During the exploratory laparoscopy, parietal and visceral   multi-electrode 15-gauge radiofrequency probes (RITA Medical
          adhesions were dissected. Such adhesions had to be dissected   Systems, Mountain View, CA, USA). Hook-shaped retractable
          carefully with the use of specific surgical devices without   electrodes were deployed to a maximum diameter of 3 cm.
          causing any damage to the gastrointestinal tract before   After every electrode had reached a temperature of 100 °C,
          obtaining surgical access to the liver. In this phase, the   the ablation was performed in a step-by-step fashion, with a
          pneumoperitoneum allowed adhesions to become strained   single step lasting approximately 8-10 min. In two patients
          to allow more meticulous assessment and lysis of adherences.   with a deep HCC, the size of the lesion was slightly larger
          The Pringle maneuver was prepared for all patients but was   than that recommended for a standard RFA (35 and 33 mm,
          performed only in selected cases (8/24).            respectively). In these two cases, a Pringle maneuver was
                                                              carried out during laparoscopy causing vascular occlusion to
          Anatomical resections (segmentectomy, subsegmentctomy of   reduce blood flow and to increase the volume of the ablation.
          IVb, bisegmentectomy, and left lateral sectionectomy) were
          performed for treatment of HCC, and WR was performed for   After track ablation, hemostasis of the liver surface was
          liver metastases.                                   ensured by bipolar electrocoagulation.

          After an extensive adhesiolysis has been performed, staging   RESULTS
          abdominal laparoscopy and laparoscopic ultrasonography
          were carried out to confirm the extension of the lesions   Repeat laparoscopic hepatic procedures were performed in
          and their relationships to the vasculature, to visualize their   24 patients: 6 were treated by left lateral sectionectomy
          margins inside the parenchyma, and to exclude a widespread   (1 associated with a WR), 4 by segmentectomy, 4 by
          peritoneal carcinosis that might hinder the procedure.   subsegmentectomy (1 had conversion to laparotomy), 1 by
          Laparoscopic transections were performed with a harmonic   bysegmentectomy associated with a WR, 4 by laparoscopic

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